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Results for "mavis bacon"

Name: Mavis Myrtle Bacon

Birth: 5 Mar 1918 Walcha, New South Wales, Australia

Death: 13/10/2004 Casino, New South Wales, Australia

Father: Alfred Charles Bacon

Mother: Lucy Ellen Steel

Name: Mavis Annie Bacon

Birth: 18 Apr 1900 Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England

Death: UNK

Father: Arthur Slade Bacon

Mother: Annie Dulmage Matthews

Name: Mavis Jessie Bacon

Birth: 17 December 1930 Cranbourne, Victoria

Death: 16 Jan 2013 Casey Aged Care Facility, 300 Golf Links Rd., Narre Warren, Victoria, Australia

Father: James Henry Bacon


Name: Mavis Joan Bacon

Birth: 24 May 1936 Salem, Richardson, Nebraska, USA

Death: 30 Sep 2018 Alberquerie, New Mexico, Colfax, New Mexico, USA

Father: Roy W "John" Bacon

Mother: Ethel H Stevenson

Name: mavis bacon

Birth: 21aug1929 Mansfield, Nottinghamshire

Death: Jul 2004 Mansfield, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, England

Father: edwin bacon

Mother: Edith Else

Name: Mavis Rita Bacon

Birth: 22 May 1922 Pawtucket, Rhode Island

Death: 18 Aug 2006 Rhode Island, USA

Father: Arthur J Bacon

Mother: Mary A Feeley

Name: Mavis Bacon

Birth: 30 May 1943 Chesterfield, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire

Death: Mar 1978 Newark, Nottinghamshire, England

Father: Joseph Bacon

Mother: Hannah Hawkins

Name: Mavis Bacon

Birth: abt 1923 Western Australia, Australia

Death: unknown UK

Father: Thomas Henry Bacon

Mother: Janet Emily Wells

Name: Mavis Bacon

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Raymond Bacon

Mother: Hilda Whitney

Name: Mavis Jean Kaye Bacon

Birth: EST 1944

Death: Alive Jan 2011

Father: John Bacon

Mother: Private

Name: Mavis Barbara Bacon

Birth: 18/03/1934 Bow, London

Death: 18/03/1934 Bow, London


Mother: Private

Name: mavis bacon

Birth: 1934 London, London, England

Death: 2014 Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex, England

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Mavis Joyce Bacon

Birth: 27 Nov 1939 Skegby, Nottinghamshire, England

Death: Jan 2002 Mansfield, Nottinghamshire

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Mavis Myrtle Bacon

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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