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Results for "Marie Payment"

1 - 25 of 164 Records

Marie Payment - 1909 to 1981

Birth: 18 Jun 1909 Blezard Valley, district de Sudbury, ONbirth0

Death: May 27 1981 Sudbury, Ontario, Canadadeath0


Father: Aza "Tom" Paiement

Mother: Eulalie Dutrisac

Marie Payment - 1909 to 1981

Birth: 18 Jun 1909 Blezard Valley, district de Sudbury, ONbirth1

Death: May 27 1981 Sudbury, Ontario, Canadadeath1


Father: Aza "Tom" Paiement

Mother: Eulalie Dutrisac

Marie Josephe Payment - 1754 to 1787

Birth: 23 Apr 1754 Ste-Geneviève, (Pierrefonds), Québec, Canadabirth2

Death: 30 Jun 1787 St-Eustache, Québec, Canadadeath2


Father: Louis Marie Payment Paiement dit Larivière

Mother: Marie Louise Turpin

Marie Payment - 1902 to 1972

Birth: 5 Jul 1902 Carleton, Ontario, Canadabirth3

Death: 22 aout 1972 Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canadadeath3


Father: Thomas Payment

Mother: Marie-Louise Flavie Chevrier

Marie Louise Payment - 1872 to 1942

Birth: 18 Mar 1872 Sainte-Adèle, comté de Terrebonne, PQbirth4

Death: 21 Fév 1942 Sainte-Adèle, Québec, Canadadeath4


Father: Damase Paiement

Mother: Aglaé Corbiel

Marie Payment - 1803 to 1803

Birth: October 24, 1803 Sainte-Geneviève de Pierrefonds, Montréal, Quebec, Canadabirth5

Death: 24 Oct 1803 Ste Genevieve de Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canadadeath5



Mother: Marie-Angelique Theoret

Marie Anne Payment - 1779 to 1854

Birth: 19 Oct 1779 QC, Canadabirth6

Death: 14 Jul 1854 St-Benoît, Deux-Montagnes, Québec, Canadadeath6


Father: Louis Paiement

Mother: Marie Hubert

Marie Josephte Payment - 1808 to 1859

Birth: 08 May 1808 St-Joachim de la Pointe-Claire, Quebecbirth7

Death: 11 January 1859 St-Louis de Gonzague, Quebec, Canadadeath7


Father: Francois Xavior Payment

Mother: mary/marie j fortier 1

Marie Anne Payment - 1779 to 1854

Birth: 19 Oct 1779 QC, Canadabirth8

Death: 14 Jul 1854 St-Benoît, Deux-Montagnes, Québec, Canadadeath8


Father: Louis Paiement

Mother: Marie Hubert

Marie Georgiana Payment - 1875 to 1968

Birth: 27 May 1875 Ste-Genevieve, Quebec, Canadabirth9

Death: 1968 Lachute, Argenteuil, Quebec, Canadadeath9


Father: Louis Payment (1839)

Mother: Cléophée Boileau

Marie Georgiana Payment - 1875 to 1968

Birth: 27 May 1875 Ste-Genevieve, Quebec, Canadabirth10

Death: 1968 Lachute, Argenteuil, Quebec, Canadadeath10


Father: Louis Payment (1839)

Mother: Cléophée Boileau

Marie Stella PAYMENT - 1912 to 2004

Birth: 5 Jan 1912 103 Sydenham Street, Toronto Ontariobirth11

Death: 4 May 2004 Peterborough, Ontario, Canadadeath11


Father: Jules Payment

Mother: Marie Pilotte

Marie Louise Payment - 1777 to 1781

Birth: 24 May 1777 Pointe-Claire, Québec, Canadabirth12

Death: June 27, 1781 Pointe-Claire, Montreal, Quebec, Canadadeath12


Father: Louis Marie Payment Paiement dit Larivière

Mother: Marie-Louise Letourneux

Marie Rose Payment - 1912 to 1976

Birth: abt 1912 Quebecbirth13

Death: 1 Apr1976 ste. anne de bellevue, Quebec, Canadadeath13


Father: Jean Paiement

Mother: Anna St Jean

Marie Pione Payment - 1854 to 1898

Birth: 18 Apr 1854 Sugar Island, Chippewa, Michigan, United Statesbirth14

Death: 23 Aug 1898 Sault Ste Marie, Chippewa, Michigan, USAdeath14


Father: Francois Payment

Mother: Marie Delphine Vallée (Payment)(Lambert)

Marie Flavie Payment - 1839 to 1918

Birth: 14 April 1839 (were these girls twins and Marie died?) Ste-Genevieve, Quebec, Canadabirth15

Death: 19 Oct 1918 Cornwall, Stormont, Ontariodeath15


Father: Alexandre Payment

Mother: Elmire (Mary) Lavigne

Marie Dorothee Payment - 1700 to 1780

Birth: 24 Dec 1700 L'Ange-Gardien, Montmorency, Quebecbirth16

Death: July 25 1780 St Francois du Lac, Quebecdeath16


Father: Jean Payment-dit-Laforest

Mother: Marie Jeanne Tremblay

Marie Cecile Payment - 1814 to 1836

Birth: 21 Nov 1814 Ste-Geneviève de Pierrefonds, Montréal, Quebec, Canadabirth17

Death: 11 Aug 1836 Ste-Geneviève de Pierrefonds, Montréal, Quebec, Canadadeath17


Father: Bernard Paiement / Payment

Mother: Marguerite Théorêt

Marie Payment - 1896 to 1966

Birth: Mar 1896 Minnesotabirth18

Death: 15 Jul 1966 Red Lake Falls, Red Lake County, MN, USAdeath18


Father: Eustache Payment

Mother: Sophia Edna Vallée

Marie Payment - 1942 to 2020

Birth: 21 Oct 1942 Louisianabirth19

Death: 13 May 2020 New Orleans Louisianadeath19


Father: Melvin Francis Payment

Mother: Audis Marie Vaughn

Marie Edesse Catherine Payment - 1857 to 1895

Birth: May 15, 1857 Rigaud, comté de Vaudreuil, PQbirth20

Death: November 30, 1895 Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa County, Michign


Father: Francois Xavier II Payment

Mother: Marie Delphine Vallée (Payment)(Lambert)

Marie Angelique Payment - 1802 to 1823

Birth: 15 Dec 1802 Ste Genevieve, , Quebec, Canadabirth21

Death: 10 Oct 1823 Sainte-Geneviève de Pierrefonds, district de Montréal, PQdeath21


Father: Louis Paiement

Mother: Marie Hubert

Marie Julie Payment - 1806 to 1822

Birth: 17 Nov 1806 Ste Genevieve, , Quebec, Canadabirth22

Death: 05 May 1822 Ste-Genevieve, Quebec, Canadadeath22


Father: Louis Paiement

Mother: Marie Hubert

marie jeanne payment - 1874 to 1964

Birth: 7 mai 1874 lafontaine,simcoe,ontario,canadabirth23

Death: 19 Nov 1964 Manoir des pionniers, Sudbury, district de Sudbury, ONdeath23


Father: ( a ) basile payment

Mother: ( a ) jeanne belcourt

Marie Alice Beatrice Stella Payment - 1902 to 1972

Birth: 05 Jul 1902 Ottawa, comté de Carleton, ONbirth24

Death: 22 Aug 1972 Hawkesbury, Ondeath24


Father: Thomas Payment

Mother: Marie-Louise Flavie Chevrier

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