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Results for "Joannes Kumps"

1 - 17 of 17 Records

Joannes Kumps - 1715 to 1794

Birth: 10 May 1715 Overijse, 23062, Hal-Vilvorde, Belgiquebirth0

Death: 28 Oct 1794 Tervuren, 24104, Leuven, Belgiquedeath0


Father: Petrus Kumps

Mother: Martine Quintens

Joannes Baptista Kumps - 1789 to 1874

Birth: 26 Nov 1789 Overijse, 23062, Hal-Vilvorde, Belgiquebirth1

Death: 21 Aug 1874 Overijse, 23062, Hal-Vilvorde, Belgiquedeath1


Father: Henricus Kumps

Mother: Joanna Verheydt

Joannes Baptista Kumps - 1780 to 1851

Birth: 18 Jan 1780 Overijse, 23062, Hal-Vilvorde, Belgiquebirth2

Death: 9 May 1851 Overijse, 23062, Hal-Vilvorde, Belgiquedeath2


Father: Henricus Kumps

Mother: Joanna Verheydt

Joannes Baptista Kumps - 1726

Birth: 1726 Overijse, 23062, Hal-Vilvorde, Belgique, Isquebirth3

Death: Not Available


Father: Michel Kumps

Mother: Anna Mets

Joannes Baptista Kumps - 1726

Birth: 1726 Overijse, 23062, Hal-Vilvorde, Belgique, Isquebirth4

Death: Not Available


Father: Michel Kumps

Mother: Anna Mets

Joannes Baptista Kumps - 1729

Birth: 24 February 1729 Overijse, 23062, Hal-Vilvorde, Belgiquebirth5

Death: Not Available


Father: Henricus Kumps

Mother: Elisabetha Adams

Joannes Kumps - 1716 to 1738

Birth: 17 January 1716 Overijse, 23062, Hal-Vilvorde, Belgiquebirth6

Death: 26 October 1738 Overijse, 23062, Hal-Vilvorde, Belgiquedeath6


Father: Antonius Kumps (Cumps)

Mother: Margareta Sneessens

Joannes Kumps - 1720 to 1726

Birth: 6 Aug 1720 Overijse, 23062, Hal-Vilvorde, Belgiquebirth7

Death: 14 Aug 1726 Overijse, 23062, Hal-Vilvorde, Belgiquedeath7


Father: Joannes Kumps

Mother: Catharina Dekoninck

Joannes Franciscus KUMPS - 1717 to 1801

Birth: 18 Jun 1717

Death: 1801


Father: Jean (Joannes) KUMPS

Mother: Jeanne LE RICHE

Joannes Kumps - 1697

Birth: 12 Dec 1697 Overijse, 23062, Hal-Vilvorde, Belgiquebirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Aegidius Kumps

Mother: Joanna Drossart

Joannes Kumps - 1758

Birth: 25 Sep 1758 Overijse, 23062, Hal-Vilvorde, Belgiquebirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Stephanus Kumps

Mother: Joanna Wauters

Joannes Franciscus Kumps - 1803

Birth: 25 Nov 1803 Overijse, 23062, Hal-Vilvorde, Belgiquebirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Joannes Baptista Kumps

Mother: Joanna Catherina Kumps

Joannes Baptista Kumps - 1782

Birth: 15 Feb 1782 Bierges, 25112, Brabant-Wallon, Belgiquebirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Tossanus Kumps

Mother: Anna Francis

Joannes Baptista Kumps - 1775

Birth: 23 Jul 1775 Bierges, 25112, Brabant-Wallon, Belgiquebirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Tossanus Kumps

Mother: Anna Francis

Joannes Baptista Kumps

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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