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Results for "Maria Soler"

1 - 25 of 710 Records

Maria SOLER - 1829 to 1850

Birth: 1829 Pulpí, Almería, Andalucía, Españabirth0

Death: 24 Jan 1850 Pulpí, Almería, Andalucía, Españadeath0


Father: Juan Miguel Soler

Mother: Maria Catalina Aznar

Maria Soler - 1871 to 1935

Birth: 18 Jul 1871 Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spainbirth1

Death: 31 Oct 1935 Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spaindeath1


Father: Luis Soler y Montaner

Mother: Francisca Emerenciana Ferrer

Maria Soler - 1905 to 1972

Birth: abt 1905 Puerto Ricobirth2

Death: 7 Ago 1972 Toa Baja, Puerto Rico, USAdeath2


Father: Francisco Soler Sierra

Mother: Tomasa Sierra Ruíz De Soler

Maria SOLER - 1570 to 1629

Birth: 1570 Ciutadella, Illes Balears, Balearic Islands, SPAIN, ile de minorquebirth3

Death: AFT FEB 1629


Father: Francesc SOLER

Mother: Àgueda INCONNU

Maria SOLER - 1837

Birth: 31 Mai 1837 Vera, Almería, Andalucía, Españabirth4

Death: Not Available


Father: Ramon Soler

Mother: Maria Belmonte

Maria Lucia Soler - 1829

Birth: 13 Nov 1829 Pulpí, Almería, Andalusia, Españabirth5

Death: Not Available


Father: Cristoval Cristobal SOLER

Mother: Maria de ABILA AVILA

Maria Soler - 1832

Birth: 1832 Argentonabirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Pau

Mother: Geronima Ros

Maria Josefa SOLER - 1845 to 1906

Birth: 22 Mars 1845 Nacimiento, Almeria, Andalousie, Espagnebirth7

Death: 15 Déc 1906 Tlemcen, Algériedeath7


Father: Juan Baquero Blasquez

Mother: Josefa GARCIA PELAYO

Maria Soler - 1833

Birth: 23 Feb 1833 Arbucies, Gerona, Spainbirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Jaume Soler

Mother: Patronilla Sores

Maria Soler - 1796

Birth: 28 Feb 1796 San Lorenzo De La Muga, Gerona, Spainbirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Feliph Soler

Mother: Margarida Gibrat

Maria Soler - 1915 to 1937

Birth: 16 Jan 1915 Bristol Ferry, texasbirth10

Death: 31 Aug 1937 San Antonio, Bexar, Texas, USAdeath10


Father: Forfirio Solie

Mother: Catalena Rodriguez

Maria Soler - 1824 to 1826

Birth: 22 NOV 1824 San Lorenzo de Hortóns, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spainbirth11

Death: 12 NOV 1826 San Lorenzo de Hortóns, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spaindeath11


Father: Tomas Soler

Mother: Maria Claramunt

Maria Soler - 1845

Birth: 1845 Fallinasbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Jose Soles

Mother: Magdalena Darner

Maria Soler - 1830

Birth: 1830 Escualas

Death: Not Available


Father: Jayme Soler

Mother: Marianna Cullell

Maria Soler - 1816

Birth: 1816 Sant Julia De Argentona

Death: Not Available


Father: Jaume Soler

Mother: Teresa Reniu

Maria Soler - 1788

Birth: 13 Oct 1788 San Martin, Massanet De Cabrenys, Gerona, Spainbirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Benet Soler

Mother: Teresa Soler Y Masmitja

Maria Soler - 1866

Birth: 31 JAN 1866 Codogne', Treviso, Italybirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Cristofolo Soler

Mother: Antonia Polles

Maria Josefa Francisca Soler - 1871 to 1935

Birth: 18 Jul 1871 Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spainbirth17

Death: 31 Oct 1935 Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spaindeath17


Father: Luis Francisco Soler

Mother: Francisca Emerenciana Antonia Ferrer Torralbas

Maria Paula Soler

Birth: Not Available Vila-rodona, Tarragona, Catalonia, Spainbirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Joan Soler

Mother: Marianna

Maria Soler - 1864

Birth: 1864 Campins

Death: Not Available


Father: Francisco Soler

Mother: Lucia Ylla

Maria Soler - 1772

Birth: 08 Feb 1772 Crespia, Gerona, Spainbirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Joseph Soler

Mother: Raymunda Soler Y Bramon

Maria Soler - 1844

Birth: 1844 Centenys, Gerona, Spainbirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Miguel Soler Y Vicens

Mother: Maria Soler Y Bachesteva

Maria Cecilia Soler - 1914 to 1961

Birth: 14 October 1914 Lumbrein, Graubünden, Schweizbirth22

Death: 28 November 1961


Father: Gion Rest Soler

Mother: Onna Maria des Barclamiu

Maria Soler - 1808

Birth: 21 Apr 1808 San Vicente, Tossa, Gerona, Spainbirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: Pere Sole

Mother: Geronima Nogueras

Maria Soler - 1836

Birth: 1836 Bestraca

Death: Not Available


Father: Francisco Soler

Mother: Mariana Vila

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