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Name: Otis Andrew Catoe
Birth: 15 Jan 1888 Lancaster County, South Carolina
Death: 16 Dec 1959 Pleasant Dale, Lancaster County, South Carolina
Father: Amos Hascal Catoe
Mother: Frances Henerietta Baker
Name: Otis CATOE
Birth: 20 Sep 1925 Lancaster, Lancaster, South Carolina, USA
Death: 29 April 1999
Father: Wesley B Catoe
Mother: Oda Talbert
Name: Otis James Catoe
Birth: 20 Jul 1899 Jefferson, Chesterfield, South Carolina
Death: 13 Mar 1954 Monroe, Union, North Carolina
Father: Samuel David Catoe
Mother: Elizabeth Missouri Connell
Name: Otis Dempster Catoe
Birth: 18 Jan 1927 Lancaster, Lancaster County, South Carolina, USA
Death: 03 Aug 1965 Camden, Kershaw County, South Carolina, USA
Father: Oscar Samuel Catoe
Mother: Lucille Almetta "Lucy" Williams
Name: Otis Catoe
Birth: 1 Dec 1893 Kershaw, Lancaster County, South Carolina, United States
Death: 15 Feb 1896 Kershaw, Lancaster County, South Carolina, United States
Father: John Calhoun Catoe
Mother: Jerome Dora Faile Catoe
Name: Otis Catoe
Birth: 1933
Death: 23 Mar 1933 Hartsville, Darlington, South Carolina, USA
Father: Johnny Catoe
Mother: Private
Name: Otis Lee Catoe
Birth: Not Available S. C.
Death: Not Available Charlotte,North Carolina,USA
Father: Private
Mother: Private
Name: Otis Andrew Catoe
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: Private
Mother: Private
Name: Otis Vernon Catoe
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: Private
Mother: Private
Name: Otis Catoe
Birth: 30 Dec 1918
Death: 07 Sep 1987
Father: Private
Mother: Private
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