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Results for "isaac bataille"

Name: Isaac BATAILLE

Birth: 13 JAN 1717 Cogners,72310,Sarthe,Pays de la Loire,FRANCE,

Death: 15 APR 1793

Father: Michel BATAILLE

Mother: Renée JOLIVEAU

Name: Isaac Bataille

Birth: 17 Feb 1669 le Coudray, Eure, Haute-Normandie, France

Death: Not Available

Father: Pierre Bataille

Mother: Marie Lebouleur

Name: Isaac BATAILLE

Birth: 15 FEB 1788 Cogners,72310,Sarthe,Pays de la Loire,FRANCE

Death: 9 MAR 1788 Cogners,72310,Sarthe,Pays de la Loire,FRANCE

Father: René BATAILLE

Mother: Magdeleine ROUSSEAU

Name: Isaac BATAILLE

Birth: 18 JAN 1713 Cogners,72310,Sarthe,Pays de la Loire,FRANCE

Death: 16 AUG 1716 Cogners,72310,Sarthe,Pays de la Loire,FRANCE

Father: Michel BATAILLE

Mother: Renée JOLIVEAU

Name: Isaac Bataille

Birth: 1672

Death: 9 Sep 1676 Le Coudray, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France

Father: David Bataille

Mother: Marie Peigne

Name: Isaac Bataille

Birth: 1700

Death: Abt 1732

Father: Isaac Bataille

Mother: Judith Petit

Name: Isaac BATAILLE

Birth: CAL 1638

Death: 2 JAN 1708 Cogners,72310,Sarthe,Pays de la Loire,FRANCE

Father: Barthélémy BATAILLE

Mother: Marguerite PINSON

Name: Isaac Bataille

Birth: 22 May 1698

Death: abt 1724

Father: Michel Bataille

Mother: Elisabeth Du Poncel

Name: Isaac BATAILLE

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Isaac BATAILLE

Mother: Julienne NOBLET

Name: Isaac Bataille

Birth: abt 1690

Death: Abt 1732 Westminster, London

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Isaac Bataille

Birth: 17 Janv 1630 Vierzon, France

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Isaac Bataille

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: isaac bataille

Birth: Not Available London, England

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Isaac Bataille

Birth: about 1700

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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