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Results for "John Backer"

1 - 25 of 399 Records

John C. Backer - 1906 to 1991

Birth: 1906 Germanybirth0

Death: 19 May 1991 Sonoma, California, USAdeath0


Father: Peter Julius Backer

Mother: Josina Maria Jensen

John Jacob Backer - 1856 to 1918

Birth: 10 Sep 1856 Germanybirth1

Death: 1918/06/15 Bucyrus, Ohiodeath1


Father: John Michael Baehr

Mother: Catharine Barbara Gruber

John C. Backer - 1906 to 1991

Birth: 1906 Germanybirth2

Death: 19 May 1991 Sonoma, California, USAdeath2


Father: Peter Julius Backer

Mother: Josina Maria Jensen

John A Backer - 1915 to 2004

Birth: 18 Apr 1915 Californiabirth3

Death: 8 Feb 2004 Franklin, Sacramento, California, United Statesdeath3


Father: John Bäcker

Mother: Christine Ehresman

John J Backer - 1860 to 1943

Birth: 27 JUN 1860 Pekin Township, Tazewell County, Illinois, USAbirth4

Death: 04 JUN 1943 Mount Vernon, Skagit, Washington, USAdeath4


Father: Johannes J Backer

Mother: Atga Folkers

John Backer - 1896 to 1954

Birth: 21 June 1896 Kinning Park, Lanark County, Scotlandbirth5

Death: 24 Jul 1954 San Francisco County, California, USAdeath5


Father: Soeke Socken Backer

Mother: Edna Stewart

John J Backer - 1860 to 1943

Birth: 27 JUN 1860 Pekin Township, Tazewell County, Illinois, USAbirth6

Death: 04 JUN 1943 Mount Vernon, Skagit, Washington, USAdeath6


Father: Johannes J Backer

Mother: Atga Folkers

John Matthew Backer - 1888 to 1945

Birth: 17 Aug 1888 Elmira Chemu, New Yorkbirth7

Death: 18 Jan 1945 Elmira, New York, USAdeath7


Father: Daniel J Backer

Mother: Mary Holleran backer

John Benjamin Backer - 1868 to 1942

Birth: 13 Jun 1868 Fountain Township, Illinoisbirth8

Death: 22 Nov 1942 Shannon, Carroll Co , Illinoisdeath8


Father: Wilhelm Backer

Mother: Minnie Mueller

John P. Backer - 1863 to 1956

Birth: Aug 1863 Chillicothe, Peoria, Illinois, USAbirth9

Death: 1956 Cheneyville, Vermilion, Illinois, USAdeath9


Father: Tönjes Janssen Backer

Mother: Minna Peters

John P. Backer - 1863 to 1956

Birth: Aug 1863 Chillicothe, Peoria, Illinois, USAbirth10

Death: 1956 Cheneyville, Vermilion, Illinois, USAdeath10


Father: Tönjes Janssen Backer

Mother: Minna Peters

John Backer - 1865 to 1935

Birth: 1865 New Jersey, USAbirth11

Death: 15 JUN 1935


Father: John Math Backes

Mother: Mary Hannes

John Backer - 1865 to 1935

Birth: 1865 New Jersey, USAbirth12

Death: 15 JUN 1935


Father: John Math Backes

Mother: Mary Hannes

John D Backer - 1889 to 1969

Birth: abt 1889 Hackney, London, Englandbirth13

Death: 20 FEB 1969 Edmonton.Londondeath13


Father: Jacob John Bäcker

Mother: Ellen Stanley Mendum

John Backer - 1910 to 1988

Birth: 11 Dec 1910 Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska USAbirth14

Death: 5 June 1988 Sheridan, Sheridan, Wyoming, United States of Americadeath14


Father: Adam Backer

Mother: Amelia Frosheiser

John D Backer - 1889 to 1969

Birth: abt 1889 Hackney, London, Englandbirth15

Death: 20 FEB 1969 Edmonton.Londondeath15


Father: Jacob John Bäcker

Mother: Ellen Stanley Mendum

John Backer - 1911 to 1960

Birth: abt 1911 North Dakotabirth16

Death: 3 Aug 1960 Hennepin, Minnesota, USAdeath16


Father: Jacob Bäcker

Mother: Anna Karst

John Backer - 1902 to 1979

Birth: 14 Sep 1902 Olsnitz, Germanybirth17

Death: 19 SEP 1979 Middle Island, New Yorkdeath17


Father: Fredrich Backer

Mother: Alma Hermann

John Backer - 1852 to 1910

Birth: 1852 Germanybirth18

Death: After 1910 Baltimore, Marylanddeath18


Father: William H. Backer

Mother: Elizabeth Boguschy

John Backer - 1873 to 1947

Birth: Abt 1873 Northfield, Cook, Illinoisbirth19

Death: 07 Jan 1947 Northfield, Cook, Illinois, USAdeath19


Father: John Backer

Mother: Anna Madaus

john backer - 1867 to 1938

Birth: 1867 Middlesex Englandbirth20

Death: 16 May 1938 Essex South Western, Essex, Englanddeath20


Father: Johann Peter Backer

Mother: Emmelia Backer

John L. Backer - 1811 to 1898

Birth: 1811 Pennsylvania, USAbirth21

Death: 18 August 1898


Father: David Backer

Mother: Bettsey (unk) Backer

John G Backer - 1920 to 2010

Birth: 31 December 1920 Canadabirth22

Death: 19 April 2010 Missoula, Missoula County, Montana, United States of Americadeath22


Father: Mathias W. Backer

Mother: Anna Moore

John Backer - 1910 to 1998

Birth: 27 May 1910 Connecticutbirth23

Death: 4 Mar 1998 Martin, Florida, United Statesdeath23


Father: Emil Backer

Mother: Wilhelmini Schroder

John Backer - 1610 to 1667

Birth: c. 1610 Norfolk, Englandbirth24

Death: abt 1667


Father: Peter Backer

Mother: Bridget Backer

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