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Results for "Maria Calis"

1 - 25 of 59 Records

Maria Calis - 1742 to 1814

Birth: 1742 Luiksgestel

Death: 10 Nov 1814 Luiksgestel


Father: Michael Calis

Mother: Catharina Rommers

Maria Margaretha Calis - 1914 to 1990

Birth: 25 JAN 1914 Laren (NH), Netherlandsbirth1

Death: 12 MAY 1990 Bussum (NH), Netherlandsdeath1


Father: Krijn Calis

Mother: Maria van der Schaal

Maria Catharina Calis - 1803 to 1878

Birth: 17 Oct 1803 Luiksgestel

Death: 4 Jan 1878 Luyksgesteldeath2


Father: Arnoldus Calis

Mother: Maria Margaretha Hermans

Maria Janse Calis - 1870 to 1932

Birth: 08 SEP 1870 Laren (NH), Netherlandsbirth3

Death: 8 Aug 1932 Amersfoort, Utrecht, Nethelandsdeath3


Father: Jan Calis

Mother: Jansje Tak

Maria Margaretha Calis - 1914 to 1990

Birth: 25 JAN 1914 Laren (NH), Netherlandsbirth4

Death: 12 MAY 1990 Bussum (NH), Netherlandsdeath4


Father: Krijn Calis

Mother: Maria van der Schaal

Maria Margaretha Calis - 1914 to 1990

Birth: 25 JAN 1914 Laren (NH), Netherlandsbirth5

Death: 12 MAY 1990 Bussum (NH), Netherlandsdeath5


Father: Krijn Calis

Mother: Maria van der Schaal

Maria Calis - 1866 to 1946

Birth: 11 SEP 1866 Laren (NH), Netherlandsbirth6

Death: 07 Dec 1946 Hilversum (NH), Netherlandsdeath6


Father: Bart Calis

Mother: Diena Braam

Maria Calis - 1903 to 1974

Birth: 20 SEP 1903 Laren (NH), Netherlandsbirth7

Death: 30 JUN 1974 Laren (NH), Netherlandsdeath7


Father: Willem Calis

Mother: Jansje Nijhof

Maria Richarda Calis - 1850 to 1865

Birth: 11 DEC 1850 Hilversum (NH), Netherlandsbirth8

Death: 19 JUL 1865 Hilversum (NH), Netherlandsdeath8


Father: Roelof Calis

Mother: Suzanna Andriessen

Maria Klasina Calis - 1903 to 1984

Birth: 06 Sep 1903 Laren (NH), Netherlandsbirth9

Death: 12 Oct 1984 Hilversum, Noord-Holland, Netherlandsdeath9


Father: Herman Calis

Mother: Jacoba Kok

Maria Anna CALIS - 1756 to 1833

Birth: 06 Feb 1756 Tielt, West-Vlaanderen, Belgiumbirth10

Death: 08 Jan 1833 Wingene, West-Vlaanderen, Belgiumdeath10


Father: Franciscus Calis

Mother: Catharina Bruijneel

Maria Magdalena Calis - 1706 to 1706

Birth: 24 SEP 1706 Maldegem (B)birth11

Death: 15 NOV 1706 Maldegem (B)death11


Father: Franciscus Calus

Mother: Adrianna Van Damme

Maria Elisabeth Calis - 1871 to 1872

Birth: 09 AUG 1871 's-Graveland (NH), Netherlandsbirth12

Death: 01 SEP 1872 's-Graveland (NH), Netherlandsdeath12


Father: Nicolaas Calis

Mother: Alida Theebe

Maria Calis - 1859 to 1907

Birth: 05 JUL 1859 Laren (NH), Netherlandsbirth13

Death: 14 NOV 1907 Laren (NH), Netherlandsdeath13


Father: Gijsbert Hendrik Calis

Mother: Grietje Dekker

Maria Lamberta Klazina Calis - 1911 to 1985

Birth: 30 JUL 1911 Laren (NH), Netherlandsbirth14

Death: 11 JAN 1985 Bussum (NH), Netherlandsdeath14


Father: Krijn Calis

Mother: Maria van der Schaal

Maria Otto Calis - 1799 to 1853

Birth: 1799 Laren (NH), Netherlandsbirth15

Death: 27 May 1853 Laren (NH), Netherlandsdeath15


Father: Otto Jacobus Calis

Mother: Geertje Janszen Vlug

Maria Theresia Calis - 1838

Birth: 12 Jan 1838 Thielt, West Flanders, Belgiumbirth16

Death: Not Available Thielt, West Flanders, Belgiumdeath16


Father: Joseph CALIS

Mother: Clara Van Camperaere

Maria Calis - 1872 to 1964

Birth: 22 APR 1872 Laren (NH), Netherlandsbirth17

Death: 02 OCT 1964 Laren (NH), Netherlandsdeath17


Father: Joannis Jacobus Calis

Mother: Gijsbertje Smit

Maria Calis - 1910 to 2003

Birth: 11 JAN 1910 Laren (NH), Netherlandsbirth18

Death: 09 OCT 2003 Laren (NH), Netherlandsdeath18


Father: Hendrik Calis

Mother: Gijsberta Emmink

Maria Alida Calis - 1911 to 1997

Birth: 03 Mar 1911 Bussum (NH), Netherlandsbirth19

Death: 16 Jun 1997 Baarn (UT), Netherlandsdeath19


Father: Martinus Hermanus Calis

Mother: Johanna Jacoba Post

Maria Klazina Calis - 1915 to 1992

Birth: 29 OCT 1915 Laren (NH), Netherlandsbirth20

Death: 13 SEP 1992 Bussum (NH), Netherlandsdeath20


Father: Krijn Calis

Mother: Maria van der Schaal

Maria Alida Calis - 1900 to 1991

Birth: 25 Nov 1900 s-Graveland (NH), Netherlands

Death: 14 NOV 1991 Zeist (UT), Netherlandsdeath21


Father: Nicolaas Calis

Mother: Petronella Vos

Maria Alida Calis - 1881 to 1964

Birth: 23 AUG 1881 s-Graveland (NH), Netherlandsbirth22

Death: 07 JAN 1964 Utrecht (UT), Netherlandsdeath22


Father: Nicolaas Calis

Mother: Alida Theebe

Female IconMale Icon

Maria Calis - 1894

Birth: 28 Dic 1894 Taxco, Guerrero, Méxicobirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: Trinidad Calis

Mother: Maria Bustos

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