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Name: Katie Lou Batts
Birth: 18 Nov 1931 Harnett County, North Carolina
Death: 14 Feb 2003 Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina
Father: George Smith Henderson
Mother: Ida Frances Canaday
Name: Katie Elizabeth Batts
Birth: 25 Jan 1885 Wilson County, North Carolina, USA
Death: 6 Jul 1911 Halifax County, North Carolina
Father: Wiley Gray Batts
Mother: Zilphia Ellen Robbins
Name: Katie Mae Batts
Birth: 2 Aug 1939 Nash, North Carolina
Death: 2 Oct 2000 Chesterfield, Virginia, USA
Father: Johnie Williams Batts
Mother: Bertha Hanford
Name: Katie Aletha Batts
Birth: Oct. 5, 1930 Limestone County, Alabama, USA
Death: 17 Dec 1957 Madison County, Alabama, USA
Father: Grover Cleveland Batts
Mother: Eunice Videra Graham
Name: Katie Batts
Birth: 03 September 1905 Durham County, North Carolina, USA
Death: 27 December 2002 New Bern, Craven County, North Carolina, USA
Father: Blaney William Batts
Mother: Serena Jane Pigford
Name: Katie Estelle Batts
Birth: 8 Oct 1909 Nash, North Carolina
Death: Not Available
Father: James W Batts
Mother: Katherine "Kate" Ruth Robbins
Name: Katie Batts
Birth: abt 1900 North Carolina
Death: Not Available
Father: Wiley Willie Batts
Mother: Eliza Jane Batchelor
Name: Katie BATTS
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: Henry BATTS
Mother: Mary WHITLEY
Name: Katie Batts
Birth: Jun 1881 Mississippi
Death: Not Available
Father: Joe Batts
Mother: Private
Name: Katie Batts
Birth: Jun 1894 Tennessee, USA
Death: Not Available
Father: Robert F Batts
Mother: Private
Name: Katie Batts
Birth: abt 1848 Georgia
Death: Not Available
Father: Private
Mother: Private
Name: Katie Batts
Birth: 1853 Turkey
Death: Not Available
Father: Private
Mother: Private
Name: Katie Batts
Birth: abt 1880 North Carolina
Death: Not Available
Father: Private
Mother: Private
Name: Katie Batts
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: Private
Mother: Private
Name: Katie Batts
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available Onslow County North Carolina
Father: Private
Mother: Private
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