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Results for "John Humphrey"

1 - 25 of 7,570 Records

John Humphrey - 1839 to 1914

Birth: 29 Jul 1839 Darlaston, Staffordshire, Englandbirth0

Death: 18 October 1914 Lonaconing, Allegany, Maryland, United Statesdeath0


Father: Richard Humphrey

Mother: Lydia Jones

John Herbert Humphrey - 1895 to 1978

Birth: 9 Feb 1895 Central City, Muhlenberg Co., KYbirth1

Death: 10 April 1978 Greenville, Muhlenberg Co., KYdeath1


Father: Timothy Downing Humphrey

Mother: Amanda Jane Spears

John Humphrey - 1877 to 1931

Birth: April 1877 Kingston On Thames, Surrey, , Englandbirth2

Death: 22/01/1931 Kingston on Thames, England, United Kingdomdeath2


Father: William Edward Humphrey

Mother: Maria Dennison

John B Humphrey - 1871 to 1943

Birth: 8 Oct 1871 Madison County, Alabamabirth3

Death: Abt 1943 Georgiadeath3


Father: William J Humphrey

Mother: Matilda Burwell

John Pinkerton Humphrey - 1817 to 1889

Birth: 29 April 1817 Derry, New Hampshirebirth4

Death: 10 Feb 1889 Northfield, Massachusetts, USAdeath4


Father: John Humphrey

Mother: Rebecca Brewster

John H Humphrey - 1860 to 1939

Birth: Jun 1860 Indiana, USAbirth5

Death: 10 Apr 1939 Union, Crawford County, Indiana, USAdeath5


Father: William Humphrey

Mother: Susannah Susan Smith

John M. Humphrey - 1879 to 1955

Birth: 10 Oct 1879 Sumter District, South Carolinabirth6

Death: 03 Oct 1955 Sardis Baptist Church Cemetery, Timmonsville, SCdeath6


Father: Robert Frank Humphrey

Mother: Janett Ann Truluck Humphrey

John Paul Humphrey - 1918 to 2000

Birth: 23 Sep 1918 Burkesville, Cumberland, Kentucky, USAbirth7

Death: 05 May 2000 Burkesville, Cumberland, Kentucky, USAdeath7


Father: John Robert Humphrey

Mother: Ora Long

john Humphrey - 1862 to 1927

Birth: abt 1862 Indianabirth8

Death: 4 MAR 1927 Pulaski County, Indianadeath8


Father: Charles Umphrey

Mother: Mary Polly Jadwin

John Solomon Humphrey - 1885 to 1930

Birth: abt 1885 New Yorkbirth9

Death: 1 May 1930 USAdeath9


Father: Charles Mayor Humphrey

Mother: Susan Excell

John H Humphrey - 1877 to 1961

Birth: 12 February 1877 Clinton Co., Illinoisbirth10

Death: 1961 Rapid City, Pennington, South Dakota, USAdeath10


Father: Harvey Ray Humphrey

Mother: Sarah Adeline Hensley

John Law Humphrey - 1845 to 1930

Birth: 23 Sep 1845 Stock, Harrison, Ohio, USAbirth11

Death: 7 Aug 1930 Denver, Denver County, Colorado, USAdeath11


Father: William Humphreys

Mother: Jane Law

John D Humphrey - 1918 to 1994

Birth: 2 March 1918 Muskogee Mus, Oklahomabirth12

Death: 26 December 1994 Muskogee, Muskogee, Oklahoma, USAdeath12


Father: John Newton Humphrey

Mother: Janie Effie Tillman

John Edward Humphrey - 1909 to 1999

Birth: 19 January 1909 Iowabirth13

Death: 18 Jul 1999 Clear lake, Cerro Gordo, Iowadeath13


Father: John Edward Humphrey

Mother: Lola Montez Strouse

John Elmer Humphrey - 1868 to 1937

Birth: 7 August 1868 Hardin County, Iowa, USAbirth14

Death: 26 August 1937 Iowa Falls, Hardin County, Iowa, USAdeath14


Father: Henry Humphrey

Mother: Elmira H Shaner

John Wesley HUMPHREY - 1879 to 1957

Birth: 5 AUG 1879 Lamar County, Texasbirth15

Death: 13 Mar 1957 Bogata, Red River, Texasdeath15


Father: Andrew Jackson Humphreys

Mother: Catherine Sullivan

John M Humphrey - 1868 to 1934

Birth: abt 1868 Pennsylvaniabirth16

Death: 28 DEC 1934 Kingston, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USAdeath16


Father: James Young Humphrey

Mother: Miriam (Merriam) Fiss Humphrey

John Hartman Humphrey - 1858 to 1943

Birth: 4 Jan 1858 Iowa, USAbirth17

Death: 19 Mar 1943 Staunton, Virginia, USAdeath17


Father: George Humphreys

Mother: Mary J. Vannoy

John S. Humphrey - 1886 to 1962

Birth: 7 Sep 1886 Jefferson County, Kentucky, USAbirth18

Death: 9 June 1962 Jefferson County, Kentucky, USAdeath18


Father: John Barnett Humphrey

Mother: Mary Anna Romine/Roman (Humphrey)

John Humphrey - 1848 to 1935

Birth: 20 Dec 1848 Bilton, Yorkshire, Englandbirth19

Death: Jul/Aug/Sep 1935 Englanddeath19


Father: Robert Kelah Humphrey

Mother: Elizabeth Rosendale Goundrill

John Harvy Humphrey - 1907 to 1978

Birth: 6 May 1907 Erath, Texasbirth20

Death: 2 Aug 1978 Taylor Co, Texasdeath20


Father: John Humphreys

Mother: Emma Ann Northcutt

John Charles Humphrey - 1904 to 1943

Birth: 26 Jun 1904 San Francisco, Californiabirth21

Death: 17 Nov 1943 Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Co., Calif.death21


Father: Charles Franklin Humphrey

Mother: Elizabeth "Elsie" WARREN Humphrey

John Humphrey - 1923 to 1999

Birth: 21 Aug 1923 South Dakota, USAbirth22

Death: 25 Dec 1999 Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada, USAdeath22


Father: Mark Humphrey

Mother: Sarah Ella Peck

John Sidney Humphrey - 1838 to 1915

Birth: 21 Aug 1838 Carter, Tennessee, USAbirth23

Death: 20 May 1915 Johnson City, Washington County, Tennessee, United States of Americadeath23


Father: Jesse Humphreys

Mother: Eliza Hughes

John Humphrey - 1815 to 1899

Birth: 1 Mar 1815 Rickmansworth, Hertfordshirebirth24

Death: Sep 1899 St. Albans, Hertfordshiredeath24


Father: William Humphreys

Mother: Jane Lucas

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