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Results for "James Caldwell"

1 - 25 of 10,402 Records

James Ambrose Caldwell - 1853 to 1921

Birth: 14 Oct 1853 , Beaver, PAbirth0

Death: 27 Feb 1921 Cambridge Springs, Crawford, Pennsylvania, United Statesdeath0


Father: Robert Caldwell

Mother: Rebecca Dean Johnston

James Shipp Caldwell - 1881 to 1942

Birth: Jan 1881 Kentucky, USAbirth1

Death: 9 Nov 1942 Fresno Co., CA, USAdeath1


Father: Richard Garnett Caldwell

Mother: Fannie Davis

James Donaldson Caldwell - 1853 to 1936

Birth: 4 January 1853 Hastings, Ontario, Canadabirth2

Death: 23 October 1936 Dearborn, Wayne, Michigan, USAdeath2


Father: John Caldwell

Mother: Anne Cassidy


Birth: MARCH 25, 1875 JONESBORO, ARKANSASbirth3

Death: 28 Decembber 1939 Winnsboro, Little Hope Wood County, Texas, USAdeath3


Father: David Lawson Caldwell

Mother: Rebecca Caroline Smith

James Jim Caldwell - 1810 to 1895

Birth: 31 Oct 1810 South Carolina, United Statesbirth4

Death: 29 Oct 1895 Union, Mississippi, United Statesdeath4


Father: John CALDWELL

Mother: Margaret Reid

James Robertson CALDWELL - 1892 to 1975

Birth: 03 Jul 1892 Greenbrier, West Virginia, United Statesbirth5

Death: 10 Apr 1975 Houston, Harris, Texas, USAdeath5


Father: John North Caldwell

Mother: Caroline Stribling Waller

James Monroe Caldwell - 1866 to 1926

Birth: April 15, 1866 Texas USbirth6

Death: June 2, 1926 Heavener, Le Flore, Oklahoma USAdeath6


Father: James Monroe Caldwell

Mother: Cornelia Fannie Wortham (Caldwell George)

James Cranston Caldwell - 1920 to 2009

Birth: 24 Dec 1920 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USAbirth7

Death: 4 Jun 2009 Warren, Macomb, Michigan, United Statesdeath7


Father: James Cranston Caldwell

Mother: Leonora Elizabeth Clay

James D Caldwell - 1869 to 1964

Birth: 18 Oct 1869 Pike County, Mississippi, USAbirth8

Death: 24 Dec 1964 Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USAdeath8


Father: John William Caldwell

Mother: Mary C Caldwell

James W Caldwell - 1913 to 2003

Birth: 27 Nov 1913 Delta ILbirth9

Death: 08 Jul 2003 Thebes, Alexander, Illinois, USAdeath9


Father: William Lee Caldwell

Mother: Ider Caldwell

James Lennie Caldwell - 1896 to 1967

Birth: 26 Dec 1896 Sulphur Springs, Carroll Co., Virginia, USAbirth10

Death: 24 November 1967 Galax, Galax City, Virginia, USAdeath10


Father: George W Caldwell

Mother: Sally Ann Leonard

james patrick caldwell - 1839 to 1909

Birth: 17 Dec 1839 WEST TENNESSEEbirth11

Death: 2/Nov/1909 Pineville, McDonald, Missouri, USAdeath11


Father: William Caldwell

Mother: Mary (Polly) MCCUTCHEON

James Forrest Caldwell - 1881 to 1947

Birth: 21 May 1881 Clay CO, Texasbirth12

Death: 1947 Tampadeath12



Mother: Rosa Ann Reedy

James Camel Caldwell - 1902 to 1985

Birth: 11 Oct 1902 Salyersville, Magoffin, Kentucky, United Statesbirth13

Death: 26 Jul 1985 Wenatchee, Chelan, Washington, United Statesdeath13


Father: Shadrack Caldwell

Mother: Leah Bolling

James Caldwell - 1891 to 1963

Birth: 19 May 1891 Louisianabirth14

Death: 26 NOV 1963 Wadley Hosp., Texarkana, Cass Co., Texasdeath14


Father: Lafayette Caldwell

Mother: Fannie GILLIAM

James Caldwell - 1824 to 1903

Birth: 10 Jun 1824 Ayr, Ayrshirebirth15

Death: 29 JAN 1903 4 Academy Street,Riccarton,Ayrshire,Scotland, UKdeath15


Father: James Caldwell

Mother: Elizabeth Montgomery

James W Caldwell - 1847 to 1917

Birth: 1847 South Carolinabirth16

Death: September 16, 1917 Galveston, Galveston, Texas, USAdeath16


Father: James Peden Caldwell

Mother: Sarah Chapman

James Caldwell - 1884

Birth: 12 May 1884 Leake County, Mississippi, USAbirth17

Death: DECEASED Buna, Jasper, Texas, USAdeath17


Father: Robert Winfield Caldwell


James George Caldwell - 1882 to 1967

Birth: 15 APR 1882 New Yorkbirth18

Death: JAN 1967 Fulton, Oswego, New York, death18


Father: Henry Caldwell

Mother: Isabelle B Caldwell

James Caldwell - 1904 to 1986

Birth: abt 1904 Mississippibirth19

Death: 24 Mar 1986 Dallas, Texasdeath19


Father: Alonzo Caldwell

Mother: Fannie F Ritchie

James Caldwell - 1875 to 1933

Birth: 28 February 1875 Tennesseebirth20

Death: 16 Oct 1933 Lawton, Blaine, Oklahoma, United Statesdeath20


Father: Samuel P Caldwell

Mother: Sophrona Givens ??

James Edward Caldwell - 1921 to 2001

Birth: 28 February 1921 Cragford Cla, Alabamabirth21

Death: 08 May 2001 Alabama, USAdeath21


Father: Andrew J. Caldwell

Mother: Phoeba I Walker

james Duncan caldwell - 1862 to 1936

Birth: 15 Apr 1862 Coal Valley, Allegheny, Pennsylvaniabirth22

Death: 5 Apr 1936 Clairton, Allegheny, Pennsylvaniadeath22


Father: John Caldwell

Mother: Sarah Campbell Caldwell

James A Caldwell - 1838 to 1914

Birth: 14 Dec 1838 Tennesseebirth23

Death: 5 Feb 1914 Graves, Kentucky, United Statesdeath23


Father: Robert T. Caldwell

Mother: Linna Jebolt

James Joseph Caldwell - 1873 to 1965

Birth: abt 1873 Texasbirth24

Death: 10 Aug 1965 Madison, Texasdeath24


Father: James Joseph Caldwell

Mother: Olive Sharp

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