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Results for "John Twohy"

1 - 25 of 76 Records

John R TWOHY - 1922 to 2002

Birth: 1 Feb 1922 Maricopa, Arizona, USAbirth0

Death: 23 Sep 2002 Jenner, Sonoma Co., California, USAdeath0


Father: John Daniel Twohy

Mother: Genevieve Twohy

John R TWOHY - 1922 to 2002

Birth: 1 Feb 1922 Maricopa, Arizona, USAbirth1

Death: 23 Sep 2002 Jenner, Sonoma Co., California, USAdeath1


Father: John Daniel Twohy

Mother: Genevieve Twohy

John T Twohy - 1863 to 1935

Birth: Aug 1863 Ramsey, Minnesotabirth2

Death: 29 Sep 1935 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USAdeath2


Father: Denis Tuohy

Mother: Margaret Casey

John T Twohy - 1863 to 1935

Birth: Aug 1863 Ramsey, Minnesotabirth3

Death: 29 Sep 1935 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USAdeath3


Father: Denis Tuohy

Mother: Margaret Casey

John R. Twohy - 1920 to 1999

Birth: 1920 Detroit Lakes, Becker, Minnesota, USAbirth4

Death: 1999


Father: William Joseph Twohy

Mother: Marian Darragh

John Daniel Twohy - 1885 to 1930

Birth: 07 Oct 1885 St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minnesota, USAbirth5

Death: 08 Aug 1930 San Francisco, San Francisco County, California, USAdeath5


Father: John Twohy

Mother: Mary Agnes Rogers

John Twohy - 1854 to 1927

Birth: 22 Feb 1854 Copper Harbor, Michigan, USAbirth6

Death: 22 Nov 1927 Spokane, Spokane, Washington, USAdeath6



Mother: Lucy Casey

Female IconMale Icon

John Twohy - 1838

Birth: 1838 Irelandbirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: John Twohy

Mother: Mary Ryan

John Twohy - 1841 to 1914

Birth: 27 Oct 1841 Limerick Irelandbirth8

Death: 3 Feb 1914 Norfolk, Virginiadeath8


Father: Anthony Twohy

Mother: Margaret Williams

John Twohy - 1900 to 1972

Birth: 11 Jun 1900 Norfolk, Virginiabirth9

Death: 1972/10/29 Norfolk County, Virginia, USAdeath9


Father: John Twohy

Mother: Catharine Dugan

John W Twohy - 1854 to 1927

Birth: 22 Feb 1854 Copper Harbor, Keweenaw, Michigan, USAbirth10

Death: 22 Nov 1927 Spokane, Spokane, Washington, USAdeath10



Mother: Lucy Casey

John J Twohy - 1901 to 1986

Birth: 9 Apr 1901 Kings, New York, USAbirth11

Death: Jul 1986 Flushing, Queens, New York, United States of Americadeath11


Father: John J Twohy

Mother: Julia Twohy

John Brady Twohy - 1904 to 1978

Birth: 20 May 1904 Hope, Bonner County, Idaho, USAbirth12

Death: 27 Jul 1978 Spokane, Spokane, Washington, USAdeath12


Father: Dennis Desmond Twohy

Mother: Sarah Ann Brady

John Twohy - 1926 to 1998

Birth: 7 Jan 1926 Norfolk, Virginiabirth13

Death: 30 May 1998 Norfolk, Norfolk City, Virginia, USAdeath13


Father: John Twohy

Mother: Grace Elizabeth Merrick

John Robert "Jack" Twohy - 1920 to 1999

Birth: 16 May 1920 Becker County, Minnesotabirth14

Death: 15 Jun 1999 St Paul, Ramsey, Minnesotadeath14


Father: William Joseph Twohy

Mother: Marion Darraugh

John "Brady" "Buzz" Twohy - 1939 to 2014

Birth: 26 Feb 1939 Spokane, Spokane, Washington, USAbirth15

Death: 08 Nov 2014 Seattle, King, Washington, USAdeath15


Father: John Brady Twohy

Mother: Harriet Buchanan Dugan

John Twohy - 1911 to 1981

Birth: 1911/09/05 Norfolk, Virginiabirth16

Death: 1981/07/05 Norfolk, Virginiadeath16


Father: George Joseph Twohy

Mother: Florence Musgrave Myrick

John Twohy - 1889

Birth: 30 Jan 1889 Minnesotabirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: John Twohy

Mother: Lucy Casey

John Clinton Twohy - 1895 to 1962

Birth: 27 Sep 1895 Anaconda, Deer Lodge, Montana, USAbirth18

Death: 28 Jul 1962 Ventura County, California, USAdeath18


Father: John T Twohy

Mother: Katherine Agnes Clinton

John Edward Twohy - 1873 to 1940

Birth: 14 Sep 1873 Greetand, Michigan, USA

Death: 15 Apr 1940 Seattle, King, Washington, USAdeath19


Father: John Twohy

Mother: Mary E Canty

JOHN W TWOHY - 1809 to 1886

Birth: 1809 Gortalassa, Kenmare, Kerry, Irelandbirth20

Death: April 1886 Greenland, Ontonagon, Michigandeath20


Father: Patrick Tuohy

Mother: Not Available

John Twohy - 1829

Birth: 1829 Co Kerrybirth21

Death: Not Available Gortloughra, Killorglin, Kerry, Irelanddeath21


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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