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Results for "Lawrence Castner"

1 - 15 of 15 Records

Lawrence E. Castner - 1910 to 1980

Birth: 15 Nov 1910 Pennsylvaniabirth0

Death: 4 Nov 1980 Akron, Summit, Ohio, USAdeath0


Father: Joseph Castner

Mother: Sarah Catherine Reardon

Lawrence E. Castner - 1910 to 1980

Birth: 15 Nov 1910 Pennsylvaniabirth1

Death: 4 Nov 1980 Akron, Summit, Ohio, USAdeath1


Father: Joseph Castner

Mother: Sarah Catherine Reardon

Lawrence Eugene Castner - 1926 to 2000

Birth: 27 Mar 1926 Tehama, Tehama, California, USAbirth2

Death: 24 APR 2000 ,Shasta,California,USAdeath2


Father: William Carlton Castner

Mother: Ramona M Adams

Lawrence A Castner - 1890 to 1976

Birth: 16 MAY 1890 Sigel, Jefferson, Pennsylvania, USAbirth3

Death: 20 Feb 1976 Pinellas, Florida, United Statesdeath3


Father: James Sylvester Castner

Mother: Margaret Jane Songer

Lawrence Tichenor Castner - 1920 to 2001

Birth: 1 Jun 1920 Tyrone, Schuyler, New York, USAbirth4

Death: 13 Dec 2001 Penn Yan, Yates, New York, USAdeath4


Father: Clifford H Castner

Mother: Myrtle Mae Tichenor

Lawrence Scott Castner - 1872 to 1966

Birth: 5 Sep 1872 Ennisville, Pennsylvaniabirth5

Death: 19 Dec 1966 Aliquippa, Beaver, Pennsylvania, USAdeath5


Father: James Scott Castner

Mother: Mary Margaret Hassinger

Lawrence Cleo Castner - 1903 to 1966

Birth: 21 Jul 1903 Mantorville, Dodge Co., Mn., USAbirth6

Death: 14 Aug 1966 Rocester, Olmstead Co., Mn., USAdeath6


Father: Fred Castner

Mother: Mabel June Wheeler


Birth: 1 May 1902 San Francisco, San Francisco County, California, USAbirth7

Death: 6 Dec 1949 San Francisco, San Francisco County, California, USAdeath7




Lawrence S Castner - 1922 to 1928

Birth: 3 Jun 1922 Burgettstown, Pennsylvaniabirth8

Death: 26 Oct 1928 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAdeath8


Father: Lawrence Scott Castner

Mother: Anna Bertha Anderson

Lawrence Patrick Castner - 1929 to 1993

Birth: 18 Apr 1929

Death: 2 Nov 1993 Hawthorne, Passaic, NJ, USAdeath9


Father: Charles W Castner

Mother: Bridget Regina Laurin

Lawrence Wesley Castner - 1912

Birth: ABT 1912 Coloradobirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Wesley Orwin Castner

Mother: Clara CARLSON

Lawrence Castner - 1903 to 1966

Birth: 21 Jul 1903 Mantorville, Dodge, Minnesota, USAbirth11

Death: 8/14/1966 Mantorville, Dodge, Minnesota, USAdeath11


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Lawrence Patrick Castner - 1929

Birth: 8 Jan 1929 Pittston, Pennsylvania, USAbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Lawrence S Castner

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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