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Results for "John Glover"

1 - 25 of 11,401 Records

John Glover - 1858 to 1937

Birth: Jun 1858 Marylandbirth0

Death: 28 Jun 1937 Robeson, North Carolina, USAdeath0


Father: James Glover

Mother: Mary Mc Ilwinnen

John M Glover - 1821 to 1891

Birth: 26 Jul 1821 Brutus, Cayuga, New Yorkbirth1

Death: 29 Apr 1891 Arcada, Gratiot, Michigandeath1


Father: William Glover

Mother: Adelphia Hammond

John H. GLOVER - 1839 to 1929

Birth: About 1839 Franklin, Franklin County, Vermontbirth2

Death: 27 June 1929 Oshkosh , Winnebago County, WIdeath2


Father: Alvin Glover

Mother: Harriet Stewart

John Andrew GLOVER - 1904 to 1991

Birth: 19 Jun 1904 Charlotte, Mecklenburg, North Carolina, USAbirth3

Death: 13 October 1991 Morehead City, Carteret, North Carolinadeath3


Father: Edward GLOVER

Mother: Katherine Cornelia Melton

John Wesley"Pop" Glover - 1905 to 1978

Birth: 25 Jul 1905 Covington, Tipton, Tennessee, United Statesbirth4

Death: May 1978 Covington, Tipton, Tennessee, USAdeath4


Father: Ernest T Glover

Mother: Sarah Holliman

John Alfie/Algie Glover - 1907 to 1987

Birth: 25 Nov 1907 Kentuckybirth5

Death: 19 Oct 1987 Tullahoma, Coffee, Tennessee, USAdeath5


Father: John Glover

Mother: Ader (Ada) Dew

John Glover - 1845 to 1919

Birth: 22 Aug 1845 Gwinnett Co Georgiabirth6

Death: 22 Apr 1919 Faulkner, Arkansas, United Statesdeath6


Father: Wiley Washington Glover

Mother: Agnes Bagley

John Henry Glover - 1888 to 1967

Birth: 9 Feb 1888 Bridgeport, Wise, Texas, USAbirth7

Death: 8 Oct 1967 Fittstown, Pontotoc, Oklahoma, USAdeath7


Father: John Marion Glover

Mother: Sarah Hulda Gates

John Glover - 1843 to 1885

Birth: 23 NOV 1843 Brierley Hill, Staffordshire, Englandbirth8

Death: 3 Sep 1885 Illinois, United Statesdeath8


Father: Joseph Glover

Mother: Ann Wright

John Glover - 1583 to 1656

Birth: 1583 Acton Trussell and Bednall, Stafford, Englandbirth9

Death: Mar 1656 Seighford, Staffordshire, Englanddeath9


Father: Robart Glover

Mother: Alice Glover

John J Glover - 1835 to 1914

Birth: 12 MAR 1835 Smith, Muskingum, Ohio, United Statesbirth10

Death: 16 Dec 1914 Washington City, District of Columbia, USAdeath10


Father: Samuel Glover

Mother: Eliza Thompson Mckisson

John W Glover - 1879 to 1969

Birth: 21 Aug 1879 Mooney, Polk, Missouri, United Statesbirth11

Death: Aug 1969 Napa, Napa, California, USAdeath11


Father: Joseph Milton Glover

Mother: Margaret Elizabeth Case

John N Glover - 1829 to 1906

Birth: Dec. 24,1829 Iowa, USAbirth12

Death: July 25,1906 Graham County, Kansas, USAdeath12


Father: James Glover

Mother: Hester "Hetty" Funderburgh

John T Glover - 1856 to 1942

Birth: 27 Jan 1856 Bourne, Lincolnshirebirth13

Death: Sep 1942 Spilsby, Lincolnshire, Englanddeath13


Father: John Glover

Mother: Ann Weekley

John Vincent Glover - 1926 to 2011

Birth: 7 Jun 1926 Floridabirth14

Death: 25 Jul 2011 San Antonio, Bexar, Texas, USAdeath14


Father: Otto Earl Glover

Mother: Ruth Rosa Rosswog

John H Glover - 1928 to 2009

Birth: 10/29/1928 Benton Illbirth15

Death: 01/30/2009 Peoria, Peoria, Illinoisdeath15


Father: John Henry Glover

Mother: Opal M. Frailey

John Glover - 1845 to 1919

Birth: 22 Aug 1845 Gwinnett Co Georgiabirth16

Death: 22 Apr 1919 Faulkner, Arkansas, United Statesdeath16


Father: Wiley Washington Glover

Mother: Agnes Bagley

John Alfie/Algie Glover - 1907 to 1987

Birth: 25 Nov 1907 Kentuckybirth17

Death: 19 Oct 1987 Tullahoma, Coffee, Tennessee, USAdeath17


Father: John Glover

Mother: Ader (Ada) Dew

John Robert Glover - 1916 to 1973

Birth: 5 Jul 1916 Mississippi, USAbirth18

Death: Sep 1973 Meridian, Lauderdale, Mississippi, United Statesdeath18


Father: John Henry Glover

Mother: Mary Frazier

John H Glover - 1866

Birth: November 1866 East Stonehouse, Devonbirth19

Death: Unknown Unknown


Father: Walter GLOVER

Mother: Susan Glover

John Glover - 1863 to 1925

Birth: June 1863 Wayland, Steuben, New York, USAbirth20

Death: 1925 Wayland, Steuben, New York, USAdeath20


Father: Jacob Glover

Mother: Jane Glover

John L Glover - 1904 to 1995

Birth: 30 Jul 1904 Mingo, Jefferson, Ohiobirth21

Death: 31 AUG 1995 Iowa City, Johnson, Iowadeath21


Father: James Frederick Glover

Mother: Anna Frances Lloyd

John A Glover - 1871 to 1949

Birth: abt 1871 Mississippibirth22

Death: 6 JAN 1949 Tampa, FLdeath22


Father: Nathan C. Glover

Mother: Elizabeth Scally

John Clinton Glover - 1871 to 1946

Birth: 7 Jun 1871 Melbourne, Brevard, Florida, USAbirth23

Death: 22 Jul 1946 Hillsborough, Florida, United Statesdeath23


Father: Zachariah Glover

Mother: Elizabeth Ann Swearingen

John Glover - 1811 to 1885

Birth: 1811 Littledean, Gloucestershire, Englandbirth24

Death: 10 September 1885 Drybrook, Gloucestershire, Englanddeath24


Father: William Glover

Mother: Mary

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