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Results for "maggie dixon"

Name: Maggie Lurany Dixon

Birth: 24 Apr 1896 Carman, Henderson Co., IL., USA

Death: 08 MAR 1994 Belidere, Illinois, USA

Father: William Henry Dixon

Mother: Charlotte Ann Wray

Name: Maggie A Dixon

Birth: 14 Sep 1876 Greene, North Carolina, USA

Death: 22 Jan 1966 Mcdowell, North Carolina

Father: Joseph Dixon

Mother: Augusta Bolling Whitaker

Name: Maggie Lee DIXON

Birth: 16 Sep 1894 West Virginia, United States

Death: Mar 1977 Charleston, Kanawha, West Virginia, USA

Father: James DIXON

Mother: Socelia Sereptia Miller

Name: Maggie Dixon

Birth: 25 May 1921 Bristol, Tennessee, USA

Death: Aug, 1999 Mt. Holly, New Jersey

Father: Calvin Armstrong Dixon

Mother: Matilda Johnson

Name: Maggie L Dixon

Birth: 20 November 1919 Alabama, USA

Death: 23 January 1987 MOBILE, ALABAMA

Father: John R Dixon

Mother: Nancy Dixon

Name: Maggie E Dixon

Birth: abt 1878 Kentucky

Death: 7 Aug 1961 Portsmouth, Scioto, Ohio, USA

Father: Reese G Dixon*


Name: Maggie Dixon

Birth: 27 Jan 1910 Jefferson, Arkansas

Death: Feb 1988 Pine Bluff, Jefferson, Arkansas, USA

Father: Jim Singleton

Mother: Dora Hodo Thomas

Name: Maggie Sophia Dixon

Birth: abt 1881 Douro, Ontario, Canada

Death: 21 Jun 1934 Peterborough

Father: David Dixon

Mother: Rebecca McWilliams

Name: Maggie Dixon

Birth: about 1871 Clerkenwell, London, England

Death: 1 Aug 1939 Hendon, Middlesex, England

Father: Benjamin Dixon

Mother: Hannah Alice Hide

Name: Maggie Ellen Dixon

Birth: Apr 1884 Dent, Yorkshire, England

Death: Mar 1982 Staincliffe, Lancashire, England

Father: William Dixon

Mother: Eleanor Oversby

Name: Maggie Dixon

Birth: 25 December 1876 North Carolina

Death: 18 Jul 1907 Roane County, Tennessee, USA

Father: Thomas Lee Dixon

Mother: Martha L Mathis Matthews

Name: Maggie Henrietta DIXON

Birth: Oct 1868 Frederick, Frederick, Maryland, USA

Death: Not Available Frederick, Frederick County, Maryland, USA

Father: Richard Thomas Dixon

Mother: Elizabeth Ann Falconer

Name: Maggie A Dixon

Birth: 27 September 1900 Alabama

Death: 4 November 1996

Father: Charles Keel

Mother: Martha Jane Morgan

Name: Maggie M Dixon

Birth: 1861 Goulburn, NSW

Death: 1927 Sydney NSW Australia

Father: Edward Dixon

Mother: Margaret MENZIES

Name: Maggie Dixon

Birth: January 1900 Guide Post, Northumberland, England

Death: 1996 Newbiggin by the sea, Northumberland, England

Father: Daniel Robinson Dixon

Mother: Emily Maughan

Name: Maggie Dixon

Birth: abt 1893 Macon, Noxubee, Mississippi, USA

Death: 16 Nov 1958 St Louis, Missouri, USA

Father: Champ Farmer

Mother: Febbie Farmer

Name: Maggie Dixon

Birth: abt 1882 Virginia

Death: 3 Jul 1950 Halifax, Virginia, USA

Father: Mose Clark

Mother: Bessie Clark

Name: Maggie Dixon

Birth: abt 1919 Georgia

Death: 17 Mar 1973 Richmond, Georgia, USA

Father: Harry Dixon

Mother: Lillie Jose

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