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Results for "Maude Forrest"

1 - 25 of 42 Records

Maude Forrest - 1899 to 1995

Birth: 21 Nov 1899 Louisianabirth0

Death: 12 December 1995 Tarrant County, Texas, USAdeath0


Father: George Edward Forrest

Mother: Blanche Anderson

Maude Forrest - 1899 to 1995

Birth: 21 Nov 1899 Louisianabirth1

Death: 12 December 1995 Tarrant County, Texas, USAdeath1


Father: George Edward Forrest

Mother: Blanche Anderson

Maude Elizabeth Forrest - 1892 to 1955

Birth: 26 Aug 1892 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USAbirth2

Death: 02 Nov 1955 Philadelphia City, Philadelphia, Pennsylvaniadeath2


Father: Peter Forrest

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Moran

Maude Edna Forrest - 1883 to 1951

Birth: 18 Nov 1883 Antigo, Langlade, Wisconsin, United Statesbirth3

Death: 8 May 1951 Wabeno, Forest, Wisconsin, United Statesdeath3


Father: DeWitt "Dewey" Clinton Forrest

Mother: Arvista "Vittie" Celestine Carter

Maude Forrest - 1871

Birth: 1871 Wollumbi, New South Wales, Australiabirth4

Death: Not Available


Father: Thomas Forrest

Mother: Mary Jane Johnston

Maude Louise Forrest - 1895 to 1940

Birth: 25 Feb 1895 York County, Virginia USAbirth5

Death: 1940 York Co., Vadeath5


Father: Charles Wesley Forrest

Mother: Sallie Clyde Saunders

Maude Elizabeth Forrest - 1896 to 1969

Birth: 26 April 1896 Frederick, Maryland, United Statesbirth6

Death: October 1969 Reading, Berks, Pennsylvania, United Statesdeath6


Father: Edwin Shereden Forrest

Mother: Ettie May Jennings

Maude Elvina FORREST - 1884 to 1981

Birth: 19 Jan 1884 Montgomery County, Ohiobirth7

Death: 27 Nov 1981 Dayton, Ohiodeath7


Father: Perry Solomon Forrest

Mother: Amanda Elizabeth Michael

Maude Agnes Forrest - 1897 to 1970

Birth: 20 Nov 1897 Arkansas, United Statesbirth8

Death: Nov 1970 Paragould, Greene, Arkansas, United Statesdeath8


Father: Levi Alexander "Alec" Forrest

Mother: Nancy A Ellis

Maude Anna Forrest - 1890 to 1988

Birth: 15 Nov 1890 Saluda, Polk, North Carolina, USAbirth9

Death: 1 Jul 1988 Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USAdeath9


Father: Joseph Ambers "Ambrose" Forrest

Mother: Matilda Elizabeth Thompson

Maude Forrest - 1866 to 1954

Birth: October 1866 Spennymoor, Durhambirth10

Death: 1954


Father: William Forrest

Mother: Sarah Adamson

Maude Forrest - 1899 to 1955

Birth: abt 1899 Massachusettsbirth11

Death: Abt. 30 May 1955 Braintree, Boston, MAdeath11


Father: Frédérick Angus Forest

Mother: Elizabeth Genevieve Prejean (Preshong)

Maude Forrest - 1890 to 1987

Birth: 15 May 1890 Atkinson, Holt, Nebraska, USAbirth12

Death: 10 Feb 1987 San Diegodeath12


Father: John Forrest

Mother: Edith Pilling

Maude Forrest - 1892

Birth: 1892 Texasbirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Charles Pierce Forrest

Mother: Laura Moon

Maude Edna Forrest - 1883 to 1951

Birth: Nov 1883 Wisconsinbirth14

Death: 8 May 1951 Wabeno, Forest, Wisconsin, United Statesdeath14


Father: DeWitt "Dewey" Clinton Forrest

Mother: Arvista "Vittie" Celestine Carter

Maude E. Forrest - 1889 to 1955

Birth: 11 July 1889 Texasbirth15

Death: 15 September 1955


Father: Charles Pierce Forrest

Mother: Laura Moon

Maude Grace Forrest - 1914 to 1930

Birth: 1914 Ferguson, Western Australia, Australiabirth16

Death: 1930 Perth, Western Australia, Australiadeath16


Father: Alexander Forrest

Mother: Elizabeth Eva Fowler

Maude A Forrest - 1881

Birth: 31 May 1881 Pennsylvaniabirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Edwin Forrest

Mother: Prescilla Robison

Maude Forrest - 1895

Birth: abt 1895 Douglas, Isle of Man, Isle of Manbirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Francis William Forrest

Mother: Margaret Corrin

Maude Alice Forrest - 1903

Birth: 1 Jul 1903 St Marylebone, Londonbirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Thomas Robert Forrest

Mother: Agnes Tryphena Hampshire

Maude Forrest - 1855 to 1922

Birth: 12 Nov 1855 Bradley Co Arkbirth20

Death: 4 Sep 1922 Monticello, Drew, Arkansas, USAdeath20


Father: G M Catlow

Mother: Not Available

Maude E Forrest - 1891

Birth: 1891 Massachusettsbirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Maude Forrest - 1888

Birth: 1888 Massachusettsbirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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