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Results for "Maria Palmstorfer"

1 - 12 of 12 Records

Maria Palmstorfer - 1929 to 2005

Birth: 29 Aug 1929 Pfarrwerfen, Austriabirth0

Death: 3 Jan 2005 Kingston NYdeath0



Mother: Elsie Vierthaler

Maria Palmstorfer - 1900

Birth: 9 Feb 1900 Unzermarkt; Junden

Death: Not Available


Father: Johann PALMSTORFER

Mother: Anna Suss Suss

Maria PALMSTORFER - 1857 to 1857

Birth: 19 Jan 1857 Philippsburg, Schwanenstadt, Vocklabruck, Upper Austria, Austriabirth2

Death: 27 Jan 1857 Philippsburg, Schwanenstadt, Vocklabruck, Upper Austria, Austriadeath2



Mother: Eva Ströbl

Maria Palmstorfer - 1859 to 1860

Birth: 29 Jul 1859 Redlham, Vocklabruck, Upper Austria, Austriabirth3

Death: 5 Aug 1860 Schwanenstadt, Vocklabruck, Upper Austria, Austriadeath3


Father: Johan Evangelist Palmstorfer

Mother: Elisabeth Greutter

Maria PALMSTORFER - 1861 to 1862

Birth: 25 Nov 1861 Olling, Gmunden, Upper Austria, Austriabirth4

Death: 4 Jun 1862 Olling, Gmunden, Upper Austria, Austriadeath4


Father: Johann Baptist PALMSTORFER

Mother: Barbara BAUMGARTNER

Maria PALMSTORFER - 1886

Birth: 30 Mar 1886 Gmunden, Gmunden, Upper Austria, Austriabirth5

Death: Not Available


Father: Johan Baptist PALMSTORFER

Mother: Theresia STOGMULLER

Maria PALMSTORFER - 1889

Birth: 27 Sep 1889 Pinsdorf, Gmunden, Upper Austria, Austriabirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Karl Franz PALMSTORFER

Mother: Leopoldine SCHALLMEINER

Maria Barbara PALMSTORFER - 1766

Birth: 27 Dec 1766 Feldham, Gmunden, Upper Austria, Austriabirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Thomas PALMSTORFER

Mother: Theresa PRUNER

Maria PALMSTORFER - 1808 to 1810

Birth: 1 Jan 1808 Atzbach, Vocklabruck, Upper Austria, Austria

Death: 21 Feb 1810 Atzbach, Vocklabruck, Upper Austria, Austria



Mother: Elizabeth COPLIN

Maria PALMSTORFER - 1904

Birth: 25 Mar 1904 Oberweis, Gmunden, Upper Austria, Austriabirth9

Death: Not Available



Mother: Theresia PLASSER

Maria PALMSTORFER - 1885

Birth: 9 Aug 1885 Kranabeth, Gmunden, Upper Austria, Austriabirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Martin PALMSTORFER

Mother: Marie Concordia KIRSCH

Maria Palmstorfer - 1834

Birth: 2 Jul 1834 Desselbrunn, Vocklabruck, Upper Austria, Austriabirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Johan Georg Palmstorfer

Mother: Elisabeth Ortner

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