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Results for "Joseph Blount"

1 - 25 of 572 Records

Joseph "Joe" Blount - 1904 to 1989

Birth: abt 1904 Oklahomabirth0

Death: 02/03/1989 Water Valley, Yalobusha, Mississippi, USAdeath0


Father: Joseph Henry Blount Thornton

Mother: Elendor Gabbert

Joseph H Blount - 1924 to 1992

Birth: 21 Jan 1924 Rhode Island, USAbirth1

Death: 4 Apr 1992 Marblehead, Massachusettsdeath1


Father: Joseph Hagan Blount

Mother: Loretta Moody

JOSEPH BLOUNT - 1805 to 1886

Birth: ABT 1805 Edenton, Chowan County, NCbirth2

Death: 1886 Washington, United Statesdeath2


Father: John Bonner Blount

Mother: Mary Margaret Mutter

Joseph W Blount - 1889 to 1953

Birth: 25 Aug 1889 North Carolinabirth3

Death: 30 Apr 1953 , , North Carolina, USAdeath3


Father: Charles Wheeler Blount

Mother: Annie Alexander

Joseph Estell Blount - 1900 to 1966

Birth: 26 Aug 1900 Tennesseebirth4

Death: 16 Sep 1966 Roswell, Chaves, New Mexico, USAdeath4


Father: Charles Luther Blount

Mother: Samantha Harriett Cox

JOSEPH Hagan BLOUNT - 1892 to 1962

Birth: Jan 1892 Indianabirth5

Death: 23 June 1962 Peacedale, Washington, Rhode Islanddeath5


Father: John Bruce Blount

Mother: Endorcas Aramilda Mayfield

Joseph Thomas Blount - 1930 to 2002

Birth: 21 Apr 1930 Harris County, Texasbirth6

Death: 6 Jul 2002 Friendswood, Galveston, Texas, USAdeath6


Father: Joe Terrell Blount

Mother: Clara Edna Thomas

Joseph Henry Blount - 1876 to 1954

Birth: 31 Oct 1876 Banner, Calhoun, Mississippi, USAbirth7

Death: 18 Sep 1954 Jackson, Hinds, Mississippi, USAdeath7


Father: James Reading Blount

Mother: Bathsheba "Betty" Thornton

Joseph H Blount - 1924 to 1992

Birth: 21 Jan 1924 Rhode Island, USAbirth8

Death: 4 Apr 1992 Marblehead, Massachusettsdeath8


Father: Joseph Hagan Blount

Mother: Loretta Moody

Joseph Henry Blount - 1876 to 1954

Birth: 31 Oct 1876 Banner, Calhoun, Mississippi, USAbirth9

Death: 18 Sep 1954 Jackson, Hinds, Mississippi, USAdeath9


Father: James Reading Blount

Mother: Bathsheba "Betty" Thornton

joseph albert blount - 1912 to 1995

Birth: 5 Mar 1912 Fleming, Georgiabirth10

Death: 3 Apr 1995 Richmond Hill, Bryan, Georgia, USAdeath10


Father: James Albert Blount

Mother: Avadell McCallar

Joseph Gray Blount - 1892 to 1942

Birth: 18 May 1892 Georgia, USAbirth11

Death: 12 Jan 1942 Toledo, OHdeath11


Father: Bartow M. Blount

Mother: Ann Caroline Gartrell

Joseph Dudley Blount - 1852 to 1915

Birth: 6 Aug 1852 Nicholas County, Kentucky, USAbirth12

Death: 13 Sep 1915 Larned, Pawnee, Kansas, USAdeath12


Father: Jonathan Prather Blount

Mother: Sarah Elizabeth Blount

Joseph Dudley Blount - 1852 to 1915

Birth: 6 Aug 1852 Nicholas County, Kentucky, USAbirth13

Death: 13 Sep 1915 Larned, Pawnee, Kansas, USAdeath13


Father: Jonathan Prather Blount

Mother: Sarah Elizabeth Blount

joseph alexander blount - 1936 to 2000

Birth: 11/28/1936 saint louis mobirth14

Death: 11/21/2000 saint louis modeath14


Father: Alexander Blount

Mother: Lea Helen Scruggs Blount

Joseph Gardner Blount - 1923 to 2013

Birth: 9 Dec 1923 Norfolk, Virginia, USAbirth15

Death: 2013/03/11 Virginia Beach, Independent Cities, Virginia, USAdeath15


Father: Arnold Brown Blount

Mother: Clara Alice Bridger

Joseph G Blount - 1864 to 1914

Birth: 1 December 1864 Georgiabirth16

Death: 4 October 1914


Father: James Henderson Blount

Mother: Eugenia Wiley-Blount

Joseph Blount - 1815 to 1869

Birth: 1815 Robeson Co, North Carolina, USAbirth17

Death: 1869 Robeson Co, North Carolina, USAdeath17


Father: Benjamin Henry Blount

Mother: Mary J Townsend Blount

Joseph Henry Blount - 1882 to 1915

Birth: 03 FEB 1882 West Bromwich, Staffordshire, Englandbirth18

Death: 02 SEP 1915 Béthune, Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Francedeath18


Father: Edwin Blount

Mother: Esther Guest

Joseph Walter Blount - 1902 to 1959

Birth: 17 January 1902 Florence, South Carolina, USAbirth19

Death: 4 January 1959 Orangeburg, South Carolina, USAdeath19


Father: Joseph Carr Blount

Mother: Ella Virginia Cain

Joseph Walter Blount - 1902 to 1959

Birth: 17 January 1902 Florence, South Carolina, USAbirth20

Death: 4 January 1959 Orangeburg, South Carolina, USAdeath20


Father: Joseph Carr Blount

Mother: Ella Virginia Cain

Joseph H. Blount - 1926 to 1993

Birth: 19 Feb 1926 Arkansas, USAbirth21

Death: 15 Sep 1993 Norcross, Gwinnett, Georgia, United States of Americadeath21


Father: Horace Blount

Mother: Minnie Calhoun

Joseph W. Blount - 1860 to 1899

Birth: 12 SEP 1860 Arkansasbirth22

Death: 24 Feb 1899 Sulphur Bluff, Hopkins, Texas, USAdeath22


Father: Edmond Jones Blount

Mother: Elizabeth Stockdale

Joseph Lacy Blount - 1904 to 1978

Birth: 27 Nov 1904 Parkton, Robeson, NCbirth23

Death: 27 Apr 1978 Spring Lake, Cumberland, North Carolina, USAdeath23


Father: William Blount

Mother: Emma Elizabeth Herndon

Joseph Lacy Blount - 1904 to 1978

Birth: 27 Nov 1904 Parkton, Robeson, NCbirth24

Death: 27 Apr 1978 Spring Lake, Cumberland, North Carolina, USAdeath24


Father: William Blount

Mother: Emma Elizabeth Herndon

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