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Results for "Ivy Foster"

1 - 25 of 417 Records
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ivy foster

Birth: 1898 Hampton, Middlesex, England

Death: Mar 1978 Hounslow, Greater London, England


Father: Charles Arthur Perryman

Mother: Mary Ellen Foster

Female IconMale Icon

Ivy Foster

Birth: 25 August 1891 Guiseley Yorkshire England

Death: Mar 1970 Leeds Yorkshire England


Father: George William Foster

Mother: Joanna Munns

Female IconMale Icon

Ivy Louisa Foster

Birth: 1885 Omeo, Victoria

Death: 1975 Altona, Victoria


Father: Thomas Foster

Mother: Sarah Ann Grant

Female IconMale Icon

Ivy Jeanette Foster

Birth: 1899 Cayman Brac, Cayman Islands

Death: 1978 Cayman Brac, Cayman Islands


Father: Theodore Nathaniel Tibbetts

Mother: Rachel Avice Thompson

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Ivy Henrietta Foster

Birth: 18 Jul 1914 Ellesmere Shropshire, England

Death: 2015 Wem Shropshire, England



Mother: Edith Tarbuck

Female IconMale Icon

Ivy Louise Foster

Birth: 18 January 1903 Cayman Brac, Cayman Islands

Death: 1944 Cayman Brac, Cayman Islands


Father: Torebio Alonzo Lazzari

Mother: Mary Lyons

Female IconMale Icon

Ivy Irene Foster

Birth: 1898 Belair, South Australia, Australia

Death: 19 JUN 1985 Adelaide, South Australia, Australia


Father: Albert Foster

Mother: Eliza Slater

Female IconMale Icon

Ivy Louise Foster

Birth: 18 January 1903 Cayman Brac, Cayman Islands

Death: 1944 Cayman Brac, Cayman Islands


Father: Torebio Alonzo Lazzari

Mother: Mary Lyons

Female IconMale Icon

Ivy Foster

Birth: 5 Sep 1921 Sculcoates Hull Yorkshire England

Death: 2001 Hull, Yorkshire, England


Father: Richard Foster

Mother: Eliza Benstead

Female IconMale Icon

Ivy Foster

Birth: 14 April 1884 Hobart Tasmania, Australia

Death: 15 FEB 1975 Hobart, Tasmania, Australia


Father: Alfred Foster

Mother: Harriet Lipscombe

Female IconMale Icon

Ivy Foster

Birth: Jan 1900 Sheffield, Yorkshire, England

Death: 1962 Meriden, Warwickshire, England


Father: John Clarke Foster

Mother: Agnes Tyne

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Ivy Florence Foster

Birth: 05 Jan 1920 Stonehouse

Death: 10 Oct 2006 Yelverton, Devon


Father: Frederick Charles Foster

Mother: Alice Laura Hambly

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Ivy Foster

Birth: 25 Dec 1904 Northampton, Northamptonshire

Death: Feb 1997 Northampton, Northamptonshire, England


Father: Archibald Foster

Mother: Gertrude Eliza Walding

Female IconMale Icon

Ivy Margaret Foster

Birth: 10 May 1903 Southwark, London

Death: Jan 1987 Southwark, Greater London, England


Father: Alfred George Foster

Mother: Flora Phelps

Female IconMale Icon

Ivy Foster

Birth: abt 1899 Bacup, Lancashire, England

Death: 17 Jan 1967 Cheshire


Father: John Foster

Mother: Alice Lousia Aston

Female IconMale Icon

Ivy Foster

Birth: 5 Oct 1896 Salisbury, Wiltshire, England, United Kingdom

Death: 28 June 1962 Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Father: Robert William Foster

Mother: Emily Mills

Female IconMale Icon

Ivy Mary Foster

Birth: abt 1901 Middlesbrough, Yorkshire, England

Death: 9 Jun 1975 Victoria, British Columbia


Father: Joseph Foster

Mother: Isabella Reay

Female IconMale Icon

Ivy Mary Foster

Birth: abt 1901 Middlesbrough, Yorkshire, England

Death: 9 Jun 1975 Victoria, British Columbia


Father: Joseph Foster

Mother: Isabella Reay

Female IconMale Icon

Ivy Foster

Birth: 5 Oct 1895 West Ham, Essex, England

Death: 13 Mar 1961 Eton, Buckinghamshire, England


Father: Joseph Foster

Mother: Emma Palmer

Female IconMale Icon

Ivy Mary Foster

Birth: Mar 1897 Ilkley, Yorkshire, England

Death: 1944 Seattle, WA


Father: David Philpot

Mother: Mary Foster

Female IconMale Icon

Ivy Margaret Foster

Birth: 1910 Bondi, New South Wales, Australia

Death: 20 JUL 1997 Sydney, New South Wales, Australia


Father: Charles Foster

Mother: Margeret Dowling

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Birth: 28th August 1895 New South Wales

Death: 16 Jan 1977 Maroochydore, Qld


Father: George Edward FOSTER

Mother: Elizabeth SALMOND

Female IconMale Icon

Ivy Mary Foster

Birth: Mar 1897 Ilkley, Yorkshire, England

Death: 1944 Seattle, WA


Father: David Philpot

Mother: Mary Foster

Female IconMale Icon

Ivy Constance FOSTER

Birth: 1906 Claremont, Western Australia, Australia

Death: 10 Mar 1970 Semaphore, South Australia, Australia


Father: Horace Fertch FOSTER

Mother: Alice Maria ARMSTRONG

Female IconMale Icon



Death: Jun 1992 Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England


Father: John Foster

Mother: Mary Ann Millership

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