Results for "Otis Jr."
Otis Ray Miller Jr - 1923 to 1997
Birth: Feb 13, 1923 Marietta New, Ohio, USA
Death: 8 Nov 1997 Mentor, Lake, Ohio
Father: Otis R Miller
Mother: Mamie Lowe
Otis Edgar White Jr. - 1923 to 1997
Birth: 21 Jun 1923
Death: Nov 1997 Dallas, Texas
Father: Otis E White
Mother: Martha Gorda "Mattie" Paulk
Otis Gartrail Guiltner Jr. - 1946 to 1980
Birth: 23 Dec 1946
Death: 7 May 1980
Father: Otis Guiltner
Mother: Pearlie B. Taylor
Otis Billings Jr. - 1800 to 1908
Birth: WFT Est 1800/1829
Death: WFT Est 1806/1908
Father: Otis Billings
Mother: Ann Wiswell
Otis Butler Whaley Jr. - 1885
Birth: BET 1885 AND 1888
Death: Not Available
Father: Otis Butler Whaley
Mother: Martha Eddy