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Results for "irma baum"

Name: Irma Baum

Birth: 28 JUL 1894 Moffet, Bell County, Texas

Death: 29 MAY 1968 New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana

Father: Adolph Baum

Mother: Bertha Miller

Name: Irma BAUM

Birth: Sep 1887 Wisconsin

Death: 7 Sep 1938 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Father: William Wilhelm Baum

Mother: Meta Teweles

Name: Irma Ernesteen Baum

Birth: 20 NOV 1896 Weir, Cherokee County, Kansas

Death: 25 September 1977 Weir, Cherokee, Kansas, USA

Father: Charles Henry Baum

Mother: Ruth Adell (Della) Evins

Name: Irma Leona Baum

Birth: 4 Oct 1911 Saint Leo's-catholic, Irvington, Essex, New Jersey

Death: 24 Oct 1996 Middletown, Monmouth, New Jersey, USA

Father: Frederick W Baum

Mother: Irma Prudence Wittervrongel

Name: Irma BAUM

Birth: 14 Mar 1901 Viersen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Death: 15 Jun 1955 Sheffield, Yorkshire, England

Father: Isaac BAUM

Mother: Klara CAHN

Name: Irma Baum

Birth: 19.08.1929 Wiesbaden, Hessen, Deutschland

Death: ungefähr 2011 Wiesbaden, Hessen, Deutschland

Father: Wilhelm Emil Baum

Mother: Frieda Giebel

Name: Irma Baum

Birth: Sep 1887 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

Death: Sep 1938 Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, USA

Father: William Baum

Mother: Meta Teweles

Name: Irma Baum

Birth: 30 MAY 1895 Nabburg

Death: 21 JAN 1942 KZ Riga

Father: Alois Baum

Mother: Clara Wilmersdoerfer

Name: Irma Baum

Birth: 06. Juli 1944 Kindenheim, Rheinland-Pfalz

Death: 22. Januar 1998 Kindenheim, Rheinland-Pfalz

Father: Johann Baum

Mother: Gertrud Vogt

Name: Irma Margaret Baum

Birth: 1903 Clapton

Death: Not Available

Father: Ernest Henry Otto Baum

Mother: Margaret Murneann

Name: Irma Baum

Birth: 1 Mar 1893 Germany

Death: Not Available

Father: Josef Baum

Mother: Babette Weil

Name: Irma Baum

Birth: abt 1897 Louisiana

Death: Not Available

Father: John Richard Hill

Mother: Caroline "Carrie" Schleasman

Name: Irma Baum

Birth: 1911 New Jersey

Death: Not Available

Father: Frederick W Baum

Mother: Irma Prudence Wittervrongel

Name: Irma BAUM

Birth: 14 Mar 1901 Viersen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Death: 15 Jun 1955

Father: Isaac BAUM

Mother: Private

Name: Irma Baum

Birth: 10 JAN 1911 Forquetinha

Death: 04 NOV 1965 Lajeado

Father: Carlos BAUM

Mother: Private

Name: Irma Baum

Birth: 3 Mar 1893 Germany

Death: 3 Jan 1968 Finchley, London, England

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Irma BAUM

Birth: Not Available

Death: Aft. 1927 New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, USA

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Irma Baum

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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