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Results for "Mary Biegler"

1 - 25 of 53 Records

Mary Biegler - 1908 to 1993

Birth: abt 1908 North Dakotabirth0

Death: 30 December 1993 Timber Lake, Dewey, South Dakota, USAdeath0


Father: John Tschosik

Mother: Helen Direk or Dirk

Mary Biegler - 1908 to 1993

Birth: abt 1908 North Dakotabirth1

Death: 30 December 1993 Timber Lake, Dewey, South Dakota, USAdeath1


Father: John Tschosik

Mother: Helen Direk or Dirk

Mary Biegler - 1838 to 1925

Birth: abt 1838 Ohiobirth2

Death: 17 May 1925 Bellevue, Lyme Township, Huron County, Ohio, United Statesdeath2


Father: Fredrich Biegler

Mother: Barbara Endres

Mary Elizabeth Biegler - 1852 to 1887

Birth: 3 May 1852 Kentuckybirth3

Death: 01 MAY 1887 Saint Paul, Dakota, Minnesota, USAdeath3


Father: John William McClung

Mother: Mary Roberts Allen

Mary Augusta Biegler - 1875 to 1940

Birth: 28 Aug 1875 Illinoisbirth4

Death: 27 Jul 1940 Monmouth, Warren, ILdeath4


Father: Jacob Biegler

Mother: Mathilda Eberle

Mary Biegler - 1916 to 2001

Birth: 29 Jan 1916 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAbirth5

Death: 16 Sep 2001 Addison, Du Page, Illinois, United States of Americadeath5


Father: Peter Louis Biegler

Mother: Frances Theresa Berger

Mary Jane Biegler - 1917 to 1983

Birth: 30 Sep 1917 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAbirth6

Death: 09 Sep 1983 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAdeath6


Father: Paul John Biegler

Mother: Catherine Anne CALLAHAN

Mary Biegler - 1917 to 2000

Birth: 11 October 1917 Vibank, Saskatchewan, Canadabirth7

Death: 28 Jun 2000 Regina, Saskatchewan, Canadadeath7


Father: Ignatius Domnic Biegler

Mother: Anna Frances Schelbert

Mary Biegler - 1906 to 1962

Birth: abt 1906 South Dakota, USAbirth8

Death: 1962


Father: Jacob Brosart

Mother: Annie Brussart

Mary Biegler - 1911 to 1935

Birth: Abt. 1911 South Dakota, USAbirth9

Death: 7 Mar 1935 South Dakota, USAdeath9


Father: John J Biegler

Mother: Anna F Derzab (Derzapf)Dörzapf

Mary Josephine Biegler - 1912 to 2001

Birth: 9 Apr 1912 Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, USAbirth10

Death: 1 Dec 2001 Santa Rosa, Sonoma, California, USAdeath10


Father: John Charles Biegler

Mother: Sarah josephine Watson

Mary Biegler - 1941

Birth: 14 Feb 1941 Nobles, Minnesota, USAbirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Sylvester John Biegler

Mother: Margaret Eva Biegler

Mary Margaret Biegler - 1887 to 1966

Birth: 16 Feb 1887 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAbirth12

Death: 28 Sep 1966 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United Statesdeath12


Father: Peter John Biegler

Mother: Margaret Thurn

Mary Alice Biegler - 1887 to 1966

Birth: 8 Apr 1887 Indianapolis, Marion Co., Indianabirth13

Death: 27 Jun 1966 Asheville, Buncombe, North Carolina, USAdeath13


Father: John Charles Biegler

Mother: Portia Ellen Quaife

Mary Barbara Biegler - 1886 to 1977

Birth: 23 Aug 1886 Straßburg, Kutschurgan, Odessa, Russiabirth14

Death: 17 Jan 1977 Salem, Marion, Oregon, United States of Americadeath14


Father: Balthasar Biegler

Mother: Regina M Burgard

Mary A Biegler - 1855 to 1928

Birth: 1855 Bavaria, Germanybirth15

Death: 13 Sep 1928 Cook County, ILdeath15


Father: Johann Philipp Biegler

Mother: Maria A Rink

Mary Elizabeth Biegler - 1943 to 1978

Birth: 13 Dec 1943 SD, USAbirth16

Death: 22 Nov 1978 Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, USAdeath16


Father: Gabriel BIEGLER

Mother: Jeanette K Buck

Mary Ann Biegler - 1935

Birth: 1935 Wisconsinbirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Roland F Biegler

Mother: Loreto Biegler

Mary Biegler

Birth: Not Available Russiabirth18

Death: Not Available Russiadeath18


Father: Frank Biegler

Mother: Katherine Schneider

Mary Biegler - 1910 to 1955

Birth: 7 Sep 1910 Ipswich, Edmunds, South Dakota, USAbirth19

Death: 24 Jul 1955 Aberdeen, Brown, South Dakota, USAdeath19


Father: michael Biegler

Mother: Katharina Schumacher Biegler

Mary Biegler - 1912 to 1935

Birth: abt 1912 South Dakotabirth20

Death: 7 Mar 1935 South Dakota, USAdeath20


Father: John J Biegler

Mother: Anna F Derzab (Derzapf)

Mary J Biegler - 1913 to 1928

Birth: abt 1913 Indianapolia, Marion, Indiana, USAbirth21

Death: 13 Sep 1928 Cook County, Illinois, USAdeath21


Father: John Charles Biegler

Mother: Sarah josephine Watson

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