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Results for "matthias taute"

Name: Matthias Taute

Birth: 6 DEC 1704 Eckfleth, Oldenburg, Germany

Death: 23 NOV 1773 Cape Town, Südafrika

Father: Johann Heinrich Taute

Mother: Anna Dorothea Dunckers

Name: Matthias Gysbert Taute

Birth: 30 April 1925 Transvaal, South Africa

Death: Not Available South Africa

Father: Mattheus Gysbert Taute

Mother: Dina Nothnagel

Name: Matthias Pieter Taute

Birth: 16 NOV 1754 Stellenbosch, South Africa

Death: 1800 Western Cape, South Africa

Father: Matthias Taute

Mother: Elisabeth de Bruyns

Name: Matthias Gysbert Taute

Birth: 21 September 1930 Lydenburg

Death: 27 September 2000 Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Father: Frederik Albertus Taute

Mother: 7 Maria Magdelena Olivier

Name: Matthias Pieter Taute

Birth: ABT 1790

Death: 1828 Cape Province, South Africa

Father: Barend Hendricus Taute

Mother: Geertruida Johanna Herholdt

Name: Matthias Gysbert Taute

Birth: 13 June 1888 Machadodorp

Death: 15 April 1971 Pretoria

Father: N6 Matthias Pieter Taute

Mother: Susara Maria Stander

Name: Matthias Petrus Taute

Birth: 16 Dec 1811 Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Death: Not Available

Father: Petrus Johannes Taute

Mother: Hester Jacoba Elizabeth de la Harpe

Name: Matthias Gysbert Taute

Birth: 17 May 1885

Death: 28 September 1977 Dullstroom, begrawe Winnaarspoort familiekerkhof

Father: Johan Hendrik Frederik Taute

Mother: Johanna Magdalena Mare

Name: Matthias Gysbert Taute

Birth: 12 November 1888

Death: Not Available

Father: Johan Hendrik Frederik Taute

Mother: Susanna Petronella Jacoba Steyn

Name: Matthias TAUTE

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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