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Results for "Karl Palmqvist"

1 - 25 of 219 Records
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Karl Wilhelm* Palmqvist

Birth: 20 Sep 1870 Mästerby - Gotland

Death: 28 Sep 1953 Hemse - Gotland


Father: Alfred Wilhelm Palmqvist

Mother: Margretha Rondahl

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Karl Gottfrid Palmqvist

Birth: 29 NOV 1884 Tjärby

Death: 24 JUN 1946 Gustav Adolf Helsingborg


Father: Gustaf Oskar Bengtsson Palmqvist

Mother: Thilda Persson

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Karl Palmqvist

Birth: 10 Jan 1804 Stenby, Adelsö, Uppland (C)

Death: 17 Jun 1882 Linköping, Östergötland, Sverige


Father: Carl Fredric Palmqvist

Mother: Henrica Sophia Lillienberg or Lelljenberg

Female IconMale Icon

Karl Gottfrid Palmqvist

Birth: 29 NOV 1884 Tjärby

Death: 24 JUN 1946 Gustav Adolf Helsingborg


Father: Gustaf Oskar Bengtsson Palmqvist

Mother: Thilda Persson

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Karl Gunnar Palmqvist

Birth: 1907/08/15 Vinnerstad, Östergötland, Sverige

Death: 1984/10/31 Motala, Östergötland, Sverige


Father: Frans Vilhelm Palmqvist

Mother: Edla Matilda Håkansson

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Karl Anders Palmqvist

Birth: 25 JUN 1855 Kumlinge, Kumlinge, Åland

Death: 14 DEC 1930 Kumlinge, Kumlinge, Åland


Father: Jakob Anders Persson

Mother: Anna Stina Andersdotter

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Karl Anders Palmqvist

Birth: 25 JUN 1855 Kumlinge, Kumlinge, Åland

Death: 14 DEC 1930 Kumlinge, Kumlinge, Åland


Father: Jakob Anders Persson

Mother: Anna Stina Andersdotter

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Karl Vilhelm Palmqvist

Birth: 17 FEB 1871 Ö Offerberg, Undersvik (X)

Death: 23 juli 1955 Arbrå, Gävleborg, Sverige


Father: Anders Vilhelm Palmquist

Mother: Pell Margreta Olsdotter Palmquist

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Karl Palmqvist

Birth: 17 JUL 1887 Österunda, Uppsala, Sweden

Death: 15 JUL 1963 Brunnsta 1:5, Österunda, Västmanland, Sweden


Father: Anders August Eriksson

Mother: Johanna Ersdotter

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Karl Fredrik Palmqvist

Birth: 23 JAN 1835 Stenkyrka (I)

Death: 07 Jun 1895 Visby, Gotlands län, Sweden


Father: Johan Peter Ekström ( Nilsson )

Mother: Cajsa Gustava Ekström f. Carlsdotter

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Karl Herman Palmqvist

Birth: 17 jun 1886 Huddinge, Stockholm, Sverige

Death: 16 mar 1969 Västerhaninge, Stockholm, Sverige


Father: Johan Henrik Palmqvist

Mother: Kristina Bengtsson

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Karl Palmqvist

Birth: 3 APR 1921 Södra Sandby (M)

Death: 7 SEP 2007 Eriksfält (M)


Father: Bror John Palmqvist

Mother: Helga Ingeborg Nilsdotter

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Karl August Palmqvist

Birth: 8 maj 1859 Brattfors, Värmland, Sverige

Death: 14 februari 1923 Nyed, Värmland, Sverige


Father: Lars Andersson Palmqvist

Mother: Maja Kajsa Forsberg

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Karl August Palmqvist

Birth: 8 maj 1859 Brattfors, Värmland, Sverige

Death: 14 februari 1923 Nyed, Värmland, Sverige


Father: Lars Andersson Palmqvist

Mother: Maja Kajsa Forsberg

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Karl Fredrik Palmqvist

Birth: 23 JAN 1835 Stenkyrka (I)

Death: 07 Jun 1895 Visby, Gotlands län, Sweden


Father: Johan Peter Ekström ( Nilsson )

Mother: Cajsa Gustava Ekström f. Carlsdotter

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Karl Oskar Palmqvist

Birth: 4 JAN 1875 Björkö Sjöhagen Jönköpings län

Death: 29 DEC 1954 Västanfors församlingen Västmanlands län (U)


Father: Karl Johan Andersson Palmqvist

Mother: Maria Mathilda Larsdotter

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Karl Johan Palmqvist

Birth: 1 februari 1904 Östra Kärrstorp, Skåne, Sverige

Death: 14 Apr 1982 Södra Åsum, Skåne, Sverige


Father: Johan Palmqvist

Mother: Alma Paulina Nilsson

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Karl "Olof" Palmqvist

Birth: 18 Sep 1903 Norrköpings Sankt Olai, Östergötland, Sverige

Death: 4 Dec 1985 Vallentuna, Stockholm, Sverige


Father: Karl Hjalmar Palmqvist

Mother: Judit Maria Nilson

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Karl Johan Palmqvist

Birth: 1 APR 1818 Forssjö, Stora Malms socken, Oppunda härad, Södermanland

Death: Not Available Y


Father: Carl Magnus Palmqvist

Mother: Maria Lovisa Holmberg

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Karl Leonard Palmqvist

Birth: 28 Jun 1916 Jukkasjärvi, Kiruna, Norrbotten, Sverige

Death: 10 May 1990 Mangigatan 26D, Kiruna, Norrbotten, Sverige


Father: Jakob Palmkvist

Mother: Anna Sofia Olsdotter Tervaniemi

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Karl Palmqvist

Birth: 20 NOV 1906 Nyköpings Sankt Nicolai, Södermanland, Sweden

Death: 25 JAN 1979 Nynäshamn, Stockholm, Sweden


Father: Karl Edvard Palmqvist

Mother: Maja Petrolina Eklund

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Karl Johan Palmqvist

Birth: 1 APR 1818 Forssjö, Stora Malms socken, Oppunda härad, Södermanland

Death: Not Available Y


Father: Carl Magnus Palmqvist

Mother: Maria Lovisa Holmberg

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Karl Elis Palmqvist

Birth: 15 SEP 1910 Säby (F)

Death: BEF 1946


Father: Karl Pontus Palmqvist

Mother: Hanna Emilia Andersson

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Karl Evert Palmqvist

Birth: 24 dec 1907 Oscar

Death: 31 aug 1990


Father: Carl Gustaf Johansson Palmqvist

Mother: Ellen Augusta Persson

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Karl Palmqvist

Birth: 20 JUL 1899 Åkersberg, Ryd Södergård, Linderås (F)

Death: 19 MAY 1988 Glömminge 5422, Glömminge (H)


Father: August Palm Palmqvist

Mother: Anna Maria* Thorn Palmqvist

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