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Results for "Mary Pamer"

1 - 25 of 63 Records

Mary E Pamer - 1902 to 1986

Birth: 6 Oct 1902 Cincinnarti, Ohiobirth0

Death: 3 Jun 1986 Canton, Stark, Ohio, USAdeath0


Father: Andreas Kramer

Mother: Elisabeth Hutflesz

Mary E Pamer - 1902 to 1986

Birth: 6 Oct 1902 Cincinnarti, Ohiobirth1

Death: 3 Jun 1986 Canton, Stark, Ohio, USAdeath1


Father: Andreas Kramer

Mother: Elisabeth Hutflesz

Mary A Pamer - 1916 to 2005

Birth: 15 Aug 1916 Muskegon, Michiganbirth2

Death: 25 May 2005 Kent City, Kent, Michigandeath2


Father: Charles W Zamieszck

Mother: Pauline Wasunick

Mary Pamer - 1900 to 1990

Birth: 15 Jun 1900 Gyorkony, Austria-Hungarybirth3

Death: 16 Sep 1990 Burbank, Wayne, Ohio, USAdeath3




Mary Pamer - 1908 to 1969

Birth: 13 Oct 1908 Indianabirth4

Death: 25 Apr 1969 Milford, Kosciusko, Indiana, USAdeath4


Father: John Rentz

Mother: Elizabeth Smith Rentz

Mary Elizabeth Pamer - 1914 to 1997

Birth: 12/10/1914 Akron, Summit, Ohio, USAbirth5

Death: 10/17/1997 Gardnerville, Douglas, Nevada, USAdeath5


Father: Mike Pamer

Mother: Juliana Stehle

Mary Ann Pamer - 1794

Birth: abt 1794 Zeal Monachorum, Devon, Englandbirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: James Ellis

Mother: Mary

Mary Catherine Pamer - 1912 to 1996

Birth: 27 Sep 1912 Springfield, Illinoisbirth7

Death: 14 Jan 1996 Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, USAdeath7


Father: Carl J Pamer

Mother: Catherine Pamer Buchinger

Mary Pamer - 1904 to 2000

Birth: 9 Aug 1904 Cuyahoga Falls, Summit, Ohiobirth8

Death: 29 Sep 2000 Niles, Trumbull, Ohio, USAdeath8


Father: Peter Pamer

Mother: Mary Leikli

Mary Pamer - 1914

Birth: 18 Feb 1914 Akronbirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Jack Pamer

Mother: Mary Pamer

Mary Pamer - 1882 to 1986

Birth: abt 1882 Hungarybirth10

Death: 22 Oct 1986 Akron, Ohiodeath10



Mother: Maria Leidal

Mary Pamer - 1882 to 1986

Birth: abt 1882 Hungarybirth11

Death: 22 Oct 1986 Akron, Ohiodeath11



Mother: Maria Leidal

Mary Christina Pamer - 1917 to 2012

Birth: 12/25/1917 Ohio, United Statesbirth12

Death: 02 feb 2012 Lancaster, Los Angeles, Cadeath12


Father: Carl Pamer

Mother: Mária Verli

Mary A Pamer - 1856

Birth: 1856 Birmingham, Warwickshire, Englandbirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Thomas Palmer

Mother: Sarah Britton

Mary Ann Pamer - 1750

Birth: 1 Mar 1750 Huntingdon, Huntingdonshire, Englandbirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Thomas Palmer

Mother: Mary Lane

Mary Pamer - 1894

Birth: Oct 1894 Louisiana, USAbirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: John Gammen

Mother: Sarah Parmer

Mary Louise Pamer - 1931 to 1991

Birth: 14 Jul 1931 Akron Summit, Ohiobirth16

Death: 2 Oct 1991 Los Angelesdeath16


Father: Joseph Pamer

Mother: Miss Carolyn Tribel


Birth: 24 Jul 1891 Austria-Hungary(Yugoslaviabirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Paul Pamer

Mother: Julia Sabo

Mary Pamer - 1871 to 1954

Birth: abt 1871 Germanybirth18

Death: 15 November 1954 Ramsey, Minnesota USAdeath18


Father: Johann "John" Pamer

Mother: Not Available

Mary Pamer - 1889

Birth: abt 1889 Austriabirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Mary Pamer - 1836

Birth: 1836 Harry Irelandbirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Mary A Pamer - 1806

Birth: 1806 Irelandbirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Mary Pamer - 1685 to 1755

Birth: Abt. 1685 Wiltshire, Englandbirth22

Death: Abt. 1755 Wiltshire, Englanddeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Mary Pamer - 1851

Birth: 1851 Burtonwood, Lancashire, Englandbirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Mary Pamer - 1900

Birth: 1900 Austriabirth24

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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