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Results for "John Cross"

1 - 25 of 15,552 Records

John S Cross - 1909 to 1968

Birth: 1909 Indianabirth0

Death: 2 Jun 1968 Kokomo, Howard, Indiana, USAdeath0


Father: Vassil William Cross

Mother: Pearl Lula VanCleave

John Baynard CROSS - 1843 to 1920

Birth: Mar 1843 Illinoisbirth1

Death: 15 Sep 1920 Cedar County, Missouri, USAdeath1


Father: Baynard Cross

Mother: Priscilla Evans

John C. Cross - 1868 to 1962

Birth: Dec 1868 Wisconsinbirth2

Death: 25 Apr 1962 Rochester, Olmsted, Minnesota, United Statesdeath2


Father: Henry Krauss

Mother: Mary Weghorn

John Oscar Cross - 1929 to 1973

Birth: 11 Jul 1929 Bennington, Bennington, Vermontbirth3

Death: 12 Feb 1973 Bennington, Bennington, Vermontdeath3


Father: James Henry Cross

Mother: Louisa Aurilla Olin

John Cross - 1854 to 1934

Birth: 16 NOV 1854 , Mississippibirth4

Death: 14 JAN 1934 Daniel's Chapel, New Boston, Bowie, Texasdeath4


Father: Henry Capers Cross

Mother: Minerva Lucinda Inabinet

John Cross - 1687 to 1742

Birth: 13 Mar 1687 Bretherton, Cheshire, Englandbirth5

Death: abt 1742 Bretherton, Lancashire, Englanddeath5


Father: Richard Crosse

Mother: Margret Whittle

John Cross - 1939 to 2004

Birth: 3 November 1939 Cape Girardeau, Missouri, United Statesbirth6

Death: 6 Dec 2004 Iberia, Miller, Missouri, United States of Americadeath6


Father: Dorris Cross

Mother: Frances Kuehn

John Marlin Cross - 1874 to 1928

Birth: 29 Nov 1874 Scott, Virginia, USAbirth7

Death: 09 Jul 1928 Surgionsville Village, Hawkins County, Tennesseedeath7


Father: Henry Cross

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Webb

John W Cross - 1853 to 1925

Birth: Mar 1853 Kenton Kybirth8

Death: 26 Mar 1925 Kenton, KYdeath8


Father: Thomas Cross

Mother: Ellen Murphy

John Hugh Cross - 1915 to 1973

Birth: 29 Dec 1915 Fulkerson, Scott, Virginiabirth9

Death: Feb 1973 Bristol, Bristol, Virginiadeath9


Father: William Alexander Cross

Mother: Martha Kidd Shaffer

John Adam Cross - 1869 to 1911

Birth: 8 March 1869 South Carolinabirth10

Death: 25 April 1911 Charleston, South Carolina, USAdeath10


Father: Adam Cross

Mother: Martha Celestia Cross

John Thomas CROSS - 1889 to 1968

Birth: 02 Nov 1889 Pickett, Tennessee, USAbirth11

Death: 23 Feb 1968 Pickett, Tennessee, USAdeath11


Father: James Allen Cross

Mother: Cerena Frances RILEY

John William Cross - 1856 to 1938

Birth: Apr 26 1856 At Home, Athens Co., Ohiobirth12

Death: 30 April 1938 Remus, Mecosta County, Michigan, USAdeath12


Father: Thomas William Cross

Mother: Catherine B Harper Cross

John H. CROSS - 1859 to 1950

Birth: 07 Dec 1859 Montgomery County, Ohiobirth13

Death: 04 Oct 1950 Hill Grove Cemetery, Montgomery County, Ohiodeath13


Father: Daniel Otterbein CROSS

Mother: Catherine Cross

John Cross - 1886 to 1955

Birth: 18 Jun 1886 Tennesseebirth14

Death: 9 Sep 1955 Sullivan, Tennesseedeath14


Father: Zachariah Cross

Mother: Catherine Davison

John Wilson Cross - 1776 to 1840

Birth: 4 march 1776 Meltonby Hall, Pocklington, Yorkshire, Englandbirth15

Death: 22 Aug 1840 Kenosha, Kenosha, Wisconsin, United Statesdeath15


Father: John Cross

Mother: Elizabeth Wilson

John Raymond Cross - 1894 to 1958

Birth: 15 Aug 1894 Union, Cass, Nebraska, USAbirth16

Death: 22 Sep 1958 Coloradodeath16


Father: Jefferson Davis Cross

Mother: Maria Buck

John Cross - 1858 to 1946

Birth: 3 Sep 1858 Ontario, Canadabirth17

Death: 1 Mar 1946 San Francisco, San Francisco, California, USAdeath17


Father: Thomas Charles Cross

Mother: Anne Fennell

John Wilson Cross - 1776 to 1840

Birth: 4 march 1776 Meltonby Hall, Pocklington, Yorkshire, Englandbirth18

Death: 22 Aug 1840 Kenosha, Kenosha, Wisconsin, United Statesdeath18


Father: John Cross

Mother: Elizabeth Wilson

John Cross - 1854 to 1934

Birth: 16 NOV 1854 , Mississippibirth19

Death: 14 JAN 1934 Daniel's Chapel, New Boston, Bowie, Texasdeath19


Father: Henry Capers Cross

Mother: Minerva Lucinda Inabinet

John Wilson Cross - 1776 to 1840

Birth: 4 march 1776 Meltonby Hall, Pocklington, Yorkshire, Englandbirth20

Death: 22 Aug 1840 Kenosha, Kenosha, Wisconsin, United Statesdeath20


Father: John Cross

Mother: Elizabeth Wilson

John Cross - 1858 to 1949

Birth: 21 May 1858 Indianabirth21

Death: 02 Feb 1949 Appanoose County, Iowadeath21


Father: John Fletcher CROSS

Mother: Harriett Fullerton

John Baskin Cross - 1854 to 1936

Birth: 26 July 1854 Alabamabirth22

Death: 10 MAR 1936 Tuscaloosa, Alabamadeath22


Father: James Fleming Cross

Mother: Margaret Rose Dunlap

John Cross - 1891 to 1973

Birth: 3 May 1891 Milton, Sittingbourne, Kent, Englandbirth23

Death: 28 March 1973 Lucas, Ohio, USAdeath23


Father: John Cross

Mother: Harriet Stannard

John Marlin Cross - 1874 to 1928

Birth: 29 Nov 1874 Scott, Virginia, USAbirth24

Death: 09 Jul 1928 Surgionsville Village, Hawkins County, Tennesseedeath24


Father: Henry Cross

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Webb

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