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Results for "Joseph Evans"

1 - 25 of 13,186 Records

Joseph Evans - 1846 to 1933

Birth: Oct 1846 Indianabirth0

Death: 17 Mar 1933 Brazil, Clay, Indiana, USAdeath0


Father: Henry Harrison Evans

Mother: Hester Ellen Downing

Joseph Willie Evans - 1891 to 1933

Birth: 4/25/1891 Telfair Co. Ga.birth1

Death: 7/30/1933 Fulton Co. Georgiadeath1


Father: Thomas Gilbert Evans

Mother: Emily MOORE Evans

Joseph Shelton Evans - 1915 to 2007

Birth: 04 Aug 1915 Cincinnati, Ohiobirth2

Death: 25 Jan 2007 Philadelphia, PAdeath2


Father: Joseph Shelton Evans

Mother: Ruey M. Thompson

Joseph LaFayette Evans - 1874 to 1947

Birth: 1 Jun 1874 Bell County, Texasbirth3

Death: 1 May 1947 Custer County, Oklahoma, USAdeath3


Father: James Andrew Evans

Mother: Liney Louisa Huffman

Joseph Henry Evans - 1888 to 1949

Birth: 17 Sep 1888 Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon, USAbirth4

Death: 31 Oct 1949 Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, USAdeath4


Father: George Washington Evans

Mother: Melissa Jane HARTLEY

Joseph Evans - 1941 to 2007

Birth: 25 Jul 1941 Dayton, Ohiobirth5

Death: about 2007 Colorado, USAdeath5


Father: Dorsey Marshall EVANS

Mother: Thelma Olive Johnson

Joseph Evans - 1850 to 1932

Birth: 25 Nov 1850 Warren County, Ohio, USAbirth6

Death: 10 Feb 1932 Warren, Ohio, USAdeath6


Father: Charles Evans

Mother: Catherine Chenoweth

Joseph Ray Evans - 1924 to 2004

Birth: 6 Sep 1924 Johnstown, Cambria, Pennsylvania, USAbirth7

Death: 23 Feb 2004 Calabash, Brunswick, North Carolina, United States of Americadeath7


Father: Edison Harrison Evans

Mother: Ida May Rock

Joseph Evans - 1846 to 1933

Birth: Oct 1846 Indianabirth8

Death: 17 Mar 1933 Brazil, Clay, Indiana, USAdeath8


Father: Henry Harrison Evans

Mother: Hester Ellen Downing

Joseph Henry Evans - 1861 to 1925

Birth: 26 MAR 1861 Islington, London, Englandbirth9

Death: 07 Sep 1925 Rochford, Essex, Englanddeath9


Father: Joseph Henry Evans

Mother: Sarah Mary Long

Joseph Alexander Evans - 1843 to 1915

Birth: 1 September 1843 Perry County, Alabama, USAbirth10

Death: 10 Jun 1915 Marquez, Leon, Texas, USAdeath10


Father: William 'Billie' Evans

Mother: Rebecca Walker

Joseph Shelton Evans - 1915 to 2007

Birth: 04 Aug 1915 Cincinnati, Ohiobirth11

Death: 25 Jan 2007 Philadelphia, PAdeath11


Father: Joseph Shelton Evans

Mother: Ruey M. Thompson

Joseph George Evans - 1846 to 1889

Birth: October 1846 Great Boughton, Cheshire, United Kingdombirth12

Death: 9 Nov 1889 Chesterdeath12


Father: Joseph Evans

Mother: Mary Ann Millington

Joseph Jay Evans - 1860 to 1938

Birth: 27 Jun 1860 Ada Kent Michiganbirth13

Death: 11 Nov 1938 Cedar Lake, Montcalm, Michigan, United Statesdeath13


Father: John Evans

Mother: Catherine Lucinda Hawkins

Joseph Evans - 1867 to 1940

Birth: abt 1867 Utah Territorybirth14

Death: 7 July 1940 San Francisco, San Francisco, California, United Statesdeath14


Father: Moses Evans

Mother: Louisa Pollard

Joseph I. EVANS - 1887 to 1954

Birth: 25 September 1887 Denton, Denton, Texasbirth15

Death: Nov 29, 1954 Denton, Denton, Texas, USAdeath15


Father: Joseph Manuel Evans

Mother: Nancy Johnson

Joseph Edward Evans - 1885 to 1943

Birth: abt 1885 Ohiobirth16

Death: 12 JUN 1943 Ohiodeath16


Father: Jonathan Rapier Evans

Mother: Sarah Jane Hopton

Joseph E Evans - 1878 to 1941

Birth: 29 Apr 1878 Mississippi, United Statesbirth17

Death: 21 Jan 1941 Lawrence, Mississippi, USAdeath17


Father: James A Evans

Mother: Alice Lee Carter Evans

Joseph Calhoun Evans - 1900 to 1988

Birth: 7 Jul 1900 Arkansasbirth18

Death: 22 Sep 1988 Tucson, Pima, Arizona, United Statesdeath18


Father: Solomon Aaron Evans

Mother: Nettie Emaline Woodard

Joseph Smith Evans - 1824 to 1897

Birth: 28 Nov 1824 Spencer County, Indiana, USAbirth19

Death: 25 October 1897 Perry, Indiana, United Statesdeath19


Father: Joseph Evans

Mother: Gabrilla Evans

Joseph Lawrence Evans - 1860 to 1899

Birth: 26 Sep 1860 Wauauga, North Carolina, USAbirth20

Death: 18 June 1899 Atlanta, De Kalb, Georgia, USAdeath20


Father: George Napolean Evans

Mother: Hetty Nancy Roland

Joseph Lee Evans - 1904 to 1986

Birth: 2 Dec 1904 GA.birth21

Death: 22 October 1986 Phenix City, Russell, Alabama, United Statesdeath21


Father: Francis Norman Evans

Mother: Emma Elizabeth Adams

Joseph T. Evans - 1862 to 1943

Birth: Oct 1862 Alabamabirth22

Death: 1943 Alabama, United States of Americadeath22


Father: John R Evans

Mother: Catherine Caroline Rhodes

Joseph Evans - 1922 to 1971

Birth: 10 JUN 1922 Nash County, North Carolinabirth23

Death: 3 SEP 1971 Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Forsythe Countydeath23


Father: Joseph Evans

Mother: May Belle Pullen

Joseph W Evans - 1862 to 1927

Birth: abt 1862 Alabamabirth24

Death: 5 Feb 1927 Nauvoo, Walker, Alabama, USAdeath24


Father: Josiah Evans

Mother: Caroline Flewellin Evans

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