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Results for "Isaac Basye"

1 - 25 of 67 Records

Isaac Basye - 1916 to 1983

Birth: 1916 OHIObirth0

Death: July 5, 1983 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USAdeath0


Father: Charles Wesley Basye

Mother: Maud K. Lowery

Isaac Basye - 1916 to 1983

Birth: 1916 OHIObirth1

Death: July 5, 1983 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USAdeath1


Father: Charles Wesley Basye

Mother: Maud K. Lowery

Isaac N Basye - 1861 to 1942

Birth: Aug 1861 Tipton, Cedar County, Iowabirth2

Death: 01 Aug 1942 Jewell City, Buffalo Twp, Jewell Co, KS death2


Father: Isaac Basye

Mother: Nancy Ashpaugh

Isaac N Basye - 1861 to 1942

Birth: Aug 1861 Tipton, Cedar County, Iowabirth3

Death: 01 Aug 1942 Jewell City, Buffalo Twp, Jewell Co, KS death3


Father: Isaac Basye

Mother: Nancy Ashpaugh

Isaac N Basye - 1832 to 1905

Birth: 8 Jun 1832 Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois, United Statesbirth4

Death: 30 Jun 1905 Lima, Grant, Wisconsin, United Statesdeath4


Father: Joseph Jackson Basye

Mother: Anna Pickett WATSON-BASYE

Isaac N Basye - 1861 to 1942

Birth: Aug 1861 Tipton, Cedar County, Iowabirth5

Death: 01 Aug 1942 Jewell City, Buffalo Twp, Jewell Co, KS death5


Father: Isaac Basye

Mother: Nancy Ashpaugh

Isaac Basye - 1916 to 1983

Birth: 1916 OHIObirth6

Death: July 5, 1983 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USAdeath6


Father: Charles Wesley Basye

Mother: Maud K. Lowery

ISAAC BASYE - 1671 to 1739

Birth: 1671 Northumberland, , Virginia, USAbirth7

Death: 8 Oct 1739 Northumberland, , Virginia, USAdeath7


Father: Edmond Basye

Mother: Elizabeth "Eliza" Taylor

ISAAC BASYE - 1671 to 1739

Birth: 1671 Northumberland, , Virginia, USAbirth8

Death: 8 Oct 1739 Northumberland, , Virginia, USAdeath8


Father: Edmond Basye

Mother: Elizabeth "Eliza" Taylor

Isaac Nimrod BASYE - 1865 to 1925

Birth: 02 Jul 1865 Newton, Pike, Ohio, USAbirth9

Death: 21 Dec 1925 Newton, Pike, Ohio, USAdeath9


Father: Henry W. Basye

Mother: Mary Wyckoff

Isaac Basye - 1671 to 1739

Birth: 1671 Northumberland Co, Virginia Colonybirth10

Death: 08 Oct 1739 Northumberland Co, Virginia Colonydeath10


Father: Edmond Basye

Mother: Elizabeth Taylor

Isaac Newton Basye - 1807 to 1895

Birth: 24 Feb 1807 St Louis, St Louis, Missouri, United Statesbirth11

Death: 8 Oct 1895 Troy, Lincoln, Missouri, United Statesdeath11


Father: John Baisey

Mother: Agnes Ballew

Isaac Basye - 1822 to 1897

Birth: 8 Sep 1822 St Clair, St Clair, Illinois, United Statesbirth12

Death: 8 Jan 1897 Jewell, Jewell, Kansas, United Statesdeath12


Father: Isaac Basye

Mother: Patience Nearin

Isaac Basye - 1780 to 1864

Birth: 20 Sep 1780 St Marys, St Mary's County, Maryland, United Statesbirth13

Death: 1864 Nebraska City, Otoe, Nebraska, United Statesdeath13


Father: Edmond Basye

Mother: Elizabeth Taylor

Isaac B Basye - 1870 to 1905

Birth: Jan 1870 Newton, Pike, Ohio, United Statesbirth14

Death: 7 Feb 1905 Riverdale, Pike County, Ohio


Father: James M. BAYSE

Mother: Rosanna Huddley- Basye

Isaac Basye - 1816 to 1869

Birth: 9 June 1816 Lancaster, Lancaster, Virginia, United Statesbirth15

Death: 4 Jun 1869 Whitney, Hill, Texas, United Statesdeath15


Father: Elizamon Basye

Mother: Elizabeth Betsey Cundiff

Isaac L Basye - 1839 to 1863

Birth: abt 1839 Davidson, Tennessebirth16

Death: aft 12 Jul 1863 during wardeath16


Father: Isaac Basye

Mother: Joannah Ann Adcock

Isaac Basye - 1700 to 1739

Birth: 1700 Northumberland, Virginia, United Statesbirth17

Death: 8 October 1739 Northumberland, Virginia, United Statesdeath17


Father: Edmond Basye

Mother: Lydia Karrenhappock

Isaac Basye - 1718 to 1761

Birth: Abt 1718 of Northumberland, Vabirth18

Death: 12 May 1761 Northumberland, Virginia, USAdeath18


Father: Isaac Basye


Isaac Basye - 1750

Birth: 1750 Northumberland County, Virginiabirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: William Basye

Mother: Elizabeth

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