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Results for "Joseph Payment"

1 - 25 of 149 Records

Joseph Payment - 1893 to 1960

Birth: 9 June 1893 Valleyfield, Québec, Canadabirth0

Death: 04 Oct 1960 Lochiel, Glengarry, Ontario, Canadadeath0


Father: Godfroy Payment (1852)

Mother: Marie-Ééonore-Alphonsine Bertrand

Joseph Payment - 1826 to 1895

Birth: 1 April 1826 Ste-Genevieve, Quebec, Canada, birth1

Death: 5 September 1895 Manchester, New Hampshire, USAdeath1


Father: Michel Payment

Mother: Rosalie Roussel

Joseph Moses Payment - 1891 to 1971

Birth: Nov 1891 Ontariobirth2

Death: 9 Dec 1971


Father: Joseph Payment

Mother: Olivine Robidous

Joseph Payment - 1826 to 1895

Birth: 1 April 1826 Ste-Genevieve, Quebec, Canada, birth3

Death: 5 September 1895 Manchester, New Hampshire, USAdeath3


Father: Michel Payment

Mother: Rosalie Roussel

Joseph Celestin Payment - 1905 to 1975

Birth: 16 Mar 1905 La Fontaine, Ontario, Canadabirth4

Death: 1 JUL 1975 Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Canadadeath4


Father: Dominique Payment

Mother: Marie Philomene Moreau

Joseph Celestin Payment - 1905 to 1975

Birth: 16 Mar 1905 La Fontaine, Ontario, Canadabirth5

Death: 1 JUL 1975 Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Canadadeath5


Father: Dominique Payment

Mother: Marie Philomene Moreau

Joseph Payment - 1801 to 1879

Birth: 20 July 1801 St-Benoit, Quebec, Canadabirth6

Death: 15 Sep 1879 Ottawa, Ontario, Canadadeath6


Father: Louis Paiement dit Lariviere

Mother: Marie Clemence Berthelet dit Savoyard

Joseph Louis Payment - 1783 to 1853

Birth: 30 Apr 1783 Ste-Genevieve, Quebec, Canadabirth7

Death: 23 Dec 1853 Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canadadeath7


Father: Louis Paiement

Mother: Marie Hubert

Joseph Payment - 1794 to 1838

Birth: Abt. 18 Jun 1794 Sainte-Geneviève de Pierrefonds, district de Montréal, PQbirth8

Death: 5 Oct 1838 Mirabel, Laurentides, Québec, Canadadeath8



Mother: Marie-Angelique Theoret

Joseph Payment - 1754

Birth: Abt 1754 ,Que,Canbirth9

Death: Not Available unknown


Father: Louis Marie Payment Paiement dit Larivière

Mother: Marie Louise Turpin

Joseph Payment - 1931 to 2006

Birth: 13 June 1931 St. Boniface, Manitoba, Canadabirth10

Death: December 4 2006 Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canadadeath10


Father: Romeo Adelarde PAYMENT

Mother: Marie Alice Levacque

Joseph Wilfrid Payment - 1876

Birth: 1876 LaFontaine, Ontario, Canadabirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Eustache Payment

Mother: Sophia Edna Vallée

Joseph Payment - 1850 to 1886

Birth: 18 May 1850 Saint-Augustin (Mirabel), comté de Deux-Montagnes, PQbirth12

Death: 1886


Father: Antoine Payment

Mother: Narcisse Paquette

Joseph Lloyd Payment - 1905 to 1973

Birth: 29 jan 1905 sault ste marie, chippewa, michigan usbirth13

Death: 8 Feb 1973 New Boston, Wayne, Michigan, United States of Americadeath13


Father: Francis Xavier ,"Frank" PAYMENT

Mother: Johanna Zoe Lessard

Joseph Payment - 1753 to 1821

Birth: 14 June 1753 Ste. Genevieve, Quebec, Canadabirth14

Death: 15 Oct 1821 Ste Genevieve, Quebec, Canadadeath14


Father: Joseph Louis Payment dit Larivière

Mother: Marie Angélique CHORET

Joseph Payment - 1839 to 1921

Birth: Jan 6, 1839 St. Anne de Bellvue, Quebecbirth15

Death: 11 May 1921 Cornwall, Stormont Co. Ontariodeath15


Father: Alexander Payment

Mother: Elmire (Mary) Poudrette dit Lavigne

Joseph Ulysses Payment - 1905 to 1971

Birth: 14 May 1905 RM of Montcalm, Manitoba, Canadabirth16

Death: 31 Mar 1971 Burnaby, British Columbiadeath16


Father: Adalbert Payment

Mother: Melina Parenteau

Joseph Payment - 1873 to 1928

Birth: 23 May 1873 Lafontaine, Ontario, Canadabirth17

Death: 29 Jan 1928 Terrebonne, Red Lake County, Minnesota, USAdeath17


Father: Antoine Jochim Payment

Mother: Olympia Pauline Pilon

Joseph Robert Emile Payment - 1904 to 1982

Birth: 9 Feb 1904 Penetanguishene, Ontario, Canadabirth18

Death: 11 Jun 1982 Toronto, Ontario, Canadadeath18


Father: Dominique Payment

Mother: Marie Philomene Moreau

Joseph Elie Payment - 1900 to 1987

Birth: 7 OCT 1900 Lafontaine, Ontario, Canadabirth19

Death: 7 AUG 1987 Toronto, Ontario, Canadadeath19


Father: Dominique Payment

Mother: Marie Philomene Moreau

Joseph Payment - 1841 to 1909

Birth: 06 Feb 1841 St-Polycarpe, Quebec, Canadabirth20

Death: 31 Août 1909 Les Cèdres, Québecdeath20



Mother: Julie Payment (Binette)

Joseph Payment - 1827 to 1828

Birth: 04 Apr 1827 Sainte-Geneviève de Pierrefonds, district de Montréal, PQbirth21

Death: 16 May 1828 Sainte-Geneviève de Pierrefonds, district de Montréal, PQdeath21


Father: Bernard Payment

Mother: Marguerite Theoret

Joseph Jean Paul Payment - 1920 to 1996

Birth: 17 février 1920 Ste-Geneviève de Pierrefonds, Québec, Canadabirth22

Death: 23 novembre 1996 Montréal, Québecdeath22


Father: Paul Payment

Mother: Marie-Anna Lefebvre

Joseph Edmond Payment - 1898 to 1899

Birth: 01 Jul 1898 RM of Ritchot, Manitoba, Canadabirth23

Death: 13 Aug 1899 RM of Ritchot, Manitoba, Canadadeath23


Father: Edouard Louis Payment

Mother: Adeline Campeau

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