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Results for "marie baconat"

Name: Marie Baconat

Birth: 27 Oct 1904 New York Cit|

Death: 24 Jan 1996

Father: Adolph Klein

Mother: Katherine Klein

Name: Marie Claire Baconat

Birth: 5 JAN 1786 Le Bemont, Jura, Switzerland

Death: 21 AUG 1853 Saignelegier, Jura, Switzerland

Father: Jean Baptiste Baconat

Mother: Marie Catharine Ruhier

Name: Marie Joseph Louise Germaine Baconat

Birth: 16 SEP 1899 Bemont, Ju, Switzerland

Death: 11 JUL 1987 Delemont, Ju, Suisse

Father: Joseph Alcide Baconat

Mother: Victorine Laure Girardin

Name: Marie Baconat

Birth: 15 MAY 1755 Bas-des-Rouges-Terres, Bemont, Switzerland

Death: Not Available

Father: Claude Antoine Baconat

Mother: Marie Agathe Froidevaux

Name: Marie Marthe Baconat

Birth: 10 NOV 1765 Bas-des-Rouges-Terres, Bemont, Switzerland

Death: Not Available

Father: Claude Antoine Baconat

Mother: Marie Agathe Froidevaux

Name: Marie Alice Augusta Baconat

Birth: 13 FEB 1901 Bemont, Ju., Suisse

Death: 24 AUG 1980

Father: Joseph Alcide Baconat

Mother: Victorine Laure Girardin

Name: Marie Anne Baconat

Birth: 26 APR 1754 Bas-des-Rouges-Terres, Bemont, Switzerland

Death: BEF 1755 Bas-des-Rouges-Terres, Bemont, Switzerland

Father: Claude Antoine Baconat

Mother: Marie Agathe Froidevaux

Name: Marie Therese Baconat

Birth: 25 OCT 1758 Bas-des-Rouges-Terres, Bemont, Switzerland

Death: AFT 1818

Father: Claude Antoine Baconat

Mother: Marie Agathe Froidevaux

Name: Marie Catherine Genereuse Baconat

Birth: 24 AUG 1760 Bas-des-Rouges-Terres, Bemont, Switzerland

Death: Not Available

Father: Claude Antoine Baconat

Mother: Marie Agathe Froidevaux

Name: Marie Elisabeth Baconat

Birth: 3 DEC 1767 Bas-des-Rouges-Terres, Bemont, Switzerland

Death: Not Available

Father: Claude Antoine Baconat

Mother: Marie Agathe Froidevaux

Name: Marie BACONAT

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Nicolas BACONAT

Mother: Blaise N.N.

Name: Marie BACONAT

Birth: 1735

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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