Results for "Jonathan Foster"
Jonathan Alder FOSTER - 1840 to 1922
Birth: 5 Dec 1840 Joshua, Fulton County, Illinois, USA
Death: 29 Jan 1922 Kansas City, Wyandotte, Kansas, USA
Father: William Foster
Mother: Hannah Alder
Jonathan Alder FOSTER - 1840 to 1922
Birth: 5 Dec 1840 Joshua, Fulton County, Illinois, USA
Death: 29 Jan 1922 Kansas City, Wyandotte, Kansas, USA
Father: William Foster
Mother: Hannah Alder
Jonathan Douglass Foster - 1891 to 1966
Birth: 24 Jan 1891 Webster, South Dakota
Death: 25 Apr 1966 San Francisco, California
Father: Evans Robie Foster
Mother: Mary Elvira Douglass
Jonathan K FOSTER - 1801 to 1870
Birth: 19 Dec 1801 Hillsboro, Hillsborough, New Hampshire
Death: 01 Feb 1870 Rochester, Monroe, New York, USA
Father: Aaron Foster
Mother: Mehitable Nichols
Jonathan Foster - 1841 to 1879
Birth: 22 July 1841 Middlesex, England
Death: October 1879 Whitechapel, London, England
Father: Jonathan Foster
Mother: Elizabeth Ann Bettambo
Jonathan Edwards Foster - 1814 to 1867
Birth: 1814 Boxford, Essex, Massachusetts
Death: 1867 Boxford, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
Father: Jonathan Foster
Mother: Mary Kimball
Jonathan FOSTER - 1811 to 1903
Birth: abt 1811 Skipsea, Yorkshire, England
Death: 19 Apr 1903 Skipsea, E. Yorks
Father: Jonathan Foster
Mother: Catherine Pearson
Jonathan FOSTER - 1811 to 1903
Birth: abt 1811 Skipsea, Yorkshire, England
Death: 19 Apr 1903 Skipsea, E. Yorks
Father: Jonathan Foster
Mother: Catherine Pearson
Jonathan Foster - 1875 to 1960
Birth: 25 Dec 1875 Bethnal Green, London, United Kingdom
Death: 23. Aug 1960 Northampton, England
Father: Jonathon Foster
Mother: Mary Cunning
Jonathan Foster - 1902 to 1960
Birth: 31 Mar 1902 SC
Death: April 17 1960 Spartanburg, South Carolina, USA
Father: James A Foster
Mother: Nancy M Foster
Jonathan Foster - 1804 to 1857
Birth: about 1804 Latton, Essex, England
Death: Jun 1857 Essex, United Kingdom
Father: Thomas Forster
Mother: Susannah Prior
Jonathan FOSTER - 1811 to 1903
Birth: abt 1811 Skipsea, Yorkshire, England
Death: 19 Apr 1903 Skipsea, E. Yorks
Father: Jonathan Foster
Mother: Catherine Pearson
Jonathan G Foster - 1828 to 1884
Birth: 31 Dec 1828 Ohio
Death: 5 Dec 1884 Greensburg, Summit, Ohio
Father: George William Foster
Mother: Susannah Dustman
Jonathan E Foster - 1851 to 1900
Birth: abt 1851 Missouri
Death: 5 Sep 1900 Cass, MO
Father: Thomas Foster
Mother: Mary A LAY
Jonathan Foster - 1805 to 1851
Birth: 1805 Bradford Yorkshire
Death: abt 1851 Bradford Yorkshire
Father: Jonas foster
Mother: Sarah Sharp
jonathan foster - 1870 to 1917
Birth: abt 1870 Cas Gresley, Derbyshire, England
Death: 1917 Bolton Upon Dearne, Yorkshire, England
Father: Jonathan Foster
Mother: Fanny Maria Hegg
Jonathan FOSTER - 1671 to 1755
Birth: 21 Sep 1671 Cambridge, MA
Death: 05 Jan 1755 Chelmsford, MA
Father: Thomas FOSTER
Mother: Sarah Parker
Jonathan Foster - 1667 to 1730
Birth: 06 Mar 1667 Boxford, Essex, Massachusetts, United States
Death: 21 May 1730 Boxford, Essex, Massachusetts, United States
Father: William FOSTER
Mother: Mary Jackson
Jonathan Foster - 1749 to 1825
Birth: 13 Nov 1749 Reading Massachusetts
Death: 4 Mar 1825 Ashby, Middlesex, MA
Father: Benjamin Foster
Mother: Mary Lewis