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Results for "James Quinn"

1 - 25 of 13,876 Records

James H. Quinn - 1879 to 1964

Birth: 19 JUL 1879 Minnesotabirth0

Death: 16 Jan 1964 Wright, Minnesotadeath0


Father: James Augustine Quinn

Mother: Sarah J Stewart

James Johnson Quinn - 1858 to 1945

Birth: 5 February 1858 Saline, Arkansasbirth1

Death: 21 Sep 1945 Houston, Harris, Texasdeath1


Father: James Whitsett Quinn

Mother: Susan Frances Johnson

James Joseph Quinn - 1875 to 1962

Birth: 21 Feb 1875 Towniana, Glenavoo, Co.Sligo, Irelandbirth2

Death: 22 Aug 1962 San Francisco, Californiadeath2


Father: Michael "Mack" Quinn

Mother: Bridget Mullen

James Quinn - 1913 to 1992

Birth: 28 Oct 1913 Lenoir, North Carolinabirth3

Death: 20 Jan 1992 Lenoir, North Carolina, USAdeath3


Father: Remnal Quinn

Mother: Amanda James Jones

James H Quinn - 1868 to 1920

Birth: 10Nov1868 New York, USAbirth4

Death: Bef. 1920 Brooklyn. New Yorkdeath4


Father: James Quinn

Mother: Catherine Burke

James Martin Quinn - 1874 to 1958

Birth: 22 Mar 1874 Foreman, Little River County, Arkansas, USAbirth5

Death: 08 Nov 1958 Henderson Co. TX.death5


Father: William Quinn

Mother: Mary Alice

James Quinn - 1858 to 1917

Birth: abt 1858 Monkwearmouth, Durham, Englandbirth6

Death: 7Mar 1917 Wearmouth colliery Sunderlanddeath6


Father: Charles Quin

Mother: Margaret Mullen

James H Quinn - 1848 to 1935

Birth: Jun 1848 , Rockbridge, Virginia, USAbirth7

Death: 4 Aug 1935 Belle, Kanawha, WV, USAdeath7


Father: Patrick Quinn

Mother: Agnes Jinnet Icenhower/Quinn

James Quinn - 1880 to 1955

Birth: 15 Aug 1880 Louisville City, Jefferson, Kentuckybirth8

Death: 21 May 1955 Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, USAdeath8


Father: James J Quinn (Coyle)

Mother: Bridget (Coyle) QUINN

James Vincent Quinn - 1897 to 1990

Birth: 04 May 1897 Illinois, USAbirth9

Death: 10/03/1990 Carroll, Carroll County, Iowa, USAdeath9


Father: James Henry Quinn

Mother: Bridget Mary Prendergast

James Quinn - 1911 to 1994

Birth: abt 1911 Georgiabirth10

Death: Mar. 7,1994 Rossville, Walker, Georgia, United States of Americadeath10


Father: Juan Fernando Quinn

Mother: Rosa Lee Tate

James Henry Quinn - 1870 to 1944

Birth: 24 Feb 1870 Scottsboro, Jackson, Alabama, USAbirth11

Death: Nov 1944 Ada, Pontotoc, Oklahoma, USAdeath11


Father: Aughurn Quinn

Mother: Sarah Morre Quinn

James M Quinn - 1851 to 1925

Birth: 14 March 1851 Martin County, Indiana, USAbirth12

Death: 9 November 1925 Rushville, Schuyler County, Illinois, USAdeath12


Father: Salathiel Quinn

Mother: Elizabeth Gillespie

James F Quinn - 1821 to 1884

Birth: 20 July1821 Dublin, Irelandbirth13

Death: January 1884 Liverpool,Lancashire, United Kingdomdeath13


Father: John Quinn

Mother: Margaret Greathead

James Spurgeon Quinn - 1868 to 1945

Birth: 4 Oct 1868 Petersburg, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth14

Death: 1945 Baldwin, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAdeath14


Father: Lemuel A. Quinn

Mother: Anna Mary Horning

James Warren Quinn - 1884 to 1970

Birth: 3 Jan 1884 Dallas, Texasbirth15

Death: May 9.1970 Coleman, Texasdeath15


Father: John Henry Quinn

Mother: Elizabeth Ellen Bethurum

James R. Quinn - 1913 to 2001

Birth: 18 Apr 1913 Johnstown, Cambria, Pennsylvaniabirth16

Death: 16 Jun 2001 Roxbury Johnstown PAdeath16


Father: Thomas Girard Quinn

Mother: Eleanor Christine McDonald

James Melton Quinn - 1876 to 1957

Birth: 09 Sep 1876 Quinton, Jefferson County, Albirth17

Death: 30 Oct 1957 Jefferson County, Alabama, USAdeath17


Father: Hugh Anderson Quinn

Mother: Mary Jane Mauldin

James Quinn - 1849 to 1918

Birth: abt 1849 Irelandbirth18

Death: 22 Mar 1918 Brooklyn Kings, New York, USAdeath18


Father: Eugene "Owen" Quinn

Mother: Rose O'Brien

James H Quinn - 1835 to 1901

Birth: 6 November 1835 Irelandbirth19

Death: 18 Nov 1901 Rush, Shiawasee, Michigandeath19


Father: Osborne Quinn

Mother: Agnes J McNeilly

James Amo quinn - 1927 to 1992

Birth: 28 Feb 1927 Harwood Mines, Hazleton, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USAbirth20

Death: 4 Jun 1992 Hazleton, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USAdeath20


Father: Frank Collins

Mother: Loretta Beatrice Quinn

James Armstong Quinn - 1888 to 1966

Birth: abt 1888 Pennsylvaniabirth21

Death: June 1966 Hatboro, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USAdeath21


Father: Thomas Nixon Quinn

Mother: Mary Ann Armstong

James Robeson Quinn - 1905 to 1980

Birth: 1905 Texasbirth22

Death: 21 Apr 1980 Waco Txdeath22


Father: James Robeson Quinn

Mother: Iva May Wise

James Quinn - 1853 to 1927

Birth: 31 Jul 1853 Piedmont, Hampshire, Virginia, USAbirth23

Death: 27 Jun 1927 Vacaville, Solano, California, USAdeath23


Father: William Henry Quinn

Mother: Sarah Steele / Clark

James C Quinn - 1881 to 1952

Birth: 19 Jul 1881 South Carolinabirth24

Death: 1952 Newberry, South Carolina, USAdeath24


Father: Rev Quinn

Mother: Clarissa Pruitt

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