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Results for "Morris Morris"

1 - 25 of 1,132 Records

Morris Morris - 1840 to 1932

Birth: 11 October 1840 Wharton, Fayette, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth0

Death: 01 Aug 1932 Fayette City, Fayette, Pennsylvania, United Statesdeath0


Father: Hervey Morris

Mother: Elizabeth Rebecca Keplinger

Morris Morris - 1823 to 1903

Birth: May 12,1823 Uniontown, Fayette, Pennsylvaniabirth1

Death: 1903 Morgantown WVdeath1


Father: Griffith Morris

Mother: Hannah Springer

Morris W Morris - 1845 to 1906

Birth: 4 Sep 1845 Jamaica, West Indiesbirth2

Death: 1906/08/18 Riverhead,Norfolk,New York,USAdeath2


Father: Henry Morris Morrison

Mother: Julia Carvalho

Morris Morris - 1862 to 1928

Birth: abt 1862 Llanfyrnach, Pembrokeshire, Walesbirth3

Death: 6 Dec 1928 Sacramento County, California, USAdeath3




MORRIS OWEN MORRIS - 1835 to 1876

Birth: abt 1835 Montgomery, Montgomeryshire, Walesbirth4

Death: 1876 Poultney, Rutland, Vermontdeath4


Father: Morris Morris

Mother: JANE

MORRIS OWEN MORRIS - 1835 to 1876

Birth: abt 1835 Montgomery, Montgomeryshire, Walesbirth5

Death: 1876 Poultney, Rutland, Vermontdeath5


Father: Morris Morris

Mother: JANE

Morris Morris - 1677 to 1764

Birth: 05 Oct 1677 Carnarvon, Caernarvonshire, Walesbirth6

Death: 2 Jun 1764 Richland, Bucks, Pennsylvania, United Statesdeath6


Father: Evan Morris

Mother: Catherine Gainor

Morris Chester Morris - 1872 to 1925

Birth: 22 Oct 1872 Indianabirth7

Death: 4 Oct 1925 Pueblo, Pueblo, Colorado, USAdeath7


Father: Thomas ONeil Morris

Mother: Estelle Jane Goodale

Morris Edward Morris - 1712 to 1767

Birth: 1712 Gwynedd, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth8

Death: 19 Nov 1767 Hilltown, Bucks, Pennsylvaniadeath8


Father: Cadwalader Maurice Morris

Mother: Elizabeth Morgan

Morris Edward Morris - 1712 to 1767

Birth: 1712 Gwynedd, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth9

Death: 19 Nov 1767 Hilltown, Bucks, Pennsylvaniadeath9


Father: Cadwalader Maurice Morris

Mother: Elizabeth Morgan

Morris Morris - 1773 to 1825

Birth: 01 Apr 1773 Hilltown, Bucks, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth10

Death: 01 Feb 1825 Stewart Twp, Fayette, PAdeath10


Father: William Morris (Morse)

Mother: Ann Griffith Morris

Morris Edward Morris - 1712 to 1767

Birth: 1712 Gwynedd, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth11

Death: 19 Nov 1767 Hilltown, Bucks, Pennsylvaniadeath11


Father: Cadwalader Maurice Morris

Mother: Elizabeth Morgan

Morris Isaac Morris - 1803 to 1878

Birth: 1803 Merionethshire, Wales, United Kingdombirth12

Death: Dec 1878 Caernarvonshire, Merionethshire, United Kingdomdeath12


Father: Owen

Mother: Jane Jones

Morris Morris - 1835 to 1913

Birth: abt 1835 Englandbirth13

Death: 25 Mar 1913 St Louis, Missouri, USAdeath13


Father: Abraham Morris

Mother: Rose Mordecai

Morris Griffith Morris - 1864

Birth: 1864 Trawsfynydd, Merionethshirebirth14

Death: Not Available New York U S Adeath14


Father: Griffith Morris

Mother: Ellen Morris

Morris T Morris - 1817 to 1888

Birth: 1817 Bryncroesbirth15

Death: 22 Sep 1888 Fedw Las, Llanynys, Denbighshiredeath15


Father: Thomas Morris

Mother: Jonnet Roberts

Morris Morris - 1847 to 1906

Birth: 1847 Llandilo, Carmarthenshire, Walesbirth16

Death: 17 Feb 1906 Cwmdu, Maesteg, Glamorgan, Walesdeath16


Father: William Morris

Mother: Elizabeth George

Morris Griffith Morris - 1864

Birth: 1864 Trawsfynydd, Merionethshirebirth17

Death: Not Available New York U S Adeath17


Father: Griffith Morris

Mother: Ellen Morris

Morris Thomas Morris - 1842 to 1908

Birth: 3 Aug 1842 Bodgaeaf Isaf Bryncroes, Caernarvonshire, Walesbirth18

Death: 28 Oct 1908 Bron Menai North Road Caernarfon death18


Father: Thomas Morris

Mother: Catherine Roberts

Morris Morris - 1850 to 1914

Birth: abt 1850 Barmouth, Merionethshire, Walesbirth19

Death: July 1914 Carnarvon, Caernarvonshiredeath19


Father: Morris Morris

Mother: Mary Hughes

Morris Morris - 1822 to 1889

Birth: 1822 New Yorkbirth20

Death: 1889 Remsen NYdeath20


Father: William Morris

Mother: Catherine

Morris Morris - 1725 to 1758

Birth: 1725 Montgomery, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth21

Death: Nov 1758 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAdeath21


Father: Morris (Maurice) Morris (Morse)

Mother: Susannah Woolrich Heath

Morris Morris - 1780 to 1864

Birth: 18 DEC 1780 Monongalia, Virginia West Virginia, USAbirth22

Death: 16 AUG 1864 Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, USAdeath22


Father: John Morris-Revolutionary Soldier

Mother: Eleanor Coburn DeGroff

Morris John Morris - 1853 to 1928

Birth: abt 1853 Llandeiniolen, Caernarfonshire, Walesbirth23

Death: 29 March 1928 Carnarvon, Caernarvonshire, Walesdeath23


Father: John Morris (Jones)

Mother: Jane Griffith

Morris John Morris - 1853 to 1928

Birth: abt 1853 Llandeiniolen, Caernarfonshire, Walesbirth24

Death: 29 March 1928 Carnarvon, Caernarvonshire, Walesdeath24


Father: John Morris (Jones)

Mother: Jane Griffith

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