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Results for "John Armiger"

1 - 25 of 227 Records

John H Armiger - 1820 to 1901

Birth: 1820 Anne Arundel County MDbirth0

Death: 1901 Baltimore, Maryland, USAdeath0


Father: Thomas Armiger

Mother: Elizabeth Hill

John Herbert Armiger - 1895 to 1974

Birth: 14 Oct 1895 Annapolis, Anne Arundel, Maryland, USAbirth1

Death: 25 Mar 1974 Annapolis, Anne Arundel, Maryland, USAdeath1


Father: John William Armiger

Mother: Laura Mae KING

John Armiger - 1816 to 1888

Birth: 05 Dec 1816 Sculthorpe, FAKENHAM, Norfolk, Englandbirth2

Death: 03 Jan 1888 Sculthorpe, Norfolk, Englanddeath2


Father: Samuel Armiger

Mother: Elizabeth Bernard

John Armiger - 1816 to 1888

Birth: 05 Dec 1816 Sculthorpe, FAKENHAM, Norfolk, Englandbirth3

Death: 03 Jan 1888 Sculthorpe, Norfolk, Englanddeath3


Father: Samuel Armiger

Mother: Elizabeth Bernard

John Herbert Armiger - 1895 to 1974

Birth: 14 Oct 1895 Annapolis, Anne Arundel, Maryland, USAbirth4

Death: 25 Mar 1974 Annapolis, Anne Arundel, Maryland, USAdeath4


Father: John William Armiger

Mother: Laura Mae KING

John H Armiger - 1820 to 1901

Birth: 1820 Anne Arundel County MDbirth5

Death: 1901 Baltimore, Maryland, USAdeath5


Father: Thomas Armiger

Mother: Elizabeth Hill

John Armiger - 1721 to 1797

Birth: 1721 Feltwell, Fakenham, Norfolk, Englandbirth6

Death: 18 SEP 1797 Feltwell St Mary Weeting Norfolk Englanddeath6


Father: William Armiger

Mother: Elizabeth Ann Chelson

John Cotts Armiger - 1860 to 1926

Birth: 17 Feb 1860 Sculthorpe, Norfolk, Englandbirth7

Death: 8 SEP 1926 Norwichdeath7


Father: John Armiger

Mother: Hetty Vertigans

John Herbert Armiger - 1895 to 1974

Birth: 14 Oct 1895 Annapolis, Anne Arundel, Maryland, USAbirth8

Death: 25 Mar 1974 Annapolis, Anne Arundel, Maryland, USAdeath8


Father: John William Armiger

Mother: Laura Mae KING

John Cotts Armiger - 1860 to 1926

Birth: 17 Feb 1860 Sculthorpe, Norfolk, Englandbirth9

Death: 8 SEP 1926 Norwichdeath9


Father: John Armiger

Mother: Hetty Vertigans

John Armiger - 1721 to 1797

Birth: 1721 Feltwell, Fakenham, Norfolk, Englandbirth10

Death: 18 SEP 1797 Feltwell St Mary Weeting Norfolk Englanddeath10


Father: William Armiger

Mother: Elizabeth Ann Chelson

John Armiger - 1903 to 1980

Birth: 9 Mar 1903 Choppington, Northumberland, Englandbirth11

Death: 29 June 1980 California, USAdeath11


Father: Robert Armiger

Mother: Margaret Laidlaw

John Armiger - 1903 to 1980

Birth: 9 Mar 1903 Choppington, Northumberland, Englandbirth12

Death: 29 June 1980 California, USAdeath12


Father: Robert Armiger

Mother: Margaret Laidlaw

John Franklin Armiger - 1875 to 1941

Birth: 1875 Marylandbirth13

Death: 13 August 1941 Anne Arundel County, Maryland, United States of Americadeath13


Father: Benjamin Franklin Armiger

Mother: Sarah E. Harrison

John Franklin Armiger - 1875 to 1941

Birth: 1875 Marylandbirth14

Death: 13 August 1941 Anne Arundel County, Maryland, United States of Americadeath14


Father: Benjamin Franklin Armiger

Mother: Sarah E. Harrison

John Walter Armiger - 1893 to 1974

Birth: 27 Nov 1893 Marylandbirth15

Death: Oct 1974 Huntingtown, Calvert, Maryland, United States death15


Father: John W.D. Armiger

Mother: Laura Mae KING

John Walter Armiger - 1893 to 1974

Birth: 27 Nov 1893 Marylandbirth16

Death: Oct 1974 Huntingtown, Calvert, Maryland, United States death16


Father: John W.D. Armiger

Mother: Laura Mae KING

John Lewis Armiger - 1874 to 1959

Birth: 1874 Marylandbirth17

Death: 21 Aug 1959 Annapolis, Anne Arundel, Maryland, United Statesdeath17


Father: Peter J Armiger

Mother: Rosina Lesner

John Eldren Armiger - 1911 to 1993

Birth: 3 Jun 1911 Marylandbirth18

Death: 28 Mar 1993 Orlando, Orange, Florida, USAdeath18


Father: Emory Franklin Armiger

Mother: Oressa Gertrude McCann

John Lewis Armiger - 1874 to 1959

Birth: 1874 Marylandbirth19

Death: 21 Aug 1959 Annapolis, Anne Arundel, Maryland, United Statesdeath19


Father: Peter J Armiger

Mother: Rosina Lesner

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