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Results for "Marian Palms"

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MARIAH PALM - 1816 to 1902

Birth: ABT 1816 CUMBERLAND CO., PAbirth0

Death: 4 Apr 1902 Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, United States of Americadeath0


Father: Adam Palm

Mother: Nancy Askew Palm

Marian Jane Pals - 1940 to 1959

Birth: 18 Jan 1940 Franklin, Iowa, USAbirth1

Death: 04 Jun 1959 Rochester, Olmsted, Minnesota, USAdeath1


Father: John J Pals

Mother: Tena KOENEN

Marian Palm - 1925

Birth: 1925 Missouribirth2

Death: Not Available


Father: Floyd Palms

Mother: Eva M Baumgartner

Mariam A Palms - 1878 to 1969

Birth: 19 Apr 1878 Wisconsin USAbirth3

Death: 02 Sep 1969 Stockton, San Joaquin County, California, USAdeath3


Father: George Henry Palms

Mother: Hannah Ann Elkerton

Marian Frances Palm - 1928 to 1983

Birth: 27 Sept 1928 Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, USAbirth4

Death: 02 Feb 1983 Cincinnati, Hamilton county, Ohio, USAdeath4


Father: William L Palm

Mother: Catherine Elizabeth Hutchinson

Marian Lillian Palma - 1942 to 2015

Birth: 17 Dec 1942 Wheatland, Rice County, Minnesotabirth5

Death: 04 Mar 2015 Elko, Scott County, Minnesotadeath5


Father: Raymond R Palma

Mother: Mayme (Mary) A Adamek

Marian J Palm - 1911 to 2008

Birth: 10 Nov 1911 Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, United States of Americabirth6

Death: 9 December 2008 Delavan, Walworth County, Wisconsin, United States of Americadeath6


Father: George E. Palm

Mother: Josephine Roeder

Mariano Palos

Birth: Not Available Mexicobirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Matheo De Palos

Mother: Fran'A Linetos

Mariano Palma - 1877 to 1949

Birth: 26 Sep 1877 Palermo, Sicily, Italybirth8

Death: 25 Aug 1949 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAdeath8


Father: Francesco Palma

Mother: Antonina "Ann" Piazza

Mariana Palma - 1826 to 1893

Birth: 1826

Death: 30 Agosto 1893 Nonoava, Chihuahua, Méxicodeath9


Father: Manuel Palma

Mother: Jaques Presentando

Mariana de Andrade Palma - 1867 to 1914

Birth: APR 1867 São Sebasião do Paraíso,MG,Brasil

Death: 11 SEP 1914 São Sebasião do Paraíso,MG,Brasil


Father: José Vieira Palma

Mother: Theodósia Umbelina Vieira

Mariana Palma - 1826 to 1893

Birth: 1826

Death: 30 Agosto 1893 Nonoava, Chihuahua, Méxicodeath11


Father: Manuel Palma

Mother: Jaques Presentando

Mariana PALM - 1834 to 1908

Birth: 1834 Daxweiler, RHEINLAND-PFALZ, Deutschlandbirth12

Death: 29 JUL 1908 Lomba Grande, NOVO HAMBURGO, RS, Brasildeath12


Father: Georg PALM

Mother: Elisabeth SONNET

Marian L Palm - 1930 to 2011

Birth: 20 Jun 1930 Pennsylvaniabirth13

Death: 26 May 2011 Hatboro, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USAdeath13


Father: Ernest Earl (Ernst Emil) PALM (Piskorski)

Mother: Myrtle I CARPENTER

Mariana Palos - 1877 to 1969

Birth: 1877 Zacatecas, Méxicobirth14

Death: 15 Ago 1969 Guadalajara, Jalisco, Méxicodeath14


Father: Cristobal Palos

Mother: Pioquinta de la Fuente

Marian Thyra PALM - 1929

Birth: 19 JUN 1929 Illinois USA, Chicagobirth15

Death: Not Available California USA, Los Angelesdeath15


Father: Erik Manfred Palm


Marain Palma - 1920

Birth: abt 1920 New Yorkbirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Anthony Joseph Palma

Mother: Mary Mannucci

Female IconMale Icon

Mariana Palma - 1942

Birth: 17 Jul 1942 San marcos, Guerrero, Méxicobirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Galo Palma

Mother: Emilia Dongelito

Mariano Palma - 1902

Birth: 21 Ene 1902 Allende, Guanajuato, Méxicobirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Crescencio Palma

Mother: Maria Luz Cruz

Mariano Palma - 1907

Birth: 12 Nov 1907 La Huacana, Michoacán, Méxicobirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Eugenia Palma

Mother: Rutila Villalón

Mariano Palma - 1850

Birth: 22 Aug 1850 San Juan Bautista, Padilla, Chuquisaca, Boliviabirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Tadeo Palma

Mother: Martina Obando

Mariana Palma - 1922 to 1922

Birth: 17 Abr 1922 Allende, Guanajuato, Méxicobirth21

Death: 15 May 1922 Allende, Guanajuato, Méxicodeath21


Father: Garino Palma

Mother: Not Available

Mariae Palm - 1782 to 1843

Birth: 7 MAR 1782 Rimlingen,66679,Lk Merzig - Wadern,Saarland,DEUTSCHLANDbirth22

Death: 8 DEC 1843 Bachem - Losheim am See,66679,Lk Merzig - Wadern,Saarland,DEUTSCHLANDdeath22


Father: Mathias Palm

Mother: Not Available

Mariana Palma - 1875

Birth: abt 1875 Mexicobirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Mariana Palma - 1875

Birth: abt 1875 Mexicobirth24

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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