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Results for "Isaac Cohen"

1 - 25 of 2,598 Records

Isaac Cohen - 1865 to 1968

Birth: Aug 1865 Poland, Russiabirth0

Death: Bef 1968 Russiadeath0


Father: Kicel David Cohen

Mother: Rochael Cohen

Isaac Cohen - 1862 to 1937

Birth: 1862 Vilkupe, Jēkabpils, Latviabirth1

Death: Dec/25/1937 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusettsdeath1


Father: Shneur Azril Zack

Mother: Mary Cohen

Isaac Cohen - 1865 to 1968

Birth: Aug 1865 Poland, Russiabirth2

Death: Bef 1968 Russiadeath2


Father: Kicel David Cohen

Mother: Rochael Cohen

Isaac (Ike) Cohen - 1860 to 1922

Birth: 24 MAR 1860 Memphis, Tennesseebirth3

Death: 25 FEB 1922 San Antonio, Texas United States of Americadeath3


Father: William Cohen

Mother: Rachel Slager

Isaac Cohen - 1850 to 1914

Birth: 4 Feb 1850 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvaniabirth4

Death: 15 Sep 1914 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvaniadeath4


Father: Jacob Cohen

Mother: Sarah Jacobs

Isaac Cohen - 1866 to 1932

Birth: Jun 1866 Whitechapel, London, Englandbirth5

Death: 1932 San Francisco, California, USAdeath5


Father: Abraham Cohen

Mother: Julia Abrahams

Isaac Cohen - 1885 to 1945

Birth: 6 Jan 1885 Koretz, Russiabirth6

Death: Oct. 1945 Boston, MA?death6


Father: Harold Cohen

Mother: Freda Schneider

Isaac M Cohen - 1875 to 1946

Birth: abt 1875 Russiabirth7

Death: May 5, 1946 USAdeath7


Father: Fishel Cohen

Mother: Zelda Cohen

Isaac Cohen - 1898 to 1985

Birth: abt 1898 New Yorkbirth8

Death: 9 Jun 1985 Dade County, FL USAdeath8


Father: Jacob (Caranovich)Cohen

Mother: Dora D Lipman

Isaac M Cohen - 1875 to 1946

Birth: abt 1875 Russiabirth9

Death: May 5, 1946 USAdeath9


Father: Fishel Cohen

Mother: Zelda Cohen

Isaac Cohen - 1863 to 1936

Birth: Mar 1863 Poland, Russiabirth10

Death: 30 October 1936 New York, USAdeath10


Father: Alexander Cohen Tsirlov

Mother: Hinda Jacobson

Isaac Cohen - 1781 to 1861

Birth: abt 1781 Hastings, Sussex, Englandbirth11

Death: 23 Mar 1861 Hackneydeath11


Father: Shilo Cohen

Mother: Eve

Isaac Cohen - 1885 to 1933

Birth: ABT 1885 Kastoria, Greecebirth12

Death: ABT 1933 Bronx, New Yorkdeath12


Father: Joseph Cohen

Mother: Sarah Elias

isaac cohen - 1916 to 2006

Birth: oct 21, 1916 New York (Bronx), Bronx, New York, USAbirth13

Death: 15 Jan 2006 Culver City, Los Angeles, Californiadeath13


Father: Abraham Cohen

Mother: Rose Rachel Abrams

Isaac "Ike" Cohen - 1894 to 1942

Birth: abt 1894 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USAbirth14

Death: 11 Jan 1942 Winthrop, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USAdeath14


Father: Hyman COHEN/KAGAN

Mother: Goldie Markiewicz

Isaac Cohen - 1905 to 1974

Birth: abt 1905 Turkeybirth15

Death: 8 Jul 1974 North Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, Nassau, New York, USAdeath15


Father: Hyman Cohen

Mother: Goldie Nachman

Isaac Cohen - 1846 to 1915

Birth: abt 1846 New Yorkbirth16

Death: 1 Dec 1915 Cook, Illinois, United Statesdeath16


Father: Simon Cohen

Mother: Simha Sebag

Isaac Cohen - 1841 to 1910

Birth: Mar 1841 Spitalfields, Middlesex, ENGbirth17

Death: 1 Oct 1910 Girdler Hotel, Herne Bay, Surrey, Englanddeath17


Father: Barnett Cohen

Mother: Sarah Hyman

Isaac Abraham Cohen - 1875 to 1949

Birth: 16 Apr 1875 Russiabirth18

Death: 1949 Brooklyn, New York, USAdeath18


Father: Asher Katz

Mother: Sarah Gelberg

Isaac Cohen - 1840 to 1864

Birth: ABT 1840 Middlesex, Londonbirth19

Death: 15 Dec 1864 Middlesex, Englanddeath19


Father: Abraham Cohen

Mother: Deborah Genese

Isaac Cohen - 1892 to 1946

Birth: 1892 Deretchen, Polandbirth20

Death: 1946 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAdeath20


Father: Yehoshua Heschel Cohen

Mother: Zelda Alta Rabinowitz

Isaac Cohen - 1885 to 1952

Birth: abt 1885 Mile End Old Town, Londonbirth21

Death: 19 Fév 1952 Mile End, Stepney, Londondeath21


Father: Benjamin Cohen

Mother: Esther Isaacs

Isaac Abraham Cohen - 1875 to 1949

Birth: 16 Apr 1875 Russiabirth22

Death: 1949 Brooklyn, New York, USAdeath22


Father: Asher Katz

Mother: Sarah Gelberg

Isaac Bohor Cohen - 1880 to 1947

Birth: 30 Sep 1880 Monastir City, Turkeybirth23

Death: 1947 Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana, United States of Americadeath23


Father: Benjamin Cohen

Mother: Matilda Cohen

Isaac COHEN - 1863 to 1936

Birth: Mar 1863 Poland, Russiabirth24

Death: 30 October 1936 New York, USAdeath24


Father: Kalman Cohen

Mother: Goldie Abrams

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