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Results for "James Rawson *"

1 - 25 of 932 Records

James Fredrick Rawson - 1910 to 1981

Birth: 22 Nov 1910 Cass City, Tuscola, Michigan, USAbirth0

Death: 21 Jul 1981 Mt Pleasant, Isabella, Michigan, United Statesdeath0


Father: Joseph Rawson

Mother: Ethel Annette Hatfield

James Dawson* - 1881 to 1938

Birth: 4 Mar 1881 Canoe, Escambia, Alabama, USAbirth1

Death: 16 Jun 1938 Brewton, Escambia, Alabamadeath1


Father: Luther Houston Dawson

Mother: Julia Ann Bowman

James Houston Mason * - 1874 to 1959

Birth: Abt 1874 Missouribirth2

Death: 16 Sep 1959 Princeton, Mercer, Missouri, USAdeath2


Father: Isaac Mason

Mother: Ellen Mason

James Rawson * - 1845 to 1909

Birth: 1845 Salford, Lancashire, Englandbirth3

Death: 1909 Leake, Mississippi, United Statesdeath3


Father: Bluford S. Rawson

Mother: Lucinda Burch

James Rawson - 1909 to 1989

Birth: abt 1909 Oklahomabirth4

Death: 1 Jul 1989 Cisco, Eastland, Texas, USAdeath4


Father: James Rawson

Mother: Susan Melvina Robbins

James Houston Mason * - 1874 to 1959

Birth: Abt 1874 Missouribirth5

Death: 16 Sep 1959 Princeton, Mercer, Missouri, USAdeath5


Father: Isaac Mason

Mother: Ellen Mason

James Manning Rawson - 1836 to 1903

Birth: Feb 1836 New Yorkbirth6

Death: 29 Sep 1903 Coldwater, MIdeath6


Father: Lowell Rawson

Mother: Sarah "Sally" Orcutt

James Fredrick Rawson - 1910 to 1981

Birth: 22 Nov 1910 Cass City, Tuscola, Michigan, USAbirth7

Death: 21 Jul 1981 Mt Pleasant, Isabella, Michigan, United Statesdeath7


Father: Joseph Rawson

Mother: Ethel Annette Hatfield

James Crutcher RAWSON - 1867 to 1936

Birth: 16 Aug 1867 Jefferson County, Kentucky, USAbirth8

Death: 22 Dec 1936 Louisville, JEFFERSON, KYdeath8


Father: George Edward Rawson

Mother: Mary Buford Crutcher

JAMES DONALD RAWSON - 1943 to 2001

Birth: 03 Aug 1943 Toronto, Jefferson, Ohio, USAbirth9

Death: 15 Sep 2001 Jefferson Co., Ohio, USAdeath9


Father: Mack Donald Rawson

Mother: Angelica Thompson Bennett

James Judson Rawson - 1929 to 1990

Birth: 27 Dec 1929 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USAbirth10

Death: 08 Dec 1990 Casa Grande, PINAL, AZdeath10


Father: Clyde Herbert Rawson

Mother: Hazel M. Whedon

James Rawson - 1857 to 1931

Birth: 1857 Marsden Lancsbirth11

Death: Q1 1931 Burnley, Lancashire, Englanddeath11


Father: John Rawson

Mother: Elizabeth/Betty Grimshaw/Rawson

James M Rawson - 1829 to 1893

Birth: 16 Feb 1829 Cumberland, Providence, Rhode Island, USAbirth12

Death: 13 Feb 1893 Webster, WORCESTER, MAdeath12


Father: Abner Rawson

Mother: Martha Johnson

James Judson Rawson - 1929 to 1990

Birth: 27 Dec 1929 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USAbirth13

Death: 08 Dec 1990 Casa Grande, PINAL, AZdeath13


Father: Clyde Herbert Rawson

Mother: Hazel M. Whedon

James Leslie Rawson - 1934 to 1981

Birth: 31 Jul 1934 Palo, IAbirth14

Death: 10/27/1981 Oelwein, Fayette, Iowa, USAdeath14


Father: Leslie Elmer Rawson

Mother: Mary F. Gorman

James M Rawson - 1829 to 1893

Birth: 16 Feb 1829 Cumberland, Providence, Rhode Island, USAbirth15

Death: 13 Feb 1893 Webster, WORCESTER, MAdeath15


Father: Abner Rawson

Mother: Martha Johnson

James Vial Rawson - 1829 to 1877

Birth: 27 JUL 1829 Northbridge, WORCESTER, MAbirth16

Death: 06 JUN 1877 Northbridge, WORCESTER, MAdeath16


Father: Abraham Vial Rawson

Mother: Ruth R Wheeler

JAMES Lawson* - 1778 to 1854

Birth: 1778 Colne, Lancashire, Englandbirth17

Death: April 1854 Burnley, Lancashiredeath17


Father: Thomas Lawson

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Marley Varley

James Rawson - 1787 to 1872

Birth: abt 1787 Ashover, Derbyshire, Englandbirth18

Death: Dec 1872 Selston, Nottinghamshire, Englanddeath18


Father: James Rawson

Mother: Sarah Mather

JAMES E. DAWSON* - 1872 to 1917

Birth: 1872 Blissfield, Lenawee, Michiganbirth19

Death: MAY 28,1917 Niles, Berrien, Michigan, USAdeath19


Father: Albert Wentworth Dawson

Mother: Adaline Ash

James Rawson - 1902 to 1989

Birth: 8 January 1902 Lauderdale County, Mississippi, USAbirth20

Death: April 18, 1989 Whitfield County, Georgia, USAdeath20


Father: Jesse Webster Rawson

Mother: Martha Irene Tisdale

James Rawson - 1846 to 1929

Birth: April 1846 Sleaford, Lincoln, Englandbirth21

Death: 4 January 1929 Sheffield, Englanddeath21


Father: James Rawson

Mother: Jane Day

James Rawson - 1902 to 1989

Birth: 8 January 1902 Lauderdale County, Mississippi, USAbirth22

Death: April 18, 1989 Whitfield County, Georgia, USAdeath22


Father: Jesse Webster Rawson

Mother: Martha Irene Tisdale

James Augustus Rawson - 1819 to 1882

Birth: 24 Dec 1819 Massachusettsbirth23

Death: 24 April 1882 Uxbridge, Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of Americadeath23


Father: James Rawson

Mother: Polly Seagrave

James Rawson - 1842 to 1906

Birth: abt 1842 Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, Englandbirth24

Death: Jul 1906 Prescot, Lancashire, Englanddeath24


Father: Benjamin Rawson

Mother: Eliza Gibson

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