Results for "Klara Palmqvist"
Klara Betunia Palmqvist - 1903 to 1989
Birth: 6 JUN 1903 rkelljunga (L
Death: 16 DEC 1989 Klippan (L
Father: Norin Palmqvist
Mother: Olga Elin Olsson
Klara Eleonora Palmqvist - 1880
Birth: 27 Nov 1880 Stora Stallmästaregården, Solna, Stockholms län, Uppland, Sweden
Death: Not Available
Father: Andreas Andersson Palmqvist
Mother: Kristina Persdotter Vallin
Klara Mathilda Palmqvist - 1868 to 1953
Birth: 27 Dec 1868 Ekeby, Sverige
Death: 1953 Sweden
Father: Per Johan Palmqvist
Mother: Anna Sophia Andersdotter
Klara Palmqvist - 1861
Birth: 16 Apr 1861
Death: Not Available
Father: Johan Magnus Palmqvist
Mother: Emma Lundqvist
Klara Palmqvist - 1860 to 1887
Birth: 2 jun 1860
Death: 3 aug 1887
Father: Anders Johan Palmqvist
Mother: Anna Cajsa Carlsdotter
Klara Matilda Palmqvist - 1855 to 1912
Birth: 24 dec 1855 Lovö, Stockholm, Sverige
Death: 9 Mar 1912 Botkyrka, Stockholm, Sverige
Father: Not Available
Mother: Not Available