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Results for "jesse wall"

Name: Jesse Wall

Birth: 14 Dec 1879 South Dakota, USA

Death: 11 DEC 1960 Vancouver, Clark, Washington, USA

Father: John August Wall

Mother: Emily Amanda Wall

Name: Jesse Wall

Birth: 11 November 1887 Missouri

Death: 19 Oct 1969 Miller, Missouri, USA

Father: James Wall

Mother: Mildred B. James

Name: Jesse Wesley Wall

Birth: 02 Apr 1886 Mallard, Montague, Texas, USA

Death: 16 Feb 1953 San Angelo, Tom Green Co., TX

Father: Phillip Alexander Wall

Mother: Susan Hughes

Name: Jesse L Wall

Birth: Dec 1890 Kentucky

Death: 24 May 1978 Indiana, USA

Father: Mack Wall

Mother: Eliza B. Singleton Wall

Name: Jesse VanDorn Wall

Birth: 7 Jan 1893 Georgia

Death: Jun 1968 Coraopolis, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: William Nace Walls

Mother: Florence Louise Denton


Birth: 23 Sep 1903 Hickory, Newton County, Mississippi

Death: 11 May 1993 Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, USA

Father: Marion McCajor Wall

Mother: Carrie Leona Davis

Name: Jesse M Wall

Birth: Jul 1859 Georgia

Death: 28 Apr 1934 Rabun, Georgia, United States

Father: Dread WALL

Mother: Lavina 'Vina' Allen

Name: Jesse Wall

Birth: abt 1786 Maryland, USA

Death: 19 Jul 1864 Lee, Terrell County, Georgia, USA

Father: Henry Ezekiel Wall

Mother: Lydia Wall

Name: Jesse C. WALL

Birth: Aug 06, 1899 Illinois, USA

Death: Sep 1987 Webster City, Hamilton, Iowa, USA

Father: Theodore Wall

Mother: Dora

Name: Jesse Washington Wall

Birth: 19 Aug 1850 Monroe, Mississippi, USA

Death: 18 Dec 1917 Monroe, Mississippi, USA

Father: William A. Wall

Mother: Nancy Hinds (Wall)

Name: Jesse James Wall

Birth: 10 Oct 1892 Marion County, Georgia, USA

Death: 12 Feb 1940 Dougherty, Georgia, USA

Father: George David Walls

Mother: Jimmie Sue Thompson (Walls)

Name: Jesse B. Wall

Birth: 5 Jun 1828 Muscogee, Georgia, USA

Death: 20 Mar 1896 Marion, Georgia, USA

Father: Jesse Benjamin Wall

Mother: Sarah Smith

Name: Jesse Wall

Birth: Apr 1888 Cherryvale, Montgomery County, Kansas

Death: 30 Jan 1953 Independence, Montgomery County, Kansas, USA

Father: Robert Franklin Wall

Mother: Dora May Crouse

Name: Jesse C Wall

Birth: abt 1814 Georgia

Death: after 1890 Putnam, Georgia, United States

Father: Wiley Warren Wall

Mother: Lucy Dicy Tucker

Name: Jesse Wall

Birth: 1888 Texas

Death: 1957 Guymon, Texas, Oklahoma, USA

Father: Josiah A Wall

Mother: Amanda M Brown

Name: Jesse Wall

Birth: 1923 Surry, North Carolina

Death: 28 May 2001 Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio

Father: Arthur McKinley Wall

Mother: Effie Ann Willard

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