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Results for "Joseph Cambron"

1 - 25 of 173 Records

Joseph William Cambron - 1928 to 1969

Birth: 3 August 1928 Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, USAbirth0

Death: 21 June 1969 Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, USAdeath0


Father: Joseph William Cambron

Mother: Frances E Shull

Joseph William Cambron - 1928 to 1969

Birth: 3 August 1928 Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, USAbirth1

Death: 21 June 1969 Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, USAdeath1


Father: Joseph William Cambron

Mother: Frances E Shull

Joseph Cambron - 1857 to 1937

Birth: 15 Mar 1857 Perry County, Missouri, USAbirth2

Death: 24 DEC 1937 Caddo Parish, Louisiana, USAdeath2


Father: Benjamin Cambron

Mother: Adelia Hagan - Cambron

Joseph William Cambron - 1928 to 1969

Birth: 3 August 1928 Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, USAbirth3

Death: 21 June 1969 Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, USAdeath3


Father: Joseph William Cambron

Mother: Frances E Shull

Joseph Emanual Cambron - 1912 to 1959

Birth: 10/21/1912 Marion County, Kentucky, USAbirth4

Death: 27 September 1959 Marion County, Kentucky, USAdeath4


Father: Joseph Thurman Cambron

Mother: Mary Lillian Brady

Joseph Emanual Cambron - 1912 to 1959

Birth: 10/21/1912 Marion County, Kentucky, USAbirth5

Death: 27 September 1959 Marion County, Kentucky, USAdeath5


Father: Joseph Thurman Cambron

Mother: Mary Lillian Brady

Joseph Roy Cambron - 1903 to 1958

Birth: 14 September 1903 Marion County, Kentucky, USAbirth6

Death: 13 October 1958 Jefferson County, Kentucky, USAdeath6


Father: Joseph William Cambron

Mother: Anna Mitchell

Joseph Terry Cambron - 1947 to 1968

Birth: 18 December 1947 Marion, Crittenden County, Kentucky, United States of Americabirth7

Death: 24 July 1968 Vietnamdeath7


Father: James Leon Cambron

Mother: Mary Shirley Salsman

Joseph Leland Cambron - 1928 to 1995

Birth: 27 September 1928 Lebanon, Marion, Kentucky, USAbirth8

Death: 27 September 1995 Jefferson County, Kentucky, USAdeath8


Father: Anthony Cleveland Cambron

Mother: Mary Charles Dant

Joseph Cambron - 1913 to 1992

Birth: 20 February 1913 Kentuckybirth9

Death: 25 Feb 1992 Jefferson County, Kentuckydeath9


Father: Thomas Robert Cambron

Mother: Mary Alma Vize

Joseph Cambron - 1856 to 1856

Birth: 15 Mar 1856 Perry, Missouri, United Statesbirth10

Death: 4/1856 Perry County, Missouri, USAdeath10


Father: Benjamin Cambron

Mother: Adelia Hagan - Cambron

Joseph Walter Cambron - 1880 to 1958

Birth: 1880 Marion County, Kentucky, USAbirth11

Death: 9 June 1958 Lebanon, Marion County, Kentucky, USAdeath11


Father: Joseph E Cambron

Mother: Eliza Logsdon

Joseph Carl Cambron - 1937 to 2008

Birth: 3 Feb 1937 Loretto, Marion County, Kentucky, United States of Americabirth12

Death: 3 Jan 2008 Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky, United States of Americadeath12


Father: Joseph Emanuel Cambron

Mother: Mary Bickett-Cambron

Joseph Walter Cambron - 1880 to 1958

Birth: 1880 Marion County, Kentucky, USAbirth13

Death: 9 June 1958 Lebanon, Marion County, Kentucky, USAdeath13


Father: Joseph E Cambron

Mother: Eliza Logsdon

Joseph Walter Cambron - 1880 to 1958

Birth: 1880 Marion County, Kentucky, USAbirth14

Death: 9 June 1958 Lebanon, Marion County, Kentucky, USAdeath14


Father: Joseph E Cambron

Mother: Eliza Logsdon

Joseph Xavier Cambron - 1889 to 1968

Birth: 9 Jan 1889 Old Monroe, Lincoln, Missouri, USAbirth15

Death: May 1968 St Louis, Missouri, USAdeath15


Father: William T. Cambron

Mother: Clara B. Bowles

Joseph Walter Cambron - 1880 to 1958

Birth: 1880 Marion County, Kentucky, USAbirth16

Death: 9 June 1958 Lebanon, Marion County, Kentucky, USAdeath16


Father: Joseph E Cambron

Mother: Eliza Logsdon

Joseph M Cambron - 1958 to 1984

Birth: 27 Sep 1958 Vermont, USAbirth17

Death: 1984 St. Albans City, VTdeath17


Father: Wilfred Joseph Cameron

Mother: Cecile Alma Garceau

Joseph M Cambron - 1958 to 1984

Birth: 27 Sep 1958 Vermont, USAbirth18

Death: 1984 St. Albans City, VTdeath18


Father: Wilfred Joseph Cameron

Mother: Cecile Alma Garceau

Joseph Tarpley Cambron - 1909 to 1945

Birth: 1 Mar 1909 Alabamabirth19

Death: 19 Jan 1945 Jeffersondeath19


Father: James Sorrell Cambron

Mother: Sephronia Parvin

Joseph Tarpley Cambron - 1909 to 1945

Birth: 1 Mar 1909 Alabamabirth20

Death: 19 Jan 1945 Jeffersondeath20


Father: James Sorrell Cambron

Mother: Sephronia Parvin

Joseph Anthony Cambron - 1959 to 2020

Birth: 1 Aug 1959 Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky, United States of Americabirth21

Death: 4 January 2020 Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky, United States of Americadeath21


Father: Joseph Anthony Cambron

Mother: Patricia Ann Herder

Joseph William Cambron - 1881 to 1948

Birth: 14 July 1881 Raywick, Marion, Kentucky, USAbirth22

Death: 6 February 1948 Jefferson County, Kentucky, USAdeath22


Father: Thomas Walter Cambron

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Catherine Rhodes

Joseph H CAMBRON - 1839 to 1914

Birth: 8 October 1839 Cedartown, Paulding, Georgia, USAbirth23

Death: 16 January 1914 Marshall County, Alabama, USAdeath23


Father: Henry CAMBRON

Mother: Sarah Cambron

Joseph William Cambron - 1897 to 1964

Birth: 9 Oct 1897 Morganfield, Union, Kentucky, USAbirth24

Death: 29 September 1964 Jefferson County, Kentucky, USAdeath24


Father: Raphael Joseph Cambron

Mother: Ann Ellen Drury

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