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Results for "Mary Kelly"

1 - 25 of 65,261 Records

Mary G Kelly - 1875 to 1947

Birth: December 1875 Illinois, USAbirth0

Death: 8 December 1947 Lakewood, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, USAdeath0


Father: John Quincy Kelley

Mother: Ellen Gavin Kelley

Mary Winifred Kelly - 1889 to 1978

Birth: August 19, 1889 Baltimore Maryland, USAbirth1

Death: Jun 1978 Baltimore, Baltimore City, Maryland, United States of Americadeath1


Father: William Alphonsus Kelly

Mother: Jane Elizabeth Kelly

Mary E KELLY - 1869 to 1928

Birth: 1869 Black River Bridge, Northumberland, New Brunswick, Canadabirth2

Death: 1928 Black River Bridge, Northumberland, New Brunswick, Canadadeath2


Father: Malcolm Cameron

Mother: Sarah McLean

Mary Kelly - 1828 to 1872

Birth: 1828 County Wexford, Irelandbirth3

Death: 16 Dec 1872 Leeds, Ontario, Canadadeath3


Father: John Kelly

Mother: Mary Ann Lett

Mary Kelly - 1833 to 1903

Birth: 22 March 1833 Gatineau, Quebec, Canadabirth4

Death: 16 March 1903 Wausau, Marathon County, Wisconsin, USAdeath4


Father: John Kelly

Mother: Mary Douglas

Mary Anne Kelly - 1854 to 1916

Birth: 1854 Beaufort, Monmouthshire, Walesbirth5

Death: 13 AUG 1916 Rankin, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAdeath5


Father: Dennis KELLY

Mother: Johanna Callaghan

Mary Rebecca Kelly - 1846 to 1910

Birth: 1846 Tennesseebirth6

Death: 30 Sep 1910 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, United Statesdeath6


Father: William P. Kelly

Mother: Frances MOBLEY

Mary Kelly - 1867 to 1933

Birth: abt 1867 Minnesotabirth7

Death: 14 Dec 1933 Malta, Phillips, Montana, USAdeath7


Father: John Kelly

Mother: Mary Maloney

Mary Ann Kelly - 1801 to 1873

Birth: 1801 Englandbirth8

Death: 20 Jul 1873 Cheshunt, Broxbourne Borough, Hertfordshire, Englanddeath8


Father: Henry William Kelly

Mother: Harriet Collins

Mary Leola Kelly - 1891 to 1972

Birth: abt 1891 Mississippibirth9

Death: 19 Jul 1972 Port Gibson, Claiborne, Mississippi, USAdeath9


Father: William Terrell Kelly

Mother: Martha Ann Smith

Mary Kelly - 1889 to 1957

Birth: 7 OCT 1889 Loma, Walker Co. TXbirth10

Death: 8 Feb 1957 Walker, Texas, United Statesdeath10


Father: John Luther Sandel

Mother: Sirena Brooks

Mary Rebecca Kelly - 1846 to 1910

Birth: 1846 Tennesseebirth11

Death: 30 Sep 1910 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, United Statesdeath11


Father: William P. Kelly

Mother: Frances MOBLEY

Mary Hattie Kelly - 1861 to 1924

Birth: 08 Dec 1861 Galena, Illinoisbirth12

Death: 05 Feb 1924 Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, United Statesdeath12


Father: Patrick Kelly

Mother: Harriet O'Grady Kelley

Mary Ann Kelly - 1894 to 1976

Birth: 8 Mar 1894 Bradford, Yorkshire, Englandbirth13

Death: Jan 1976 Dunstable, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USAdeath13


Father: James Patrick Kelley

Mother: Margaret Matthew

Mary Ann Kelly - 1854 to 1898

Birth: abt 1854 Liverpool, Lancashire, Englandbirth14

Death: Jun 1898 Liverpool St Martin, Lancashire, , Englanddeath14


Father: Thomas Kelly

Mother: Mary Brown

Mary Kelly - 1909 to 1987

Birth: 19 Aug 1909 Pennsylvaniabirth15

Death: abt 1987 Berwick PAdeath15


Father: William Joseph Kelly

Mother: Albertine "Annie" Senger

Mary E Kelly - 1911 to 1986

Birth: 1911 Montanabirth16

Death: 26 Mar 1986 Silver Bow, MTdeath16



Mother: Alice Zoe Fitzgerald

Mary Malinda Kelly - 1847 to 1938

Birth: 21 Jul 1847 Salem Twp, Lisbon, Columbiana Co, OH, USAbirth17

Death: 18 AUG 1938 Chardon,Ohiodeath17


Father: Steven Kelly

Mother: Martha Beck

Mary E. Kelly - 1853 to 1908

Birth: 27 October 1853 Muskingum County, Ohio, United States of Americabirth18

Death: Oct 4, 1908 Muskingum Co., Ohio, buried Granger Cemeterydeath18


Father: George E. Crossland

Mother: Elvira Mutchlar

Mary Kelly - 1857 to 1935

Birth: 13 Apr 1857 Kelly Hill, Forks Township, Pennsylvaniabirth19

Death: 21 Feb 1935 Belleville, St Clair, Illinoisdeath19


Father: John Edward Kelly

Mother: Anna Quinn

Mary Margaret Kelly - 1847 to 1884

Birth: 1847 Tennesseebirth20

Death: Mar 24, 1884 ARdeath20


Father: James W. Kelly

Mother: Susan McCarver

Mary Kelly - 1915 to 1981

Birth: abt 1915 Kentuckybirth21

Death: 1 April 1981 Pike, Kentuckydeath21


Father: John Kelly

Mother: Harriet Dorton

Mary Kelly - 1872 to 1943

Birth: 14 Oct 1872 Brown Co., Ohiobirth22

Death: 9 Nov 1943 Cincinnati, Madison, Ohio, USAdeath22


Father: John Kelly

Mother: Catharine Cecelia Huber

Mary Elizabeth Kelly - 1921 to 1996

Birth: 14 Aug 1921 Morgantown, Monongalia County, West Virginia, United States of Americabirth23

Death: 20 October 1996 Morgantown, Monongalia County, West Virginia, United States of Americadeath23


Father: William Victor Kelley

Mother: Hazel Virginia Miller

Mary Jane Kelly - 1860 to 1913

Birth: 30 Apr 1860 Xenia, Greene, Ohio, USAbirth24

Death: 7 Nov 1913 Hamilton, Illinoisdeath24


Father: James W KELLEY

Mother: Matilda ggm

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