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Results for "John Provo"

1 - 25 of 99 Records

John Wesley Provo - 1887 to 1967

Birth: 24 Feb 1887 Jones, North Carolinabirth0

Death: 10 Jul 1967 Elizabeth City, Pasquotank, North Carolina, USAdeath0


Father: James Wesley Provo

Mother: Phoebe Caroline Eubanks

John A Provo - 1883 to 1945

Birth: 11 Nov 1883 Illinoisbirth1

Death: 4 Oct 1945 Alexander County, Illinois, USAdeath1


Father: James Provo

Mother: Josephine LILLY

John A Provo - 1883 to 1945

Birth: 11 Nov 1883 Illinoisbirth2

Death: 4 Oct 1945 Alexander County, Illinois, USAdeath2


Father: James Provo

Mother: Josephine LILLY

John Wesley Provo - 1887 to 1967

Birth: 24 Feb 1887 Jones, North Carolinabirth3

Death: 10 Jul 1967 Elizabeth City, Pasquotank, North Carolina, USAdeath3


Father: James Wesley Provo

Mother: Phoebe Caroline Eubanks

John Q Provo - 1872 to 1943

Birth: abt 1872 Tennesseebirth4

Death: 7 DEC 1943 Hickman, Fulton County, Kentuckydeath4


Father: Francis Provow

Mother: Mary Ann Horsley

John PROVO - 1889 to 1972

Birth: Mar 1889 Michiganbirth5

Death: 26 Dec 1972


Father: Alexander August Provost

Mother: Louise Cayer

John Provo - 1929 to 2005

Birth: 23/jul/1929 Elizabeth City, Pasquotank, North Carolina, USAbirth6

Death: 28 Feb 2005 Williamsburg, James City County, Virginiadeath6


Father: John Wesley Provo

Mother: Mary C Riggs

John Otto Provo - 1933 to 2012

Birth: 8/26/1933 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USAbirth7

Death: 2/1/2012 Kansas City, MOdeath7


Father: Adlore F Provo

Mother: Dorothy Mitchell

John Provo - 1863 to 1918

Birth: Jan 14, 1863 Theresa, WIbirth8

Death: 07 Jul 1918 Hot Springs, Garland, Arkansas, USAdeath8


Father: Joseph Thomas Provost (Proveaux) (Proveau) (Provo)

Mother: Appoline "Polly" "Paulina" "Pauline" Perron

John E. Provo - 1932 to 2013

Birth: 3 May 1932 Chicago, Cook, Illinoisbirth9

Death: 29 October 2013 USAdeath9


Father: Andrew Joseph 1900 Provo

Mother: Arla Glade Williams

John Edward Provo - 1901 to 1996

Birth: 17 Feb 1901 North Carolina, United Statesbirth10

Death: 15 JAN 1996 Wilson, Wilson, North Carolinadeath10


Father: Solomon Provow Provost

Mother: Virginia Jennie L. Freeman

John Provo - 1870

Birth: 22 Dec 1870 New Yorkbirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Hubert Prévost

Mother: Angele Gibeault

John W Provo - 1949

Birth: abt 1949 Californiabirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Albert Wagner Bonham

Mother: Marion Alice Warner

John B. Provo - 1844 to 1914

Birth: Mar 25, 1844 Osage, Missouri, USAbirth13

Death: 14 Aug 1914 Aurora, Lawrence, Missouri, USAdeath13


Father: John Provo

Mother: Nancy Willams

John PROVO - 1869 to 1952

Birth: 1869 New York Statebirth14

Death: 07 Aug 1952 Woonsocket, Providence, Rhode Island, USAdeath14


Father: Francois Provo

Mother: Lena Vivier

John PROVO - 1858 to 1874

Birth: abt 1858 Illinois, USAbirth15

Death: 27 Jul 1874


Father: Mark Provo

Mother: Matilda Bunch Cumens

John S Provo - 1886 to 1941

Birth: abt 1886 Minnesotabirth16

Death: 27 DEC 1941


Father: Thomas PROVO

Mother: Léontine Marie Lelogeais

John David Provo - 1884 to 1941

Birth: 27 Apr 1884 Minnesota City, Winona, Minnesota, United Statesbirth17

Death: 27 Dec 1941 Wright, Minnesota, USAdeath17


Father: Oliver Provo

Mother: Selma Salina Selby Coyea Callie

John Provo - 1895 to 1978

Birth: 02 FEB 1895 Chicago, Illinoisbirth18

Death: 12 NOV 1978


Father: John Baptiste (Buttie) Prom

Mother: Mary Maria Heinen

John Provo - 1870 to 1924

Birth: abt 1870 Redfield, Oswego County, New Yorkbirth19

Death: 01 Nov 1924 Butte, Silver Bow County, Montana, USAdeath19


Father: John Provo

Mother: Sophia Lago

John W Provo - 1906 to 1983

Birth: 12 Jul 1906 New Mexico, USAbirth20

Death: 1 Jun 1983 Wenatchee, Chelan, Washington, USAdeath20


Father: Raymond Carl Provo

Mother: Grace Zella Leaman

John Neil Provo - 1940 to 2011

Birth: 26 Sep 1940 Seattle, King, Washington, USAbirth21

Death: 2 May 2011 Redmond, King, Washingtondeath21


Father: Isaac Provo

Mother: Lily Carlson

John Edward Provo - 1925 to 1991

Birth: 30 Jun 1925 Wilson County NCbirth22

Death: Abt 1991


Father: John Edward Provo

Mother: Not Available

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