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Results for "Mary (abbe)"

1 - 25 of 218 Records
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Mary Ann (Kibbe) - 1840 to 1913

Birth: Feb 1840 Harrison City, Potter, Pennsylvania, USAbirth0

Death: 1 Feb 1913 Oswayo, Potter, Pennsylvania, USAdeath0


Father: Moses Kibbie

Mother: Marandia Debias

Mary Josephine Kabbes - 1846 to 1931

Birth: 5 Nov 1846 Illinoisbirth1

Death: 1931


Father: Dieterich Kabbes

Mother: Marichen Dalke

Mary Josephine Kabbes - 1846 to 1931

Birth: 5 Nov 1846 Illinoisbirth2

Death: 1931


Father: Dieterich Kabbes

Mother: Marichen Dalke

Mary Ann Abbey - 1827 to 1890

Birth: 1827 Wroot, Lincolnshire, Englandbirth3

Death: 1890 Naburn, Yorkshire, Englanddeath3


Father: Joseph Abbey

Mother: Sarah Auckland

Mary Gabbel - 1912 to 1988

Birth: 23 Dec 1912 Karlsburg, Siebenburgen, Hungarybirth4

Death: 13 Feb 1988 Evansville, Vanderburgh, Indiana, USAdeath4


Father: Johann Göbbel

Mother: Maria Anna Klemann

Mary Ann Babbey - 1914 to 2006

Birth: 17 Apr 1914 Beaverdale, Cambria, Pennsylvania, USAbirth5

Death: 21 Jan 2006 Garrettsville, Portage, Ohiodeath5


Father: John J Babej "Babbey"

Mother: Anna [Sylha] [Salata] Slachta

Mary Gabbel - 1912 to 1988

Birth: 23 Dec 1912 Karlsburg, Siebenburgen, Hungarybirth6

Death: 13 Feb 1988 Evansville, Vanderburgh, Indiana, USAdeath6


Father: Johann Göbbel

Mother: Maria Anna Klemann

Mary Catherine Gabbey - 1909 to 1980

Birth: Sep 1909 Mount Stewart,Down,Northern Irelandbirth7

Death: 3 Nov 1980 Down, Down, Irelanddeath7


Father: James Watson Gabbey

Mother: Annie M'Clean Crothers

Mary (Babs) - 1916 to 1998

Birth: 11 Mar 1916 Mohill, Leitrum, Irelandbirth8

Death: 23 Feb 1998 London, Middlesex, Ontario, Canadadeath8


Father: Joseph Coleman

Mother: Jessie Ray

Mary Jane Habben - 1927 to 2001

Birth: abt 1927 Illinoisbirth9

Death: Abt 2001


Father: Vernon Mort*/

Mother: Hattie Kathern Kuehl

Mary Abbey - 1801 to 1841

Birth: Abt 1801 Northamptonshire, Englandbirth10

Death: bef 1841 Bedfordshire, Englanddeath10




Gary Lee Abbey - 1949 to 2007

Birth: 31 Aug 1949 Jacksonville, Duval, Florida, USAbirth11

Death: 22 Jul 2007


Father: Warren Priestly Abbey

Mother: Laura Alberta Palmes

Mary Ann Gabbey - 1933 to 2020

Birth: abt 1933 Wisconsinbirth12

Death: 17 Jan 2020 Racinedeath12


Father: Harry Albert Gabbey

Mother: Anita M Bieck

Mary Abbey - 1847 to 1900

Birth: abt 1847 Ohiobirth13

Death: 1900


Father: Jeremiah Abbey

Mother: Eliza Nixon

Mary Gabbet - 1805

Birth: abt 1805 Wroxton, Oxfordshirebirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: John Gough

Mother: Hannah Hawkins

Mary Elizabeth Kabbes - 1849 to 1928

Birth: 2 Aug 1849 Douglas, Effingham, Illinois, USAbirth15

Death: 7 May 1928 Douglas, Effingham, Illinois, USAdeath15


Father: William Kabbes

Mother: Catherine Wolke

Mary Delia Labbé - 1852 to 1915

Birth: 29 April 1852 Saint-Norbert-d'Arthabaska, Quebec, Canadabirth16

Death: 2 July 1915 Lebanon, Grafton, New Hampshire, United Statesdeath16


Father: Joseph Labbé

Mother: Luce Belanger

Mary Lovelia Habben - 1900 to 1980

Birth: 2 May 1900 Nebraskabirth17

Death: 24 Jun 1980 Holdrege, Phelps, Nebraska, United States of Americadeath17


Father: Eielt "Elmer" R Habben

Mother: Anna Lavelia Ashley

Mary Wabber - 1833 to 1913

Birth: Oct 15, 1833 Germanybirth18

Death: 29 Nov 1913 New Reigel Village, Seneca, Ohiodeath18


Father: Dom Wabber

Mother: Elizabeth Weldinger

Mary Wabber - 1794 to 1832

Birth: Abt. 1794 Burrington, Devon, Englandbirth19

Death: 27 JAN 1832 George Nympton, Devondeath19


Father: John Dart Webber

Mother: Elizabeth (Betty) Foss

Mary Abbey - 1755 to 1846

Birth: 5/20/1755 Portland, Middlesex County, Connecticut, USAbirth20

Death: 28 Jan 1846 Southington, Hartford, Connecticut, USAdeath20


Father: Samuel Abbey

Mother: Rachel MATSON

Mary Bingham Abbey - 1937

Birth: abt 1937 Texasbirth21

Death: Not Available



Mother: Rosa Lee Smith

Mary Irene Isola Labbee - 1915 to 2008

Birth: 24 Mar 1915 Newport, Vermontbirth22

Death: 26 Jan 2008 Panama City Beach, Bay, Florida, USAdeath22


Father: Louis George Leonce "Leon" Labbe

Mother: Marie Edwidge Freeman "Mary" Lafreniere

Mary Habben - 1872 to 1924

Birth: abt 1872 Illinoisbirth23

Death: 28 Jan 1924 Chicago, Illinoisdeath23


Father: George P Habben

Mother: Belle Mueller

Mary E. (Abney) - 1828 to 1903

Birth: May 1828 Tennesseebirth24

Death: 9 Nov 1903 Saline County, Illinoisdeath24


Father: Not Available

Mother: Elizabeth Taylor

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