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Results for "John Peek"

1 - 25 of 1,177 Records

John Porter PEEK - 1886 to 1959

Birth: 13 Feb 1886 Texasbirth0

Death: 14 Aug 1959 Cameron County, Texas, USAdeath0


Father: Troup Brice Peek

Mother: Mary Elinor Brannon

John W Peek - 1904 to 1971

Birth: 1904 Georgia, USAbirth1

Death: 16 Oct 1971 Miami-Dade County, Florida, USAdeath1


Father: Jesse M. Peek

Mother: Docia Leola Peek

John W PEEK - 1862 to 1942

Birth: March 1862 Iowa City, Wright County, Iowa, USAbirth2

Death: 11 Oct 1942 Liberal, Seward, Kansas, United Statesdeath2


Father: Gustavas Augustus Peek

Mother: Nancy M Beasley

john henry peek - 1870 to 1952

Birth: abt 1870 rockmark gabirth3

Death: 29 Feb 1952 Polk County, Georgia, USAdeath3


Father: John Peek

Mother: Rosetta Nisley

John W Peek - 1904 to 1971

Birth: 1904 Georgia, USAbirth4

Death: 16 Oct 1971 Miami-Dade County, Florida, USAdeath4


Father: Jesse M. Peek

Mother: Docia Leola Peek

John Whistler Peek - 1887 to 1960

Birth: 7 Aug 1887 New York, USAbirth5

Death: 1960 East Aurora, Erie, New York, USAdeath5


Father: Charles PEEK

Mother: Harriet DODGE

John Peek - 1902 to 1978

Birth: 1902 Ashland, ILbirth6

Death: 19 July 1978 San Diego, San Diego, California, USAdeath6


Father: James Monroe Peek

Mother: Delia Christinia Blank

John Thomas PEEK - 1871 to 1923

Birth: Sep 1871 Georgiabirth7

Death: 20 Jan 1923 Clay County, AL USAdeath7


Father: John Oliver Peek

Mother: Emily Caroline McKibben

John Porter PEEK - 1886 to 1959

Birth: 13 Feb 1886 Texasbirth8

Death: 14 Aug 1959 Cameron County, Texas, USAdeath8


Father: Troup Brice Peek

Mother: Mary Elinor Brannon

John McKinley Peek - 1896 to 1985

Birth: 26 Oct 1896 Walnut Creek, Macon, North Carolina, United Statesbirth9

Death: 6 AUG 1985 Franklin, Macon, North Carolinadeath9


Father: Isaac Henry Peek

Mother: Mary Ann Rogers

John A Peek - 1909 to 1957

Birth: abt 1909 Minnesotabirth10

Death: 25 Mar 1957 Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, USAdeath10


Father: Herbert Roy Peek

Mother: Dora Elizabeth Duffee

John Whistler Peek - 1887 to 1960

Birth: 7 Aug 1887 New York, USAbirth11

Death: 1960 East Aurora, Erie, New York, USAdeath11


Father: Charles PEEK

Mother: Harriet DODGE

john henry peek - 1870 to 1952

Birth: abt 1870 rockmark gabirth12

Death: 29 Feb 1952 Polk County, Georgia, USAdeath12


Father: John Peek

Mother: Rosetta Nisley

John Kermit Peek - 1909 to 1949

Birth: 8 Oct 1909 Alabamabirth13

Death: 13 Jul 1949 Childersburg, Talladega, Alabamadeath13


Father: Judson Peek

Mother: Mae Elizabeth Burrow

John Daniel Peek - 1911 to 1954

Birth: 24 Dec 1911 Lyon County, Kentucky, USAbirth14

Death: 24 Dec 1954 Madison, Kentuckydeath14


Father: Daniel Boone Peek

Mother: Flora Ella Hale

John Peek - 1856 to 1913

Birth: 27 January 1856 Indianabirth15

Death: Apr 09, 1913 Indianadeath15


Father: Thomas Peek

Mother: Cynthia Ann Wood

John W. Peek - 1843 to 1931

Birth: 11 DEC 1843 Kentuckybirth16

Death: 24 APR 1931 Wellston, Lincoln Co, Oklahomadeath16


Father: Jesse Peek

Mother: Anna Evaline Maupin

John Peek - 1855 to 1935

Birth: abt 1855 E Dereham, Norfolk, Englandbirth17

Death: Jun 1935 Norwich, Norfolk, Englanddeath17


Father: Robert Peck


John Porter PEEK - 1886 to 1959

Birth: 13 Feb 1886 Texasbirth18

Death: 14 Aug 1959 Cameron County, Texas, USAdeath18


Father: Troup Brice Peek

Mother: Mary Elinor Brannon

John Daniel Peek - 1911 to 1954

Birth: 24 Dec 1911 Lyon County, Kentucky, USAbirth19

Death: 24 Dec 1954 Madison, Kentuckydeath19


Father: Daniel Boone Peek

Mother: Flora Ella Hale

John C Peek - 1869 to 1964

Birth: 14 Oct 1869 Tennesseebirth20

Death: 5 Mar 1964 Wichita Falls, Wichita, Texas, USAdeath20


Father: Elijah T Peek

Mother: Sarah Terry

John Radford Peek - 1922 to 1980

Birth: 24 May 1922 Beaumont, Metcalfe, Kentucky, United Statesbirth21

Death: 17 Jan 1980 Toledo, Lucas, Ohio, United Statesdeath21


Father: George Louis Peek

Mother: Louella "Ella" Anderson-Peek

John C Peek - 1881 to 1940

Birth: 23 Jan 1881 Aviston, Clinton, Illinois, USAbirth22

Death: 07 Jun 1940 Breese, Clinton, Illinois, USAdeath22


Father: August Peek

Mother: Anna Kruep

John Peek - 1808 to 1855

Birth: 07 May 1808 South Carolina, USAbirth23

Death: 8 Feb 1855 Daviess, Indiana, United Statesdeath23



Mother: Cynthia Mildred Marrell

John Baird Peek - 1903 to 1993

Birth: 1903 North Carolinabirth24

Death: 21 Jan 1993 Madison, North Carolina, USAdeath24


Father: Kenyon Dahl Peek

Mother: Margaret Dill

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