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Results for "Myrtle Cloyd"

1 - 15 of 15 Records

Myrtle R Cloyd - 1886 to 1966

Birth: Jun 1886 Cary, Cumberland, Kentucky, United Statesbirth0

Death: 20 April 1966 Burkesville, Cumberland, Kentucky, United States of Americadeath0


Father: Robert B. Cloyd

Mother: Adaline Lewis

Myrtle Devona Cloyd - 1882 to 1969

Birth: 19 Jan 1882 Hastings, Adams, Nebraskabirth1

Death: 02 Apr 1969 Greenville, Darke Co., Ohio, USAdeath1


Father: Allen Cloyd

Mother: Alice Belle Merritt

Myrtle Cloyd - 1907 to 1989

Birth: 6 Feb 1907 Laurel County, Kentucky, USAbirth2

Death: 11 Mar 1989 Fulton, Itawamba, Mississippi, USAdeath2


Father: Robert Marion Cloyd

Mother: Sarah Elizabeth Hunt

Myrtle M Cloyd - 1893 to 1971

Birth: Dec 04 1893 Mercer Co., KYbirth3

Death: 1971


Father: John T Cloyd

Mother: Elizabeth Miranda Chumley

Myrtle CLOYD

Birth: Not Available Kentucky, USAbirth4

Death: Not Available Fulton, Itawamba, Mississippi, USAdeath4


Father: Robert Webb Cloyd

Mother: Patricia Ann Stark

Myrtle Cloyd - 1874 to 1959

Birth: 1874 Tennesseebirth5

Death: 1959


Father: Thomas Jefferson Cloyd

Mother: Elizabeth Ann Miller

Myrtle Cloyd - 1897 to 1942

Birth: 1897 Mercer Co., KYbirth6

Death: 19 JUL 1942 Lincoln, Logan Co., ILdeath6


Father: Iverson L Cloyd

Mother: Binda A Cloyd

Myrtle Bell Cloyd - 1880

Birth: 16 DEC 1880 Tennesseebirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Albert Emerson Cloyd

Mother: Mary Caroline Murr

Myrtle CLOYD

Birth: Not Available Kentucky, USAbirth8

Death: Not Available Fulton, Itawamba, Mississippi, USAdeath8


Father: Robert Webb CLOYD

Mother: Not Available

Myrtle Cloyd - 1896

Birth: 1896 Kentuckybirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Binda Cloyd

Myrtle Cloyd - 1891 to 1974

Birth: 22 Aug 1891 North Carolina, United Statesbirth10

Death: 15 Nov 1974 Charlotte, Mecklenburg, North Carolina, USAdeath10


Father: Thomas A Cloyd

Mother: Not Available

Myrtle Cloyd - 1906 to 1994

Birth: 17 Mar 1906 Poplar Grove, Kentuckybirth11

Death: 28 Jun 1994 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, United Statesdeath11


Father: Not Available

Mother: Alda Boss

Myrtle May Cloyd - 1888 to 1916

Birth: 4 Feb 1888 Tompkinsville, Monroe, Kentucky, United Statesbirth12

Death: 6 Aug 1916 Tompkinsville, Monroe, Kentucky, United Statesdeath12


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Myrtle A Cloyd - 1904

Birth: abt 1904 Virginiabirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Myrtle Cloyd

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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