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Results for "irma bauman"

Name: Irma Jane Bauman

Birth: 1912 Indiana

Death: 1 Aug 2001 El Dorado, Union, Arkansas, USA

Father: Henry F Bauman

Mother: Ida Belle Powell

Name: Irma D Bauman

Birth: 14 Apr 1903 Iowa

Death: Jul 1970 Monona County, Iowa, USA

Father: Henry Bauman

Mother: Nina Blanche Barber

Name: Irma Bauman

Birth: 15 Feb 1897 Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana

Death: Not Available

Father: Sebastian Bauman

Mother: Elizabeth M Thalheimer

Name: Irma Jean Bauman

Birth: 10 July 1931 Seattle, King, Washington

Death: 5 April 2015 Lakeport, CA

Father: Willy Bruno Baumann

Mother: Jessie Sophie Konzelman

Name: Irma V Bauman

Birth: 16 Feb 1904 Kings, New York, USA

Death: 19 Dec 1991 Freeport, Nassau, New York, USA

Father: Henry L Baumann

Mother: Martha E Witte

Name: Irma Bauman

Birth: 22 Oct 1882 Manistee, Michigan, United States of America

Death: 1963

Father: Max Frederick Baumann

Mother: Louise Katharine Runkel

Name: Irma M Bauman

Birth: 1924

Death: 2019

Father: Charles Raymond Bauman

Mother: Josephine A Wittiner

Name: Irma L Bauman

Birth: 12 Sep 1890 Wisconsin

Death: Not Available

Father: Frank Bonnan

Mother: Augusta Reichow

Name: Irma Bauman

Birth: 1903 Mississippi

Death: Not Available

Father: James Bowman

Mother: Agnes Bowman

Name: Irma Bauman

Birth: 9 July 1919 Adelia Wayne, Pennsylvania

Death: 23 September 2002 Honesdale, Wayne, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Walter Bauman

Mother: Private

Name: Irma Rivera Bauman

Birth: 7 Oct 1950 Corpus Christi, Texas

Death: 24 Oct 2019 San Antonio, Texas

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Irma Bauman

Birth: Abt 1891 Domb, Germany

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Irma V Bauman

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Irma L Bauman

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Irma C Bauman

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Irma Bauman

Birth: abt 1889 Ohio

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Irma Jean Bauman

Birth: Unknown

Death: Unknown

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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