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Results for "Nelson Jacobs"

1 - 25 of 102 Records

Nelson B. Jacobs - 1845 to 1928

Birth: Dec 1845 Fulton Co., ILbirth0

Death: 15 SEP 1928 liberty Center, Warren Co., Iowadeath0


Father: William B Jacobs

Mother: Mary Jacobs

Nelson B. Jacobs - 1845 to 1928

Birth: Dec 1845 Fulton Co., ILbirth1

Death: 15 SEP 1928 liberty Center, Warren Co., Iowadeath1


Father: William B Jacobs

Mother: Mary Jacobs

Nelson Jerome Jacobs - 1919 to 1988

Birth: abt 1919 New York, USAbirth2

Death: 20 Sep 1988 Seal Beach, Orange, California, USAdeath2


Father: Joseph Jacobi

Mother: Francis Marie Galley (Galczynski Galschinski)

nelson buddy jacobs - 1903 to 2003

Birth: 4 Aug 1903 georigabirth3

Death: 8 Aug 2003 Bridgeton, Cumberland, New Jersey, United Statesdeath3


Father: Peter Jacobs

Mother: Sarah Elizabeth Robbins

Nelson N. Jacobs - 1898 to 1972

Birth: abt 1898 New Yorkbirth4

Death: 1972 Hollywood, Broward, Florida, USAdeath4


Father: Moutague Jacobs

Mother: Katharine Margaret Coile Jacobs

Nelson N. Jacobs - 1898 to 1972

Birth: abt 1898 New Yorkbirth5

Death: 1972 Hollywood, Broward, Florida, USAdeath5


Father: Moutague Jacobs

Mother: Katharine Margaret Coile Jacobs

Nelson James Jacobs - 1932 to 2019

Birth: 5 Sep 1932 Holland, Ottawa, Michigan, USAbirth6

Death: 16 Jul 2019


Father: Herman J Jacobs

Mother: Sena Symontje Volkema

Nelson Kenneth Jacobs - 1931 to 1986

Birth: 1931 Curve Lake Reserve, Ontario, Canadabirth7

Death: 1986 Curve Lake Reserve, Ontario, Canadadeath7


Father: Kenneth Jacobs

Mother: Florence Coppaway

Nelson Jacobs - 1856

Birth: abt 1856 Robeson Co., NCbirth8

Death: Not Available Robeson, North Carolina, USAdeath8


Father: Hugh Jacobs

Mother: Penelope Locklear

Nelson Jacobs - 1856

Birth: abt 1856 Robeson Co., NCbirth9

Death: Not Available Robeson, North Carolina, USAdeath9


Father: Hugh Jacobs

Mother: Penelope Locklear

Nelson Jacobs - 1803 to 1880

Birth: 12 Jun 1803 Mansfield, Tolland, Connecticut, USAbirth10

Death: Nov 1880 Mansfield, Tolland, Connecticut, USAdeath10


Father: Zalmon Jacobs

Mother: Fanny Robinson

Nelson Jacobs - 1811 to 1893

Birth: 28 FEB 1811 PAbirth11

Death: 18 DEC 1893 Harrison Co., INdeath11


Father: John W Jacobs

Mother: Margaret Livingston

Nelson Jacobs - 1942

Birth: abt 1942 Pennsylvaniabirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Marlin Carl Jacobs

Mother: Sara Windemaker

Nelson F Jacobs - 1908 to 1979

Birth: 26 JAN 1908 Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohiobirth13

Death: 24 NOV 1979 Cleveland Clinic Hospitaldeath13


Father: Herman I. Jacobs

Mother: Celia Frankel Jacobs

Nelson Harry Jacobs - 1923 to 1976

Birth: 25 JAN 1923

Death: 9 SEP 1976


Father: Harry Adam JACOBS

Mother: Lilly Pearl ST. CLAIR

Nelson Jacobs - 1851 to 1889

Birth: 1851 Ohiobirth15

Death: 5 July 1889 Hillsboro, Highland County, Ohio, United States of Americadeath15


Father: Charles Jacobs

Mother: Elizabeth Jane McKee

Nelson Jacobs - 1908 to 1908

Birth: 22 Nov 1908 Brooklyn, Kings, New Yorkbirth16

Death: 23 Nov 1908 Brooklyn, Kings, New Yorkdeath16


Father: Nelson Jacobs

Mother: Catherine A. Sullivan

Nelson Otto "Jake" Jacobs - 1899 to 1989

Birth: 24 Mar 1899 Ander, Goliad, Texas, USAbirth17

Death: 25 May 1989 Victoria, Victoria, Texas, USAdeath17


Father: Pantaleon Jacobs

Mother: Gustena "Justine" Voelkel

Nelson Jacobs - 1904

Birth: abt 1904 Missouribirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Walter Test Jacobs

Mother: Lulu J Rowan

Nelson Melville Jacobs - 1893 to 1979

Birth: 6 Sep 1893 San Francisco, San Francisco, Californiabirth19

Death: 9 May 1979 Oakland, Alameda, California, USAdeath19


Father: Alexander Jacobs

Mother: Esther Louise Jacobs

Nelson Edward Jacobs - 1922 to 2002

Birth: 22 Apr 1922 Orchard Park, Erie, New York USAbirth20

Death: 14 Apr 2002 Orchard Park, Erie, New York USAdeath20


Father: John F Jacobs

Mother: Hulda Ida Johanna Groth

Nelson Edward Jacobs - 1846 to 1933

Birth: 20 Sep 1846 Weston, Platte, Missouri, United Statesbirth21

Death: 3 Apr 1933 Memphis, Shelby, Tennesseedeath21


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Nelson Edward Jacobs - 1846 to 1933

Birth: 20 Sep 1846 Weston, Platte, Missouri, United Statesbirth22

Death: 3 Apr 1933 Memphis, Shelby, Tennesseedeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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