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Results for "Michael Odea"

1 - 25 of 674 Records

Michael Patrick Odea - 1886 to 1978

Birth: 31 Mar 1886 New Yorkbirth0

Death: May, 1978 Tonawanda, Erie, New York, United States of Americadeath0


Father: James O'Dea

Mother: Mary Ann Darsey

Michael Patrick Odea - 1886 to 1978

Birth: 31 Mar 1886 New Yorkbirth1

Death: May, 1978 Tonawanda, Erie, New York, United States of Americadeath1


Father: James O'Dea

Mother: Mary Ann Darsey

Michael Leyden ODea - 1848 to 1916

Birth: 16 Sep 1848 Co, Clare, Irelandbirth2

Death: 1916/1925 South Australiadeath2


Father: John O'Dea

Mother: Catherine Leyden

Michael Odea - 1820 to 1900

Birth: abt 1820 Irelandbirth3

Death: Abt. 1900


Father: Patrick O'Dea

Mother: Joanna (maybe O'Dea)

Michael O'Dea - 1842 to 1900

Birth: 19 Jul 1842 creevaghmore, Clare, Irelandbirth4

Death: Sep 1900 Tulla, Irelanddeath4


Father: Patrick O'Dea

Mother: Bridget Mcnamara

Michael O'Dea - 1823 to 1876

Birth: 15 Jun 1823 Kilteely, Limerick, Irelandbirth5

Death: 13 Jul 1876 Killarney near Koroit, Victoria, Australiadeath5


Father: John O'Dea

Mother: Penelope Meagher O'Dea

Michael Francis "Frank" O'Dea - 1891 to 1942

Birth: 06 Nov 1891 Humboldt, Minnehaha, South Dakota, United Statesbirth6

Death: 18 April 1942 Rapid City, Pennington, South Dakota, USAdeath6


Father: Patrick O'Dea

Mother: Mary Magdeline Kelly

Michael O'Dea - 1836 to 1876

Birth: 17 May 1836 New Market-on-fergus, Clare, Irelandbirth7

Death: 5 Feb 1876 Lima, Livingston, New York, USAdeath7


Father: Edward O'Dea

Mother: Margaret Cashman

Michael Patrick O'Dea - 1883 to 1945

Birth: 1883 Congupna

Death: 1945 Queenslanddeath8


Father: Michael O Dea

Mother: Maria Jones Blinco

Michael John O'Dea - 1862 to 1911

Birth: 23 JAN 1862 Riddells Creek, Victoria, Australiabirth9

Death: 4 SEP 1911 Creswick, Victoria, Australiadeath9


Father: DENIS Odea

Mother: Bridget McNamara

Michael Patrick O'Dea - 1876 to 1965

Birth: 13 Jul 1876 Foster, Victoria, Australiabirth10

Death: 27 Aug 1965 Cairns, Queensland, Australiadeath10


Father: John O'Dea

Mother: Bridget Murphy

Michael Francis O'Dea - 1862 to 1931

Birth: 1862 Irelandbirth11

Death: 1931 Netherby, Victoria, Australiadeath11


Father: Patrick O'Dea

Mother: Winifred Jane O'Halloran or Halloran

Michael Patrick O'Dea - 1886 to 1944

Birth: 05 May 1886 Mount Pleasant, South Australia, Australiabirth12

Death: 29 SEP 1944 Mount Pleasant, South Australia, Australiadeath12


Father: Thomas O'Dea

Mother: Annie Williams

Michael O'Dea - 1822 to 1888

Birth: 1822 Moveen, Clare, Irelandbirth13

Death: May 1888 Moveen West, Clare, Irelanddeath13


Father: JOHN O'Dea

Mother: JOHANNA Colsch

Michael Joseph O'Dea - 1869 to 1940

Birth: 04 JAN 1869 St Marys (Town/Ville), Perth (south/sud), Ontario, Canadabirth14

Death: 1940 Ontario, Canadadeath14


Father: Michael O'Dea

Mother: Bridget Collins

Michael O'DEA - 1860 to 1937

Birth: Jan 1860 Irelandbirth15

Death: 18 Dec 1937 Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USAdeath15


Father: John O'DEA

Mother: Bridget Donohue

Michael 'Mikey' O'Dea - 1874 to 1954

Birth: abt 1874 Moveen West, County Clare, Irelandbirth16

Death: 1954 Moveen West, Clare, Irelanddeath16


Father: Michael O'Dea

Mother: Honora Norah McMahon

Michael O'Dea - 1847 to 1964

Birth: abt 1847 Tullabrach, Cooraclare, County Clare, Ireland

Death: March 18, 1964 Tullabrach, Cooraclare, County Clare, Ireland


Father: Austin O'Dea

Mother: Bridget M (Biddy) Mahoney

Michael O'Dea - 1839 to 1917

Birth: 09 Nov 1839 Kilmichael Parish, County Clare, Ireland

Death: 07 Feb 1917 Toronto, York, Ont., Canadadeath18


Father: John O'Dea

Mother: Bridget Therry

Michael O'Dea - 1840 to 1893

Birth: 20 Jul 1840 Cloncashen, Ennis, Clare, Irelandbirth19

Death: 3 Aug 1893 At home, Blackburn Street, Adelaide, South Australia, Australiadeath19


Father: John Francis ODea

Mother: Mary Hynes

Michael O'Dea - 1833 to 1907

Birth: 1833 Kilrush, Clare, Irelandbirth20

Death: 14 Apr 1907 Newfoundland and Labrador, Canadadeath20


Father: Michael O'Dea

Mother: Margaret Doody

Michael O'Dea - 1844 to 1912

Birth: 1844 Galway, Irelandbirth21

Death: 28 February 1912 Geelong, Victoria, Australiadeath21


Father: Thomas Odea

Mother: May Hanley

Michael James O'Dea - 1805 to 1885

Birth: abt 1805 Kildysart, County Clare, Irelandbirth22

Death: 16 Feb 1885 Ellicottville, Cattaraugus, New York, USAdeath22


Father: Daniel Joseph O'Dea

Mother: Catherine Burke

Michael Charles (Charlie) O'Dea - 1879 to 1962

Birth: 26 May 1879 Hilltops Council, New South Wales, Australia

Death: 28 July 1962 Young, Hilltops Council, New South Wales, Australiadeath23


Father: Peter O'Dea

Mother: Mary Agnes Dwyer

Michael O'Dea - 1842 to 1870

Birth: abt 1842 Irelandbirth24

Death: 03 Jan 1870 Sacramento, Sacramento, California, USAdeath24


Father: Patrick O'Dea

Mother: Kathleen Lynskey

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