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Results for "Irvin Baughman"

1 - 9 of 9 Records

Irvin William Baughman - 1882 to 1938

Birth: 20 FEB 1882 Indianabirth0

Death: 1938 Ponca City IOOF Cemeterydeath0


Father: Jacob Baughman

Mother: Alice May Hughs

Irvin Willard Baughman - 1864 to 1937

Birth: 23 Mar 1864 Buckhart, Christian, Illinois, United Statesbirth1

Death: 11 Nov 1937 Claremont, Los Angeles, California, USAdeath1


Father: Joel Baughman

Mother: Maria Lucinda Kemmerer

Irvin Columbus Baughman - 1892 to 1959

Birth: 21 Oct 1892 Pulaski, Davis, Iowa, USAbirth2

Death: 20 Aug 1959 Grand Junction, Mesa, Colorado, USAdeath2


Father: John Franklin Baughman

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Hartzler

Irvin Lee Baughman - 1929 to 2015

Birth: 18 Nov 1929 Arkansasbirth3

Death: 20 Sep 2015 Arkansasdeath3


Father: Walter Joseph Baughman

Mother: Emma Ann Holyfield

Irvin Robert Baughman - 1907

Birth: 24 Jul 1907 Mancelona, Michigan, USAbirth4

Death: Not Available


Father: Robert Matson Baughman

Mother: Myrtle Clark Jack

Irvin Wayne Baughman - 1938 to 1999

Birth: 29 Sep 1938 Hardwood, Coal, Oklahoma, United Statesbirth5

Death: 21 Dec 1999 Atoka, Atoka, Oklahoma, United Statesdeath5


Father: George Norvin Thurman Baughman

Mother: Not Available

Irvin A. Baughman - 1916 to 1988

Birth: 24 Dec 1916 Pennsylvaniabirth6

Death: 5 Feb 1988 Scottdale, Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, USAdeath6


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Irvin Wayne Baughman - 1938 to 1999

Birth: 1938 Oklahomabirth7

Death: 1999 Oklahomadeath7


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Irvin Baughman

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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