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Results for "Joe Myers"

1 - 25 of 509 Records

Joe Irvin Myers - 1921 to 2012

Birth: 1921 Oklahomabirth0

Death: 30 January 2012 Yukon, Canadian, Oklahoma, USAdeath0


Father: Ralph Asa Myers

Mother: Josephine Dickerson

Joe L MYERS - 1905 to 1944

Birth: June 12, 1905 Norman, Cleveland, Oklahoma, United Statesbirth1

Death: 1944 Garvin County, Oklahoma, United States of Americadeath1


Father: Joseph Flanders Myers

Mother: Eula Colbert

Joe Willie Myers - 1925 to 1957

Birth: abt 1925 Texasbirth2

Death: 28 Dec 1957 Anderson, Texasdeath2


Father: Isaac Leroy Myers

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Cartwright

Joe L MYERS - 1905 to 1944

Birth: June 12, 1905 Norman, Cleveland, Oklahoma, United Statesbirth3

Death: 1944 Garvin County, Oklahoma, United States of Americadeath3


Father: Joseph Flanders Myers

Mother: Eula Colbert

Joe Allen Myers - 1896 to 1936

Birth: Jul 1896 Texasbirth4

Death: 22 Mar 1936 Bexar, Texasdeath4


Father: William Mills Myers

Mother: Lola Montez McKISSACK

Joe Allen Myers - 1896 to 1936

Birth: Jul 1896 Texasbirth5

Death: 22 Mar 1936 Bexar, Texasdeath5


Father: William Mills Myers

Mother: Lola Montez McKISSACK

Joe Wesley Myers - 1941 to 2006

Birth: 14 Feb 1941 Gulston Harl, Kentuckybirth6

Death: 17 Jun 2006 Lexington, Fayette, Kentucky, United Statesdeath6


Father: John W Myers

Mother: Pearl Riley

Joe Chilton Myers - 1881 to 1967

Birth: 16 JUL 1881 Boone County, W.V.birth7

Death: 07 OCT 1967 Madison, Boone, West Virginia, United Statesdeath7


Father: Lemuel Myers

Mother: Letha Kessenger

Joe H Myers - 1907 to 1986

Birth: 25 Jul 1907 Vinton, Benton, Iowa, USAbirth8

Death: May 1986 Waterloo, Black Hawk, Iowa, USAdeath8


Father: John Harmon Myers

Mother: Anna C Myers

Joe Crawford Myers - 1918 to 1985

Birth: 16 Mar 1918 Indianapolis, Marion, Indianabirth9

Death: 11 Jan 1985 Indianapolis, Marion, Indianadeath9


Father: Talmadge Frank Myers

Mother: Lois Esther Crawford

Joe G Myers - 1903 to 1952

Birth: 14 Jan 1903 Jackson County, Tennessee, USAbirth10

Death: 18 May 1952 Gainesboro, Jackson, Tennessee, USAdeath10


Father: White Henry MYERS

Mother: Roxie Mai GAILBREATH

Joe Roy Myers - 1923 to 2007

Birth: 18 Aug 1923 Oklahoma, USAbirth11

Death: 27 Aug 2007 Millbrae, San Mateo, California, USAdeath11


Father: Ray Clyde Myers

Mother: Lela Alta Gastineau

Joe T. Myers - 1926 to 1999

Birth: abt 1926 Louisianabirth12

Death: 14 Mar 1999 West Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USAdeath12


Father: Richard Frank Myers

Mother: Jessie Elizabeth Baker

Joe T. Myers - 1926 to 1999

Birth: abt 1926 Louisianabirth13

Death: 14 Mar 1999 West Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USAdeath13


Father: Richard Frank Myers

Mother: Jessie Elizabeth Baker

Joe Myers - 1936 to 2004

Birth: 28 August 1936 Perry Co., Ky.birth14

Death: 31 Dec 2004 Middletown, Butler, Ohio, USAdeath14


Father: Paul Nelson Myers

Mother: Polly Standifer

Joe Dean Myers - 1935 to 2015

Birth: 14 Jan 1935 Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Indiana, USAbirth15

Death: 02 16 2015 Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Indiana, USAdeath15


Father: Albert Lee Myers

Mother: Hazel M Brewer

Joe Lewis Myers - 1903 to 1995

Birth: 03 Oct 1903 Georgia, USAbirth16

Death: 28 Apr 1995 Cartersville, Bartow, Georgia, USAdeath16


Father: John Myers

Mother: Beatrice H Henry

Joe Lewis Myers - 1903 to 1995

Birth: 03 Oct 1903 Georgia, USAbirth17

Death: 28 Apr 1995 Cartersville, Bartow, Georgia, USAdeath17


Father: John Myers

Mother: Beatrice H Henry

Joe Lewis Myers - 1924 to 2004

Birth: 13 Oct 1924 Pittsylvania County, Virginia, USAbirth18

Death: 23 May 2004 Roanoke, Virginia, USAdeath18


Father: Monroe Myers

Mother: Lessie Myers

Joe Dean Myers - 1961 to 2018

Birth: 11 Feb 1961 Monett, Missouribirth19

Death: 1 Feb 2018 Shell Knob, Barry, Missouri, USAdeath19


Father: Don Myers

Mother: Mary Ruth Vaught

Joe Myers - 1906 to 1970

Birth: 27 Apr 1906 Tennesseebirth20

Death: 4 Mar 1970 Maryville, Blount, Tennessee, United States of Americadeath20


Father: James Tandy Myers

Mother: Martha Lucinda Davidson

Joe Edward Myers - 1942 to 1984

Birth: 6 August 1942 Oceanside Ve, Californiabirth21

Death: 16 Oct 1984 Kirkland King Washington USAdeath21


Father: George Edward Myres

Mother: Lula Estelle Risener

Joe Roy Myers - 1923 to 2007

Birth: 17 Sep 1923 Fessenden, Wells, North Dakota, USAbirth22

Death: 27 Aug 2007 Millbrae, San Mateo, California, USAdeath22


Father: Walter Abraham Myers

Mother: Mary Ozeta Thompson

Joe Myers - 1906 to 1970

Birth: 27 Apr 1906 Tennesseebirth23

Death: 4 Mar 1970 Maryville, Blount, Tennessee, United States of Americadeath23


Father: James Tandy Myers

Mother: Martha Lucinda Davidson

Joe Edward Myers - 1942 to 1984

Birth: 6 August 1942 Oceanside Ve, Californiabirth24

Death: 16 Oct 1984 Kirkland King Washington USAdeath24


Father: George Edward Myres

Mother: Lula Estelle Risener

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